I have a couple questions That I would like intelligent progressives to answer

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Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
So i got censored last night on another thread but i had a couple solid question to ask at the end of it .
It maybe did deserve its own thread maybe i was having a lil fun to and just banged it out one two three real fast

Being a newbie here Ive seen quite a few "socialism is the mailman "what are you so afraid of threads "


The topic of the thread i got censored on was joe biden and a bunch of globalist pro euro politburo types "bashing" nationalist", trump of course while western Europe teeters on complete collapse
it got the wheels turning round and round ...

Screw structured debate i figure it would be fine here .

If you don't agree with my real short take of the current situation.... what joe biden was doing there ....and what the MSM that covered it was there to run AS NEWS WELL thats fine to.

but the questions will still stand .
the POINT of all this

I'd like a serious answer from any progressive or those who keep insisting that socialism" is the sewer pipes and the mailman" " what are you afraid of " companies with employee stock options " and even "unemployment insurance "

All of it means socialism is the key to some. i also understand why you want it

so here we have Europe

I've been waiting for years for Europe to collapse, I gave it 15 years I was pretty close...its looking like its not gonna stagger on for much longer . AND I wasn't even expecting the African M.E. cultural enrichment .

I said FAIL On DAY ONE when the English were smart enough to keep the pound sterling. Year after year the the slow motion train wreck hasn't let me down chuckle after chuckle . IT could turn really really ugly .

I'm STILL leaning towards a lot of blood sooner or later on the streets of Europe and i ain't talking about whats going on in France right now .

Joe Biden's a member of the globalist establishment screw America and Americans one world government Republicrat party in Europe right now

Europes crumbling so i thought i throw a Black pigeon up along with my short take.

Cause if i really go into it ill be here for 2 hours and its really a couple simple questions that i hope an intelligent Socialist Progressive /democratic socialist will try to answer for me

really simple questions

ill continue

I repeat from the thread i got censored on cause it was on topic

black pigeon is a left-wing libertarian (that's what the man identifies himself as ) A cunuk Labeled HE IS ABSOULUTLY NOT and I quote >an American "alt right" mysoginistic NAAASEE
ill leave him off now cause why bother even though ALSO ON TOPIC OF ORIGINAL THREAD

hes not even close to a nazi

trigger warning for 20 something culture less humorless horrible comic book movie watchers.
Please do not censor ken mars or hit the mod button he wasn't really a Nazi either

Black pigeon check him out....or don't watch it! but if you're a Europe worshiping American democratic progressive and only read huff po , nyt, and wapo ...try some different POVS for a change before just shouting out words like racist and LIAR .

Hes what we call a liberal with a brain and who we can also respectfully disagree or agree with without being called a white privileged homo phobic scared racist redneck NAAASEES

which is what i'm looking for here ....dont know if ill get it

SO my quick points and ill get to the questions

It the same stupid problem the commie globalist ran into during world war 1. its why the billion dollar corporate MSM left wing propaganda arm of the corporate uni party republi-crats are making the word nationalist a " red flag "if you will to instantly shout out racist nazi .

Fox is guilty to of some of this similar kinds of nonsense ! the debates with MEGAN KELLY? .....who was clearly told to show love for latino jeb AND the week long 24hr senators funeral coverage which was sickening and done on purpose. (McCain was also called a racist Nazi when he ran for president,)

moving right along

All the left side leaning MSM press in Europe and the so-called Intelligent genders studies professors are demonizing the word nationalism and changing the definition. OR just tweaking it a lil and making it a negative making it a negative one ..thats debatable even though the ministry of truth vehemently insists its not.

RIGHT...... right

I'll get to my point WHICH LEADS TO MY QUESTION s
Side note JOHN LOCKEs ideas that others also contributed to ( That work and make sense )were around long before Marx and anyone who labeled the INTERSTATE Highway socialism..

