I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

I will never be close enough to any of those idiots to ask them anything. We should hope that the media would ask pertinent questions like that, but they won't because most of the media is part of the dem/nazi party.
Oh, my bad.

I forgot it's all a great conspiracy.

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you are correct, but Barr and Durham are uncovering it and indictments of crooked democrats and their media cronies are on the way. The swamp is being drained, its going to take a while but its happening.
Barr and Durham are spinning their wheels hoping to generate enough smoke to hide tRump's crimes.

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

so you can't produce a list to back up your claims? not surprising.
You seem to be of at least average intelligence, how can you be so blind?

above average in every aspect. You, however, make me wonder about the state of our educational system.

Barr is doing his job on his own. Holder and Lynch were doing whatever obozo told them to do to protect his corrupt ass. Why are you unable to see that?
How can you continue to believe that directly in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary?

what evidence?

fast and furious?
tarmac meeting?
russian dossier of lies?

what evidence of any thing illegal by Barr or Trump?
Starting on almost day one when he delayed the release of the Muller report to give himself time to misrepresent it, and moving on through last week when he overruled his own prosecutors on tRumps whim. There are many points in between as well, but they've all been in the national news repeatedly and I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRump supporters anymore.

nothing wrong or improper with anything you listed. He delayed the Mueller report because after reading it he saw that it found nothing and wanted to make sure that that was their real conclusion.

he overruled prosecutors who were obama hold overs who hated Trump and everyone associated with him. He did the right thing.

you really need to stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC. They have filled your head with shit.
He lied about the contents of the Mueller report.

The prosecutors followed federal.sentencing guidelines and obviously felt it was highly improper or they wouldn't have resigned.

Everyone who disagrees with dOnald tRump is an "Obama holdover". That excuse is getting very tired and lame.
No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

the AG reports to the president and serves at his pleasure. the president is the AG's boss. The president also has first amendment rights just like you and me.

the executive branch is co-equal to the legislative and judicial branches, not subservient to them.
Fairly lame excuse making considering historical precedence and tRump actions to date.

do you really want to talk about executive orders and pardons? If so, lets do it. I have a list of Obama's that we can start with.
Ah, and now we get to the favorite tRump deflection.

Oh, my bad.

I forgot it's all a great conspiracy.

View attachment 307557

you are correct, but Barr and Durham are uncovering it and indictments of crooked democrats and their media cronies are on the way. The swamp is being drained, its going to take a while but its happening.
Barr and Durham are spinning their wheels hoping to generate enough smoke to hide tRump's crimes.

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

so you can't produce a list to back up your claims? not surprising.
Not can't, won't. Get it straight.
above average in every aspect. You, however, make me wonder about the state of our educational system.

Barr is doing his job on his own. Holder and Lynch were doing whatever obozo told them to do to protect his corrupt ass. Why are you unable to see that?
How can you continue to believe that directly in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary?

what evidence?

fast and furious?
tarmac meeting?
russian dossier of lies?

what evidence of any thing illegal by Barr or Trump?
Starting on almost day one when he delayed the release of the Muller report to give himself time to misrepresent it, and moving on through last week when he overruled his own prosecutors on tRumps whim. There are many points in between as well, but they've all been in the national news repeatedly and I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRump supporters anymore.

nothing wrong or improper with anything you listed. He delayed the Mueller report because after reading it he saw that it found nothing and wanted to make sure that that was their real conclusion.

he overruled prosecutors who were obama hold overs who hated Trump and everyone associated with him. He did the right thing.

you really need to stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC. They have filled your head with shit.
He lied about the contents of the Mueller report.

The prosecutors followed federal.sentencing guidelines and obviously felt it was highly improper or they wouldn't have resigned.

Everyone who disagrees with dOnald tRump is an "Obama holdover". That excuse is getting very tired and lame.

Barr didn't lie about Mueller. He said that there were no crimes alleged or proven. Mueller said the same thing.

Stone was a political prosecution, they can't get Trump so they go after everyone associated with him. 9 years for alleged lying?????? when rapists get 4 years???? WTF dude, are you a total moron?

I agree, that's getting old, he should have done what obama did and fire all of them as soon as he took office.
you are correct, but Barr and Durham are uncovering it and indictments of crooked democrats and their media cronies are on the way. The swamp is being drained, its going to take a while but its happening.
Barr and Durham are spinning their wheels hoping to generate enough smoke to hide tRump's crimes.

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

so you can't produce a list to back up your claims? not surprising.
Not can't, won't. Get it straight.

