I have a question

Who were John and Peter speaking to? The body of Christ. Fellow believers. Your error into lawlessness saddens me, Chuck. What a shame. I'll keep you in my prayers. - Jeri


I forgive you anyway and don't think much of it.

You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
But don't you worry, because of your obstinance and refusal to believe in the revealed teachings of Jesus many people will become convinced about divine condemnation and that the Laws of God remain in full force.

Huh, and here I thought I was doing so well..........

God's condemnation:
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more

We have a Father that absolutely adores us.
You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
But don't you worry, because of your obstinance and refusal to believe in the revealed teachings of Jesus many people will become convinced about divine condemnation and that the Laws of God remain in full force.

Huh, and here I thought I was doing so well..........

God's condemnation:
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more

We have a Father that absolutely adores us.

For you to receive Gods mercy and forgiveness and to become acceptable to God you must repent of doing what is offensive to God.

If you had a child who was running around with a wild and irrational crowd and they got mixed up with politics, religion, criminal law, dirty money or drugs and you told them that if they didn't stop blindly barreling down the road they were on they would end up either dead or in jail would it be you condemning them and if they refused to listen and they ended up dead or in jail would it be a punishment from you?

In the same way God has made clear the way to a holy life and has given ample warning about the consequences for not heeding his commands.

if you instead of your own free will do things that are condemned by God, as you do, you will remain under his condemnation and even if you slowly disintegrate into eternal nothingness, it would not be a punishment from God but a consequence of your own deliberate choice.

sure, God is a God of love and mercy but only if you heed his commands will you dwell in his love as Jesus heeded his commands and dwelt in his Love.

God is only passionately devoted to those who are devoted to him.

By your own admission you worship a human being that you claim was one coequal person in a triune god.

Unless you repent, your eyes will rot in their sockets, your tongue will rot in your mouth, and your flesh will rot right where you stand..

Show me that in the Bible.


If you heed my commands, you shall dwell in my love, as I have heeded my Father's commands, and dwell in his love. John 15:10

"They perish because they refused to open their minds to the love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but made sinfulness a deliberate choice. 2 thess 2:5-12.

The entire Bible makes it clear that those who practice willful sin will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Show me that in the Bible.


If you heed my commands, you shall dwell in my love, as I have heeded my Father's commands, and dwell in his love. John 15:10

"They perish because they refused to open their minds to the love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but made sinfulness a deliberate choice. 2 thess 2:5-12.

The entire Bible makes it clear that those who practice willful sin will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Now provide the context.
And His commands are as follows:
Love one another.
Love your Father.

I'm not Jewish nor under Mosiac Law. <(all 600+)
I follow Jesus. He had 2 rules, and if we break them we are covered by the grace of the one who didn't break them. Not by our works, no matter how sterling.

Eternal nothingness :eek:
That will never happen. I belong to Christ. He paid the debt I owe. I look like Him now, cleansed by the blood of Christ and white as snow. Repentance is feeling so bad about a sin you have committed that you never want to do that again. Re-pent means to return to the highest level. The penthouse of the Lord, where you belong. Very important stuff. Then go be happy. You are highly favored.

pst. Condemning and judging require repentance and are sins sometimes overlooked in our daily walk with God. Just thought I'd mention that in case.........

The kindness and love I show others is a direct result of Him loving me first. :)
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And His commands are as follows:
Love one another.
Love your Father.

I'm not Jewish nor under Mosiac Law. <(all 600+)
I follow Jesus.

You may not be Jewish but if you claim to follow Jesus who was Jewish and taught obedience to Mosaic law but you disregard the law (all 600 +) and teach others to disregard the law, you have either been deceived or you are a deceiver. You do not follow Jesus,

He replied to him, &#8220;Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?&#8221; Pointing to his disciples, he said, &#8220;Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.&#8221; Mathew 12:46-50
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And His commands are as follows:
Love one another.
Love your Father.

I'm not Jewish nor under Mosiac Law. <(all 600+)
I follow Jesus.

You may not be Jewish but if you claim to follow Jesus who was Jewish and taught obedience to Mosaic law but you disregard the law (all 600 +) and teach others to disregard the law, you have either been deceived or you are a deceiver. You do not follow Jesus,

He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Mathew 12:46-50

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

John 6:29 is the will of God.

You cannot be justified by obedience to the Mosaic law:

Acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
And His commands are as follows:
Love one another.
Love your Father.

I'm not Jewish nor under Mosiac Law. <(all 600+)
I follow Jesus.

You may not be Jewish but if you claim to follow Jesus who was Jewish and taught obedience to Mosaic law but you disregard the law (all 600 +) and teach others to disregard the law, you have either been deceived or you are a deceiver. You do not follow Jesus,

He replied to him, &#8220;Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?&#8221; Pointing to his disciples, he said, &#8220;Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.&#8221; Mathew 12:46-50

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

John 6:29 is the will of God.

You cannot be justified by obedience to the Mosaic law:

Acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

If you claim to be justified by faith and belief in Jesus but lack enough faith in that belief to conform to the will of God as Jesus taught and teach others to set aside the law in contradiction to what Jesus taught you have either been deceived or you are a deceiver.

