I Have Never Seen This Much Corruption In Government In My Lifetime, Thanks Democrats

Then there was Reagan's arms for hostages.

Treason is what that was. Dealing in arms with an avowed enemy of the USA is trewason. Pure and simple.
Lets not forget that pappy bush pardoned all in this matter. Including himself.
Personal responsibility my ass.
Then there was Reagan's arms for hostages.

Where Reagan personally benefitted, right? Tool.

What about Clinton's Chinese fundraisers? What about Hillary's cattle future profits? Whitewater? Etc etc etc, the Clintons set the stage for the greatest kleptocracy we have seen. Now the Obamites are upping the ante, klepping power as well.

This is why you guys are made fun of. Because you can't connect the facts. The Republicans spent more than 40 million in taxpayer money trying to find "something" on the Clintons. Even today, when it comes to Whitewater, Republicans think the Clintons must be guilty of "something" because of all the money spent on all that investigation. They must have been "charged".

Since Bill Clinton left office, he has made OVER a hundred and seven million dollars in speaking fees. He knew he would make money like that. He knew. He was that popular. Why accuse him of going after peanuts? They ended up with Monica. And the stained blue dress.

This is why the Republicans aren't doing the same with Obama. If Bill Clinton made over a hundred million, Obama will easily double or triple that. They know that. The trick only worked once.

So how much is Bush making? I heard he is making a hundred thousand as a motivational speaker. Except when the audience boos. Bush, forever a "stain" on American politics.
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


You must have missed this one:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"


Yea, who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone? Republicans. Who else?

I think we will be seeing 100billion in cash disappear with what obama wants to give to the third world countries for the "globull warming" payoff. :lol:
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


You must have missed this one:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"


Yea, who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone? Republicans. Who else?

I think we will be seeing 100billion in cash disappear with what obama wants to give to the third world countries for the "globull warming" payoff. :lol:

If we tried to look into just how corrupt the last administration was, the right wing would be up and arms about how much the investigations were costing.

And how we have much more important things to do.

Trust me, a lot of us on the far left want Chaney and Bush in jail or even executed for high crimes and treason.

Fuck getting a blow job in the oval office. They did much worse.

But we'd rather look forward, not backward.

Besides, no president will ever go after a former president. It just isn't done.

We're supposed to all be on the same side in the end. Too bad the GOP don't care about America. Only MONEY and Wealth. United States of Corporations.
You must have missed this one:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"


Yea, who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone? Republicans. Who else?

I think we will be seeing 100billion in cash disappear with what obama wants to give to the third world countries for the "globull warming" payoff. :lol:

If we tried to look into just how corrupt the last administration was, the right wing would be up and arms about how much the investigations were costing.

And how we have much more important things to do.

Trust me, a lot of us on the far left want Chaney and Bush in jail or even executed for high crimes and treason.

Fuck getting a blow job in the oval office. They did much worse.

But we'd rather look forward, not backward.

Besides, no president will ever go after a former president. It just isn't done.

We're supposed to all be on the same side in the end. Too bad the GOP don't care about America. Only MONEY and Wealth. United States of Corporations.

I see....
I don't have a clue on what that had to do with my post, but this is what we get from you at your best, booboo. This is why I really don't pay much attention to what you post, it's the same ol' same ol'
Sorry for my lack of interest
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Perhaps we are seeing more corruption because it is all part of the "transparency" that was promised?
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


You must have missed this one:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"


Yea, who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone? Republicans. Who else?

I think we will be seeing 100billion in cash disappear with what obama wants to give to the third world countries for the "globull warming" payoff. :lol:

Did you realize when you hit "submit reply" that you weren't making sense?
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Perhaps we are seeing more corruption because it is all part of the "transparency" that was promised?

Transparency means "available" not "spoon-fed". If you want to know, you have to go look. Although, it is much more entertaining to whine. Except, it's NOT a fine whine.
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Join your local tea party and help get this country back. Corruption galore and it's in our faces.
corruption has nothing to do with democrats only. all politicians are corrupt
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Perhaps we are seeing more corruption because it is all part of the "transparency" that was promised?