LOL won't because you can't. I get it.
horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

the AG reports to the president and serves at his pleasure. the president is the AG's boss. The president also has first amendment rights just like you and me.

the executive branch is co-equal to the legislative and judicial branches, not subservient to them.
Fairly lame excuse making considering historical precedence and tRump actions to date.

do you really want to talk about executive orders and pardons? If so, lets do it. I have a list of Obama's that we can start with.
Ah, and now we get to the favorite tRump deflection.

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not a deflection at all, simply the truth that points out the blatant hypocrisy of every one of you lib/dems.

but always remember, my vote will cancel yours so don't waste your time voting.
How can you continue to believe that directly in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary?

what evidence?

fast and furious?
tarmac meeting?
russian dossier of lies?

what evidence of any thing illegal by Barr or Trump?
Starting on almost day one when he delayed the release of the Muller report to give himself time to misrepresent it, and moving on through last week when he overruled his own prosecutors on tRumps whim. There are many points in between as well, but they've all been in the national news repeatedly and I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRump supporters anymore.

nothing wrong or improper with anything you listed. He delayed the Mueller report because after reading it he saw that it found nothing and wanted to make sure that that was their real conclusion.

he overruled prosecutors who were obama hold overs who hated Trump and everyone associated with him. He did the right thing.

you really need to stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC. They have filled your head with shit.
He lied about the contents of the Mueller report.

The prosecutors followed federal.sentencing guidelines and obviously felt it was highly improper or they wouldn't have resigned.

Everyone who disagrees with dOnald tRump is an "Obama holdover". That excuse is getting very tired and lame.

Barr didn't lie about Mueller. He said that there were no crimes alleged or proven. Mueller said the same thing.

Stone was a political prosecution, they can't get Trump so they go after everyone associated with him. 9 years for alleged lying?????? when rapists get 4 years???? WTF dude, are you a total moron?

I agree, that's getting old, he should have done what obama did and fire all of them as soon as he took office.
Stone was not a political prosecution. Also the federal sentencing guidelines reccommend 7-9 years for his crimes. You can always petion to.change those.

Most folks who felt strongly negative about tRump.are long gone. That's why the DOJ and state department are so terribly understaffed at the moment. The remaining ones are not "Obama holdovers" or "deep state", they are heroes taking one for the team.
Yeah, they are corrupt too. Or allow their political bias to color their opinions.

Weird they never did before...but keep thinking it’s EVERYONE else and not crooked , corrupt Trump and his lackey, Barr...

What's funny is you can't point to a single law he's broken.

Yeah, abuse of power isn't a crime...but it IS impeachable.

No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

By a completely corrupt process. A process engineered by seditious politicians, orchestrated by a marionette for the political class, and voted against by all repubs and TWO Democrats.

You fail.

Are you pelousy by any chance? She's delusional like you are too.
horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

your TDS is acting up again and destroying more brain cells by the second. Soon you will be as brain dead as AOC.

You sit there on your fat ass and criticize Barr when Holder and Lynch were in place solely to cover for Barry's corruption and cheating.

but its funny that you ignored by question about clinton and lynch on the remote tarmac. Where they just happened to meet to talk about golf and grandkids (even though she doesnt play golf and doesnt have any grandkids).
You seem to be of at least average intelligence, how can you be so blind?

above average in every aspect. You, however, make me wonder about the state of our educational system.

Barr is doing his job on his own. Holder and Lynch were doing whatever obozo told them to do to protect his corrupt ass. Why are you unable to see that?
How can you continue to believe that directly in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary?

What evidence? Opinions aren't evidence.
what evidence?

fast and furious?
tarmac meeting?
russian dossier of lies?

what evidence of any thing illegal by Barr or Trump?
Starting on almost day one when he delayed the release of the Muller report to give himself time to misrepresent it, and moving on through last week when he overruled his own prosecutors on tRumps whim. There are many points in between as well, but they've all been in the national news repeatedly and I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRump supporters anymore.

nothing wrong or improper with anything you listed. He delayed the Mueller report because after reading it he saw that it found nothing and wanted to make sure that that was their real conclusion.

he overruled prosecutors who were obama hold overs who hated Trump and everyone associated with him. He did the right thing.

you really need to stop listening to the liars on CNN and MSNBC. They have filled your head with shit.
He lied about the contents of the Mueller report.

The prosecutors followed federal.sentencing guidelines and obviously felt it was highly improper or they wouldn't have resigned.

Everyone who disagrees with dOnald tRump is an "Obama holdover". That excuse is getting very tired and lame.