"He who sets aside even the least of the laws demands, and teaches others to do the same, will have the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying 'the lowest place', see Genesis 3:14
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It isn't criticism when it is abuse of other members.

You're thrilled because you're a sinner and someone else is paying your debt. YAY!!!

(I looked it up, that makes you a douchesack).

It is called verbal abuse. I come here for intelligent conversation. Not everyone is going to agree with me and some people have neg repped me simply because they didn't like my opinion and I haven't repped them back.

You're being rude. This isn't the language they will accept in college or in the modern world.

Language is non-assertive, aggressive or assertive. Your language is verbal abuse.
So why do you expect someone else to pick up the tab for your sins?
You're thrilled because you're a sinner and someone else is paying your debt. YAY!!!

(I looked it up, that makes you a douchesack).

It is called verbal abuse. I come here for intelligent conversation. Not everyone is going to agree with me and some people have neg repped me simply because they didn't like my opinion and I haven't repped them back.

You're being rude. This isn't the language they will accept in college or in the modern world.

Language is non-assertive, aggressive or assertive. Your language is verbal abuse.
So why do you expect someone else to pick up the tab for your sins?

he has a college diploma?
he has a college diploma?

What do geneticist James Allan, geophysicist John Baumgardner, and electrical engineer Stephen Taylor have in common? They're all respected scientists with Ph.D.s who believe in a literal 6-day creation. Drawing on current scientific research and solid scriptural evidence, 50 professional scientists witness to the truth of the Genesis account. Enlightening! 384 pages, softcover from New Leaf.

Christianbook.com: In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation: Edited By: John Ashton By: Edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D.: 9780890513415

There are smart people who believe, Hobelim.
There are smart people who believe, Hobelim.

I know.

I heard that the serpent was the most crafty of all the wild creatures that the Lord God had made.

But to deliberately choose to crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life as a consequence of defying the Lord God of all creation doesn't seem very wise........even if you get a diploma and a license from the state to deceive.
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Jesus would have stood up for victim's rights.

John 18:23 "If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?"

Jesus didn't turn the other cheek here. This did a wonderful thing for victim's rights especially when their trial was illegal. Speaking up for victim's rights is negative rep.

That is true.
What turning the other cheek means if we don't lean on our own understanding:

It is a court honored action not to maim but to humiliate. Since most are right handed, the slap occurred to the right cheek of the victim or inferior, with the back of the right hand of the perpetrator or superior. Back hand being the humiliating part.
Even if the victim was innocent he had no recourse, because hitting back was punishable. Two wrongs don't make a right. Jesus' method of dealing with the issue did 2 things.

Because you can't slap the left cheek with the back of your right hand:
It restored the victims dignity by showing that the victim can stand up to any hostility or accusation of the perpetrators. That this isn't over.
It created a new situation. It robs the perp of the power to humiliate the victim. It is an invitation to accuse, that the accuser is powerless to accomplish. He can't lower the victim's status by humiliating him any longer. The victim wins the day. No humiliation makes the victim equal to the one who wants to humiliate.

It is justice for the little guy, not submission. It is standing firm and standing up. < You are the Child of the Most High. Accept nothing less for yourself.

Another odd law was an accuser being allowed to remove the undergarments of the accused until the accuser is compensated for the wrong.
Jesus said if your innocent of the charge, and they take your undergarments, take off your tunic and hand that to them too, and show you have nothing to hide and will not be shamed. :eusa_angel:
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Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

Webster's is your friend.

verb \ri-&#712;ple-nish\

Full Definition of REPLENISH

transitive verb


a : to fill with persons or animals : stock

b archaic : to supply fully : perfect

c : to fill with inspiration or power : nourish


a : to fill or build up again <replenished his glass>

b : to make good : replace
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

Webster's is your friend.

verb \ri-&#712;ple-nish\

Full Definition of REPLENISH

transitive verb


a : to fill with persons or animals : stock

b archaic : to supply fully : perfect

c : to fill with inspiration or power : nourish


a : to fill or build up again <replenished his glass>

b : to make good : replace

The way I see it, even your body is a temple. The Earth is a temple, there is a balance, there is a trust, there is a responsibility that goes with that trust.

Christ did not come to judge the condemned, but, to offer Salvation to Us All. Deal with it however you must. Maybe you can start out with pointing out a single generation that lived up to Mosaic Law. Christ gave comfort to the afflicted, part of that was teaching us to forgive, so that, we in turn, could be forgiven. He showed us how to change direction, how to absorb and re-channel in harmony with Our Fathers Will. Maybe, what he taught us, in part, is that the purpose of our being created, outweighs the false paths we constantly find ourselves on. What are the most important commandments? What is the root of Salvation?
You're thrilled because you're a sinner and someone else is paying your debt. YAY!!!

(I looked it up, that makes you a douchesack).

It is called verbal abuse. I come here for intelligent conversation. Not everyone is going to agree with me and some people have neg repped me simply because they didn't like my opinion and I haven't repped them back.

You're being rude. This isn't the language they will accept in college or in the modern world.

Language is non-assertive, aggressive or assertive. Your language is verbal abuse.
So why do you expect someone else to pick up the tab for your sins?


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