I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

I have lived and worked in Muslim countries, what I said is true. the church and the government are one and the same. the body of law is the Koran, Sharia is directly from the Koran. A muslim who defies the religion also defies the government, and that is a death sentence.

We had a Phillipino house boy in Saudi. He was conducing Bible studies in private, they found out about it and he was beheaded.

I understand Islam much better than you do.
I have as well. All I can say is what I saw.

there were some who claimed (in private) to object to the policies of the government/clergy, but they would never risk going public and always followed the daily prescribed ritual of praying and washing feet. They knew what would happen to them if the openly expressed disagreement with the regime
In very few places is "I hate America" official government policy.
Its your policy and the policy of every DemNazi Candidate Running.
Really? Can I get some quotes?

Google Obama & Reverend Wright.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.

Well as a full on nutter yourself you would be and we know that already.
‘Guillotine the rich’: Sanders staffer says he’s ready for armed ‘revolution’
Kinda refreshing to hear someone besides a tRumpling say that, don't you think?
You’ll get your chance to behead people who won’t worship your God The AntiChrist In The Future, so settle down.

You and Bernie won’t be able to build your Gulags and Guillotines until after The Rapture of The Church.
I thought that already happened and we missed it?
I have as well. All I can say is what I saw.

there were some who claimed (in private) to object to the policies of the government/clergy, but they would never risk going public and always followed the daily prescribed ritual of praying and washing feet. They knew what would happen to them if the openly expressed disagreement with the regime
In very few places is "I hate America" official government policy.
Its your policy and the policy of every DemNazi Candidate Running.
Really? Can I get some quotes?

Google Obama & Reverend Wright.
No. You've got quotes, let's see them.

I'm not going looking for non-existent shit for your amusement.
Do you have The Mark of The a Beast on your forehead yet?

And who is we? Did you finally come to your senses?

Did you go and get Jesus on me?

Kinda refreshing to hear someone besides a tRumpling say that, don't you think?
You’ll get your chance to behead people who won’t worship your God The AntiChrist In The Future, so settle down.

You and Bernie won’t be able to build your Gulags and Guillotines until after The Rapture of The Church.
I thought that already happened and we missed it?
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Google The Squad or any DemNazi Candidate.

Or Try I Ran For Iran by Obama Bin Spying.

there were some who claimed (in private) to object to the policies of the government/clergy, but they would never risk going public and always followed the daily prescribed ritual of praying and washing feet. They knew what would happen to them if the openly expressed disagreement with the regime
In very few places is "I hate America" official government policy.
Its your policy and the policy of every DemNazi Candidate Running.
Really? Can I get some quotes?

Google Obama & Reverend Wright.
No. You've got quotes, let's see them.

I'm not going looking for non-existent shit for your amusement.
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this campaign has been going on for months, antifa has been active in Portland and other places during that time. But not one of them has condemned their actions. Stop making excuses, the dems are pandering to every radical group they can find because they know that real america will never vote for them.
A Google search doesn't turn up much of anything antifa related for months. Just the usual breightbart rantings without substance.

Ok, so what? still waiting for a cite from any candidate condemning antifa or BLM violence. Got any?
Nobody's asked them to. It isn't a current event.

Feel free to be the first to ask.

BS, and you know it. If asked they would say that antifa is simply americans expressing their first amendment rights.
So ask.

I will never be close enough to any of those idiots to ask them anything. We should hope that the media would ask pertinent questions like that, but they won't because most of the media is part of the dem/nazi party.
A Google search doesn't turn up much of anything antifa related for months. Just the usual breightbart rantings without substance.

Ok, so what? still waiting for a cite from any candidate condemning antifa or BLM violence. Got any?
Nobody's asked them to. It isn't a current event.

Feel free to be the first to ask.

BS, and you know it. If asked they would say that antifa is simply americans expressing their first amendment rights.
So ask.

I will never be close enough to any of those idiots to ask them anything. We should hope that the media would ask pertinent questions like that, but they won't because most of the media is part of the dem/nazi party.
Oh, my bad.

I forgot it's all a great conspiracy.

'I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters'

Up until recently both of my daughters were Bernie 'nutters'.

These girls are the typical young people today: IGNORANT, inadequately educated on civics / the Constitution / Law / history, believed if its on the Internet & her 'intelligent' friends are saying to then it has to be true...oh yeah, and the ides of Bernie and the Democrats giving them EVERYTHING they want for 'FREE' is / was too good to pass up.

We had a log talk....during which I reminded them why I served for 30 years, about the Constitution, Rule of Law, our freedom, and how freedom is to important to give it away or 'sell it' for 'free shit'.

'A government big / strong enough to GIVE you everything you WANT is big / powerful enough to TAKE everything you HAVE.'
-- Nothing is 'Free', especially 'freedom'. Once government / self-appointed rulers talk you into GIVING up your rights / freedoms they NEVER give them back.

- The government exists by the will of the people and run off of the money they SEIZE from the people. The government MAKES / GENERATES no money...it is NOT self-sustainable financially.
- EVERYTHING the govt pays for is paid for with money taken out of the pockets of the people, most often than not, the middle class.