Today I'm sure its racist to talk about him in some university circles or GOD FORBID expose ANY NEW LEGAL or NOT immigrants to ANY Western enlightenment which in my opinion would help them assimilate easier . (no matter where you personally stand on issue of illegal immigration raging for decades now)

Assimilation is also RACIST today which is a huge mistake (EXTREMELY debatable despite what the ministry of truth declares Ill even debate a Nazi that you can turn a brown skin man into a western individual who gets it )

To the " democratic socialist "who keep repeating "what are you afraid of" "define Socialism"?
I'm gonna give you a nut to help me crack open .

I know you mean well, Just like Marx ...it is a wonderful dream

TO the bum himself MARX living under one world Government Communist rule would not be abused(which is why they believe they can also change human nature.Its just another step towards UTOPIA ) All of mankind would live together with equality in every way !WORLDWIDE Peace n harmony WOULD be achieved !the end of all war!

No borders ,No race, no stratification,, it is all gonna be beautiful. AND YOU'RE All not gonna be poor. you'll have everything you want or need......really

The international is sung with gusto by every school child

AND if they gainfully employed NOW by the state or not Unicorns would deliver everyone's paychecks

Cue John Lennons imagine.... planet earths new official anthem in utopia lol

Marx ITS a wonderful dream who wouldn't want it be achievable?
I ABSOLUTELY 100% AGREE WITH MARX. it would be amazing beyond words .

No matter how many times its tried, or rather try to get it off the ground it fails! and getting to it ..... where you have to "break a few eggs" always leads to a major disaster one way or another which is why unicorns won't be dropping off a paychecks anytime soon.

There seem to be no tweaking of this dream Trotskyites and Leninist Maoist Stalinist ...tribbles blah blah blah

I GET IT though ya all mean well

SO now we're Reaching for ,moving forward, with great hope chasing the wonderful dream of a fat jolly man who likes to hang out and drink. AND HE SEEs IT especially during his time on earth that YEAH life can be unfair and downright brutal wouldn't it be wonderful IF.

If ya don't think the EU is failing a step towards the one world government. Take those rose colored glasses off and have a close look before shouting lies or racist. forget black pigeon or my 2 cents i'm saying look for yourselves

The EU is just another broken totalitarian bad idea in that step towards a one world government ..The AMERICAN mainstream press is awfully quiet about Europe...except when they put on a Nationalist bashing propaganda photo ops with JOE BIDEN . )

I remember when the NY TIMES DECLARED that socialism in France has wiped out poverty while the city was still ringed with generational brown and Black Africans on the dole along with the constant complaint of inequality and no opportunity because of the color of their skin ...WHILE STEPPING OVER the homeless on the Parisian streets

ANYWAY not to stray to far or keep weavin

Leading to my questions EUROPE which i already stated

The Unity, peace, we're all Europeans , United under Brussels!!!!!! ?ALL THAT HORSE SHIT that was shoved down their throats ? IS running into the same wall the globalist commies ran into during ww1.

BTW the french voted NON the first time you know the rest

SO In their minds nationalism (now being DEMONIZED by the ministry of Truth JUST LIKE it was during ww1 ) stands in their way and its one of the reasons we have NOT seen this utopia start to materialize ..IT NEVER DOES COALESCE does it

and with the eu about to collapse you're ALSO NOW behind schedule on this particular road to utopia.

you can actually see the eggs breaking all over Europe RIGHT NOW IN REAL TIME

because ya gotta break a few eggs ....is it eggs? or kill 25 million people ?

no matter

ill ALSO repeat
There seems to be no tweaking of this dream no matter how ya go about it
Trotskyites , Leninist ,maoist, stailist,
socailim/communisim top to bottom or bottom to top
I GET IT though like marx ya mean well

we can see how wonderful socailsim/communism is for the top even when it all goes to hell.

all while Mrs Venezuela was digging out of the garbage looking for a broken rotten egg to eat ..if she only had some veggies or meat to she could made an omelette's...wait ? is that a rotting poodle with some meat left on the bone ?

