I Have Never Seen This Much Corruption In Government In My Lifetime, Thanks Democrats

Have Never Seen This Much Corruption In Government In My Lifetime, Thanks Democrats


Yeah it was sad when the demoncrats sold out they were the only remaining barrier to corruption taking over our govt. And with this right wing supreme decision on corporations. Well it is just all over but the crying.

I Have Never Seen This Much Corruption In Government In My Lifetime, Thanks Democrats

They're certainly giving the Republicans a run for their money, and Obama has only been in office for a little over a year. :eek: (Of course, the Dems have held Congress since 2007, so they've had a head start! :razz:)
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Fail to see corruption in this post. You donit' think something works or is good policy does not mean its corruption.

and really, you haven't paid much attention if this is the most corruption you've seen, and its all the dems fault. Holy cow such a hack
I'm thinking you must have missed out on DeLay's infamous K Street schemes.

I've seen far far worse in my life time than the current bunch. Though I have to say that in my life time I've not seen more sheer irrationality from the minority party.
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


You weren't around for Nixon/Agnew, were you? :lol::lol::lol:
Yea this disastrous Dem-led Congress has now reached mythical status. They now have a sturdy 10% approval rating. Worst U.S. Congress in history? You bet. Reid & Pelosi gotta go.
Man, you have to admit, these Democrats are stubborn for being deaf, dumb, and blind.

Yea...stupid Democrats

I wish the whole country would stop hating the Republicans
To be fair to the Democrats, TARP was from Bush. However, most of the institutions who received TARP funds have paid them back with interest. The only ones who haven't paid back TARP money is GM and Chrysler. Guess who nationalized GM and Chrysler...yep...it was Obama.
Yea this disastrous Dem-led Congress has now reached mythical status. They now have a sturdy 10% approval rating. Worst U.S. Congress in history? You bet. Reid & Pelosi gotta go.

You think libs care about numbers? With their voting base, they actually are counting on being reelected.
Hi, I'm a Democrat voter. I am so proud of the massive corruption by my Party, and I am glad they sold the American people out. I am really psyched the middle class is eroding, and the rich are getting richer. I love government cheese, they should too! I'm going to buy Obama a wallet for Christmas, so he can hold my family's money. He'll feed us. He's Obama!!!


I am not a hammer, I am not a hammer, I am not a hammer, I am not a hammer....

Actually, you're an azzhat.
From TARP, to the rip off porkulus bill, to the health care industry porkulus bill, to the 9000 plus earmarks, to the back room bribes, to the complete LACK of transparency, to maintaining or exceeding the Bush failures, to GM walking away from their environmental obligations in bankruptcy. I know I've left a ton out. Are we out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet? How's the war for oil going?

This is awesome. I know how this movie ends:

"With all of these folks paying the cost, both failed Republicans and Democrats, and America getting her government back from them."

I think we take the Kennedy compound by eminent domain, remove all government pensions and they all go on Social Security, and we move all politicians to Detroit, Harlem, or Watts.

Government reform for a CHANGE!


Well Damn!!! You're the first two year old I've known that could type!!!
Both, the republicans AND the democrats have their skeletons. If you say one side or the other is to blame for all the woes in the world, youre mistaken.
When this nation provided Democrats the House and Senate in 2006, you guaranteed two years of inaction that led to the decline of our nation and the corruption of TARP. You then had the Porkulus bill for almost a trillion, and when that runs out you will be stuck with an additional bill paying for all the government jobs that saved. And now the absolute corruption of the over one trillion dollar health care debacle.

We opened the flood gates to massive corruption, and I will be the first to say I told ewe this was coming. Many of us did. And you know what's even funnier about this corruption? They'll call it law too.
When this nation provided Democrats the House and Senate in 2006, you guaranteed two years of inaction that led to the decline of our nation and the corruption of TARP. You then had the Porkulus bill for almost a trillion, and when that runs out you will be stuck with an additional bill paying for all the government jobs that saved. And now the absolute corruption of the over one trillion dollar health care debacle.

We opened the flood gates to massive corruption, and I will be the first to say I told ewe this was coming. Many of us did. And you know what's even funnier about this corruption? They'll call it law too.

We had corruption when republicans held the majority. They did the same things democrats are doing now.

The corruption of TARP? What do you mean? Its being paid back. Ok?
You are still missing significant sums on TARP. The corruption of TARP is till astounding to me, the flood gates on corruption were opened, and here we are.
Maybe this will help:

Approval of the $87 billion package would be good news for Cheney, who it is now evident, retains ties to his former employer, the energy and construction conglomerate Halliburton. Halliburton is, of course, a prime benecificary of military and reconstruction expenditures in Iraq.

The US Army Corps of Engineers has already awarded Halliburton's engineering and construction arm, Kellogg, Brown & Root, a no-bid contract to restore Iraq's oil industry. Halliburton parlayed an initial $37.5 million contract to put out oil- field fires into a range of responsibilities that has already run up roughly $1 billion in costs. "War is hell, but it has turned into financial heaven for Halliburton," said Senator Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, who with Representative Henry Waxman, D-California, has led the charge to expose details of Halliburton's dealings in Iraq. "This sweetheart, no-bid contract given to Halliburton spikes up by hundreds of millions of dollars each week. It's outrageous."

The outrageousness does not stop there. The value of a contract between the Pentagon and Halliburton to manage military bases could end up costing as much as $2 billion.

Cheney's Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News

Cheney's Halliburtion Stock Options Jumped 3,281% In Single Year | Fired Up! America

An analysis released today by the Office of Senator Frank R. Lautenberg reveals that Vice President Cheney’s Halliburton stock options have increased in value 3,281 percent in one year. The stock options, which were worth $241,498 one year ago are now valued at $8,165, 489.07.

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