Bernie is the typical Socialist Ruler-wannabe: 'As I SAY to thee, NOT what you SEE of ME'!
- 'Translation: "Imposed Socialism is fine for the sheep, but I want to be the 'shepherd', herding and bending the 'flock' to my will / agenda'."

Anyone who has ever seen or lived under Socialism knows the 'Kum-ba-ya' smoke and mirrors Socialists paint for the ignorant youth is NLT the Socialism they will end up getting.

I asked them:
You work hard for those 'A's in school...while some students are slackers and get by with 'C's. What is someone came up with the plan for a letter grade to be taken away from 'you', giving 'you' a 'B', and given to the slacker, raising his 'C' to a 'B'....everyone makes an equal grade....
-- 'But I worked hard for my 'A'.

So what? 'Redistribution of wealth', even 'intellectual' wealth...taking from one so others can have something for FREE...and to make the system work, 'you' have to keep working hard for the slackers and yourself so everyone can benefit....

My girls are no longer 'Bernie Nutters'....
'It' isn't a Conspiracy THEORY once the Conspiracy has been exposed....

Just sayin' .... :p
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.

Thanks for confirming that you are an extremist loon.

Just remember that we shoot back, unlike your normal victims .

and we have all the guns, the ammo, the military, and the police. the battle will be very short.
Yeah.... No. You don't.
Don't worry little Anti-Christ Acolyte, you will get to kill murder and rape all you want once Jesus comes and takes his Church off of The Earth at The Rapture or in the Greek Harpazo.
There won't be any babies or children on Earth. What a sad and joyless place that will be. God takes them off of the Earth, and your Fantasy of a World without Children will come to fruition. God will allow you to have every Evil thing you ever wanted.

After The Harpazo, God gives the Earth over To Pure Evil, and will allow you to do whatever you want. You will be allowed to build your Gulags and Guillotines for those undecided people who are left behind and force them to take the mark, worship The Anti-Christ or be beheaded.

You'll be allowed to hunt down Jews like dogs, and Exterminate 2/3rds of them. But you'll also have to endure the 21 Judgments of God, and then see Christ return at Armageddon and destroy all the armies of the world in one fatal swoop. And then The Judgment Day where all those who worship Anti-Christ and take his chip on their foreheads or hand are cast in To Hell with Satan and his Angels, The Anti-Christ and his followers and False Prophet.

Your Day is coming. But know this, it only last 7 years.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.

Thanks for confirming that you are an extremist loon.

Just remember that we shoot back, unlike your normal victims .

and we have all the guns, the ammo, the military, and the police. the battle will be very short.
Yeah.... No. You don't.
Don't worry little Anti-Christ Acolyte, you will get to kill murder and rape all you want once Jesus comes and takes his Church off of The Earth at The Rapture or in the Greek Harpazo.

Then God gives the Earth over To Pure Evil, and will allow you to do whatever you want. you will be allowed to build your Gulags and Guillotines for those undecided people who are left behind and force them to take the mark, worship The Anti-Christ or be beheaded.

You'll be allowed to hunt down Jews like dogs, and Exterminate 2/3rds of them. But you'll also have to endure the 21 Judgments of God, and then see Christ return at Armageddon and destroy all the armies of the world in one fatal swoop. And then The Judgment Day where all those who worship Anti-Christ and take his chip on their foreheads or hand are cast in To Hell with Satan and his Angels, The Anti-Christ and his followers and False Prophet.

Your Day is coming. But know this, it only last 7 years.
Do you even know what "atheist" means?
Ok, so what? still waiting for a cite from any candidate condemning antifa or BLM violence. Got any?
Nobody's asked them to. It isn't a current event.

Feel free to be the first to ask.

BS, and you know it. If asked they would say that antifa is simply americans expressing their first amendment rights.
So ask.

I will never be close enough to any of those idiots to ask them anything. We should hope that the media would ask pertinent questions like that, but they won't because most of the media is part of the dem/nazi party.
Oh, my bad.

I forgot it's all a great conspiracy.

View attachment 307557

you are correct, but Barr and Durham are uncovering it and indictments of crooked democrats and their media cronies are on the way. The swamp is being drained, its going to take a while but its happening.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.

Thanks for confirming that you are an extremist loon.

Just remember that we shoot back, unlike your normal victims .

and we have all the guns, the ammo, the military, and the police. the battle will be very short.
Yeah.... No. You don't.

which category don't we have?
So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

Sure we have wytch. Both holder and lynch did everything they could to cover for obummer. They just were quiet about it.
Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

Sure we have wytch. Both holder and lynch did everything they could to cover for obummer. They just were quiet about it.

And yet over 2,000 former Justice Department officials never asked for Holder or Lynch to resign nor did the Federal Judges Association hold an emergency meeting over their behavior...

More than 2,000 former DOJ officials call on Attorney General William Barr to resign

Roger Stone sentence: Judges worried about political interference
Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

Sure we have wytch. Both holder and lynch did everything they could to cover for obummer. They just were quiet about it.

And yet over 2,000 former Justice Department officials never asked for Holder or Lynch to resign nor did the Federal Judges Association hold an emergency meeting over their behavior...

More than 2,000 former DOJ officials call on Attorney General William Barr to resign

Roger Stone sentence: Judges worried about political interference

Yeah, they are corrupt too. Or allow their political bias to color their opinions.

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