We have the examples of failed versions and mountains of bodies that show it fails to get off the ground.
IF people of vastly different races and "nationalities " can't accomplish it on a small scale in Cambodia ,North Korea ,Venezuela ,cuba

AND RIGHT NOW whitey they cant even keep Europe together ...sigh yet again

coming to an end here AND MY questions

I'm gonna exclude the Chinese (after the open for biz sign went up) right now cause if you know their history and culture Before the communist(who really never gave up the culture) you understand how they're operating now ...if you're answering my question i wouldn't exactly hold them up as examples of the right path to utopia. ...just a heads up




HEY wasn't the white guy in that picture not only a NAAASEE but Hitler himself ? IM sorry theirs just so many Hitlers and Nazis around i get confused ..will the real Adolf Hitler please stand up !
Someone once said he was great with apartments ROFLMAO

HOW DO you pull off marx's dream on a global scale Without making the same mistakes the road to socialism always seem to make ?

What makes anyone think any "elitist " group of "well educated" "establishment" western or American RETARDS
can pull it off HERE and globally to achieve Marxs dream without killing millions or next time possibly a billion or two on a global scale ?

Maybe you have the answer ?

maybe you'll change my mind ?

they keep breaking eggs BUT whens Mrs Venezuelans omelet coming ?shes starving to death .

Any serious thoughtful replies from American progressives or links will be appreciated, Add whatever you want to it . For instance Do you have a time scale to achieve this dream ? Do you demonize white Western males as racists and THEYRE JUST another roadblock that stands in your way ?

if you think ill just dismiss the world socialist website think again
I haven't looked in a long time the comment section is ....errrr well free thinkers go see for yourselves lol

BUT ITS all good let if fly!!
or not

Anything goes on my thread If it even gets a response or not just refrain from a few things.
LIke i said im new here who the fuck am I

You can even call me a homosexual slur which also may have gotten me censored last night .
someone may see it and smash the mod button though lol

it wasn't even aimed at homosexuals it was aimed at politicians (no im not gay and YES the fact that some politicians are )
like i said i may of been having to much fun

What the hell do i care care what two grown consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Oh thats right i'm supposed to for some reason .....cause its super important n like stuff like really like ya know

All i ask is Please refrain from telling me that basic infrastructure and services are socialism or that even a social safety net like unemployment insurance is socialism .

Or even some of the shitty things that western civ has done in the past .

ALL of humanity throughout history has been guilty of stunning HORRORS.

the end
but id like to add

YA know how unlucky I was. i never had a wise gender studies professor or diversity officer at my old school to tell me just how evil and racist I was.

ON second thought growing up in a city that had a borough that some estimated spoke over three hundred languages...errrrrrr i may of learned a thing or two about real tolerance , interacting with different kinds of VASTLY different people on a daily basis AND even making friends who are not exactly lily white Christan ...or were even born in this country . all before diversity officers

Also In my younger days I've been lucky enough to see a lot of the world and even lived in a foreign country for over a year.I DO thank my lucky stars I'm in the middle of a blessed life and was born in this country cause I was able to secure those blessings for myself with my own blood sweat n tears

Some of those LUCKY stars would also be the greats like John Locke and others whose shoulders Western Civilization and its Amazing advances stand on .

IM just sayin cause id like to limit the automatic stereo typing before automatically being labeled AN INTOLERANT NAAASEE ,something phobic , or scared of brown people

The questions stand on their own
Enlighten this open minded American
The Left Wingers are fanatics, and fanatics are unreasonable and irrational. They are driven by hate not by reason. It is very easy to see that they are all of the things that they profess to abhor. The truth is that they regard themselves to be victims of society; and as victims they have special rights. They seem to be more like children than wise adults.

Advice: More people will read and respond to you if you are brief and to the point. Two or three sentences are usually enough to make a point.
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