Transparency means "available" not "spoon-fed". If you want to know, you have to go look. Although, it is much more entertaining to whine. Except, it's NOT a fine whine.

Actually, here is what it means. Open Meetings, Sunshine Laws, and Transparency in Government
What is the definition of transparency?

Of course, transparency means that something can be seen through. When we talk about transparency in government, we mean that citizens must be able to "see through" its workings, to know exactly what goes on when public officials transact public business. Government that is not transparent is more prone to corruption and undue influence because there is no public oversight of decision making.
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Hey-I would certainly go for that.

Bribery & Extortion--made legal by the federal government & paid for by us--the U.S. taxpayer. Unbelievable.

And we make fun of "banana republics"-when we have our own "District of Criminals"--:lol::lol:
I think we will be seeing 100billion in cash disappear with what obama wants to give to the third world countries for the "globull warming" payoff. :lol:

If we tried to look into just how corrupt the last administration was, the right wing would be up and arms about how much the investigations were costing.

And how we have much more important things to do.

Trust me, a lot of us on the far left want Chaney and Bush in jail or even executed for high crimes and treason.

Fuck getting a blow job in the oval office. They did much worse.

But we'd rather look forward, not backward.

Besides, no president will ever go after a former president. It just isn't done.

We're supposed to all be on the same side in the end. Too bad the GOP don't care about America. Only MONEY and Wealth. United States of Corporations.

I see....
I don't have a clue on what that had to do with my post, but this is what we get from you at your best, booboo. This is why I really don't pay much attention to what you post, it's the same ol' same ol'
Sorry for my lack of interest

How much did the last administration give to N. Korea, Russia, Iraq, Pakistan?

And for what?

Why would Obama give $100 billion away? Just give it away? Nothing in return? Billions will just go missing?

So what? Will you want to impeach Obama if this happens? Will you vote against him? Why? You didn't vote against Bush and all that shit really happened with him as Commander.

Now you are just paranoid that Obama is going to do the same.

And maybe regardless of who's president, the USA will give other countries money for their support. So they go along with our program. Maybe thats how things work.

You guys bore me too. That's why I took 5 months off.
If we tried to look into just how corrupt the last administration was, the right wing would be up and arms about how much the investigations were costing.

And how we have much more important things to do.

Trust me, a lot of us on the far left want Chaney and Bush in jail or even executed for high crimes and treason.

Fuck getting a blow job in the oval office. They did much worse.

But we'd rather look forward, not backward.

Besides, no president will ever go after a former president. It just isn't done.

We're supposed to all be on the same side in the end. Too bad the GOP don't care about America. Only MONEY and Wealth. United States of Corporations.

I see....
I don't have a clue on what that had to do with my post, but this is what we get from you at your best, booboo. This is why I really don't pay much attention to what you post, it's the same ol' same ol'
Sorry for my lack of interest

How much did the last administration give to N. Korea, Russia, Iraq, Pakistan?

And for what?

Why would Obama give $100 billion away? Just give it away? Nothing in return? Billions will just go missing?

So what? Will you want to impeach Obama if this happens? Will you vote against him? Why? You didn't vote against Bush and all that shit really happened with him as Commander.

Now you are just paranoid that Obama is going to do the same.

And maybe regardless of who's president, the USA will give other countries money for their support. So they go along with our program. Maybe thats how things work.

You guys bore me too. That's why I took 5 months off.

And just how many TIMES were we PROMISED by Obama that these kind of tactics would not happen with him in the Oval office? I think about a million times---:lol::lol: He made that statement at every single campaign stop.

Another PROMISE broken by your messiah.

Last edited:
i guess yall just missed the corruption in the bush years.....still slinging partisan malshit and hoping it sticks

What does it take for You to open up Your Eye's? Rogue Government passing unrepeal able Legislation, Wake the Fuck Up! Government is Not God! Your Partisan Bullshit will be the end of the Republic. Mind Dead Kool-Aid drinking Bot! How many ways does Liberty have to be Screwed and Fucked Over ans Gang Raped for It to Effect You??? Fascist Totalitarian Puke!!!
I Have Never Seen This Much Corruption In Government In My Lifetime

How does a one year old use a computer?

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