I have NEVER met or talked to a possible Trump voter who expressed an interest in voting for RFK instead.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
On the contrary I have heard from lots of lefties who say they're going to consider or actually vote for RFK. Several on this board in fact.

RFK is:
Pro reparations
Anti 2nd amendment
Pro choice
Pro regulations to prevent gloBULL warming
Wants to fund planned parenthood
Wants student loans forgiven
Wants government to pay for college
Wants children of illegals to be granted citizenship

The list goes on and on. For every position he holds that the right likes there are 10 they oppose.
The big talking point about the Vax is all but irrelevant at this point as that issue is basically dead at this point.
No we don't. Trump already proved he's the better president.

Nutjob democrats still think Biden knows what the fuck he's doing. He has no clue. He just does what he is told.

Tell me more about that stolen election and Obama’s Birth Certificate
I'll vote Trump over ANY democrat. Here's hoping he attracts millions of democrat voters.
The only way he wins is if he pulls so many votes that they can't credibly stall long enouhg to manufacture the millions they did for Tater in 2020. Even if he wins, the Left will just go into full insurrection-mode. I think 2020 spelled the end of elections that are trusted. What comes next is resistance and tyranny.
Me either , nor have I met anyone who realized the Eventual DEM POTUS Ticket will be Newsom/ Jeffries 24
Newsom is their guy. That became obvious when he began taking foreign trips and polishing his "statesman credentials". Hopefully, enough independents are sane enough to look at what he did to California and run screaming from his evil ass.
On the contrary I have heard from lots of lefties who say they're going to consider or actually vote for RFK. Several on this board in fact.

RFK is:
Pro reparations
Anti 2nd amendment
Pro choice
Pro regulations to prevent gloBULL warming
Wants to fund planned parenthood
Wants student loans forgiven
Wants government to pay for college
Wants children of illegals to be granted citizenship

The list goes on and on. For every position he holds that the right likes there are 10 they oppose.
The big talking point about the Vax is all but irrelevant at this point as that issue is basically dead at this point.
i would if i had a big hole in my head
The level of loyalty Trump enjoys is unmatched. Maybe JFK, Reagan or a first term Obama are similar but he is definiely up there. Much of this is due to the environment he has been handed.
Newsom is their guy. That became obvious when he began taking foreign trips and polishing his "statesman credentials". Hopefully, enough independents are sane enough to look at what he did to California and run screaming from his evil ass.
very swing state will be counting for weeks...are you serious?
The level of loyalty Trump enjoys is unmatched. Maybe JFK, Reagan or a first term Obama are similar but he is definiely up there. Much of this is due to the environment he has been handed.
i hope they indict him in arizona and throw him in jail for the gag order
On the contrary I have heard from lots of lefties who say they're going to consider or actually vote for RFK. Several on this board in fact.

RFK is:
Pro reparations
Anti 2nd amendment
Pro choice
Pro regulations to prevent gloBULL warming
Wants to fund planned parenthood
Wants student loans forgiven
Wants government to pay for college
Wants children of illegals to be granted citizenship

The list goes on and on. For every position he holds that the right likes there are 10 they oppose.
The big talking point about the Vax is all but irrelevant at this point as that issue is basically dead at this point.
I voted for trump in 2020 and I am considering RFK Junior in 2024. Now RFK Junior has brought forth a plan to force mortgage rates to go down to 3% for the middle class. Something of that nature.

He wants to prevent corporations from buying up all the homes, and then jacking up the prices of them.

On the issue of abortion. Even Donald Trump said he he’s for abortion at some stage. He doesn’t oppose abortion completely. There’s not a lot of politicians. It seems like who totally oppose abortion.

The price of college is astronomical in this country while other western countries don’t have paid for universities. So that’s an issue to look at for sure.

He is talking about things ie helping the middle class that is really huge for all people.

I’ve never really been into the climate change, global, warming discussion. I don’t know much about it doesn’t really interest me, but the way that RFK Junior talks about this seems to be not as extremist as some of the far left wingers. Again it’s not my cup of tea. But it’s not something I’m going to use the discount what he saying. And I believe he wants to give money to black majority communities, not Black people in general. I totally agree that reparations payments for black individuals is wrong because white people were slaves in North Africa at the same time Blacks were slaves in America.

We will see how things go in 2024 and I will look at the numbers…. if RFK Junior doesn’t stand any chance at all I probably will vote for Mr. Trump.

One thing is for certain I won’t be voting for Joe Biden unless he makes a radical change on his opinion of BLM…. Or if our economy returns to where it was under Mr. Trump. Now that’s going to take a Lot. The average price of a home under Mr. Trump is $250,000 now under Biden it is $400,000 with interest rates high is 8%.

Also, it seems like Mr. Trump had a much better middle east policy compared to Biden. We have two new wars that could warp into world war three under Mr. Biden so that’s another issue.
On the contrary I have heard from lots of lefties who say they're going to consider or actually vote for RFK. Several on this board in fact.

RFK is:
Pro reparations
Anti 2nd amendment
Pro choice
Pro regulations to prevent gloBULL warming
Wants to fund planned parenthood
Wants student loans forgiven
Wants government to pay for college
Wants children of illegals to be granted citizenship

The list goes on and on. For every position he holds that the right likes there are 10 they oppose.
The big talking point about the Vax is all but irrelevant at this point as that issue is basically dead at this point.
The Republicans who vote for RFK will be those still too embarrassed to admit voting for Trump.
On the contrary I have heard from lots of lefties who say they're going to consider or actually vote for RFK. Several on this board in fact.

RFK is:
Pro reparations
Anti 2nd amendment
Pro choice
Pro regulations to prevent gloBULL warming
Wants to fund planned parenthood
Wants student loans forgiven
Wants government to pay for college
Wants children of illegals to be granted citizenship

The list goes on and on. For every position he holds that the right likes there are 10 they oppose.
The big talking point about the Vax is all but irrelevant at this point as that issue is basically dead at this point.
that bastards disgusting father and repulsive uncle suicided marilyn....fuck every god damned kennedy
The Republicans who vote for RFK will be those still too embarrassed to admit voting for Trump.
Why would anyone normal, legitimate, heterosexual and productive be embarrassed for voting for Trump?
Literally everyone I know kicked serious ass and was happy with where America was headed on Trumps watch.

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