Barr didn't lie about Mueller. He said that there were no crimes alleged or proven. Mueller said the same thing.

Stone was a political prosecution, they can't get Trump so they go after everyone associated with him. 9 years for alleged lying?????? when rapists get 4 years???? WTF dude, are you a total moron?

I agree, that's getting old, he should have done what obama did and fire all of them as soon as he took office.
Stone was not a political prosecution. Also the federal sentencing guidelines reccommend 7-9 years for his crimes. You can always petion to.change those.

Most folks who felt strongly negative about tRump.are long gone. That's why the DOJ and state department are so terribly understaffed at the moment. The remaining ones are not "Obama holdovers" or "deep state", they are heroes taking one for the team.

so when they send a swat team to arrest an old man in the middle of the night, and when CNN is notified in advance so they can film it, its not political??? Come on dude, you are not that dumb.

Stone will be pardoned after the next election, so will Manafort. Both were victims of political prosecution and neither deserved the sentence they were given.

How do you justify McCabe not being prosecuted when he was proven to have done the same things that Stone did? Why was Hillary not prosecuted for clear proven violations of national security laws?

I am sick of the biased way our justice system has worked. If it is not fixed this country is over.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
Practical. Like stripping your clothes off in public and pouring red fluid over yourself because you think the biggest tragedy in the world today is cows being milked.
That in itself shows his intelligence.
No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

your TDS is acting up again and destroying more brain cells by the second. Soon you will be as brain dead as AOC.

You sit there on your fat ass and criticize Barr when Holder and Lynch were in place solely to cover for Barry's corruption and cheating.

but its funny that you ignored by question about clinton and lynch on the remote tarmac. Where they just happened to meet to talk about golf and grandkids (even though she doesnt play golf and doesnt have any grandkids).
You seem to be of at least average intelligence, how can you be so blind?

above average in every aspect. You, however, make me wonder about the state of our educational system.

Barr is doing his job on his own. Holder and Lynch were doing whatever obozo told them to do to protect his corrupt ass. Why are you unable to see that?
How can you continue to believe that directly in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary?

What evidence? Opinions aren't evidence.
In a liberals world it is, Trump's impeachment is proof.
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
I think you will find that just as Christians refused to Deny Jesus The Christ in The Roman Coliseums 2,000 years ago, and have endured many persecutions since then, they will not Deny Christ now, even upon threat of having their heads placed in a Bernie Sanders Guillotine.

Only Cowards deny Christ, and when The Mark comes, cowards such as you will willingly take that Mark, because all you care about and all that you can see is this short life, and not The Eternal Life that is to come. People such as you would sell their souls for a loaf of bread or a glass of beer.

But True Christians will lose their life for Christ and save their Eternal Souls.
Huh? Who said anything about Christians?

I'm talking about you bloody tRumplings.
Most of President Trump's Supporters are Christians. And yes, you are Insane, poisoned by your own lies, and by your own hatred. The curse of insanity, and blindness to Truth is promised people such as you.

You can read all about yourself right here. I provided a couple snippets.

Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times? | GotQuestions.org

Question: "Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times?"

Answer: The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

As a result of man’s foolishness and his arrogant disdain of the things of God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28). And correspondingly, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32).

Isaiah puts it succinctly: “They have chosen their own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I [God] also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring upon them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in My sight and chose what displeases Me” (Isaiah 66:3-4).

When men know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness, “they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:12 NLT).

“God is love” (1 John 4:16). He is not some cruel monster who deliberately and inwardly delights in preparing people for everlasting condemnation. But He earnestly and lovingly proclaims the gospel of Christ, “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Naw, real christians don't act that way.

Hell, I'm more "Christian" than you and I'm an atheist.
I guess you and Hillary can hang out with the devil together.
Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

your TDS is acting up again and destroying more brain cells by the second. Soon you will be as brain dead as AOC.

You sit there on your fat ass and criticize Barr when Holder and Lynch were in place solely to cover for Barry's corruption and cheating.

but its funny that you ignored by question about clinton and lynch on the remote tarmac. Where they just happened to meet to talk about golf and grandkids (even though she doesnt play golf and doesnt have any grandkids).

Barr is being criticized by the LE community at large, not just by lil’ old citizen me. (And an accurate description would be boney no ass) Over 2,000 former DOJ officials. That didn’t happen to Holder or Lynch. Why? Because Holder and Lynch did not try to expand executive powers like Barr has.

What about the “remote tarmac”? (ooh, make it sound so secretive and clandestine). Clinton spoke to Lynch for 10 minutes of small talk at a public airport. So?
Weird they never did before...but keep thinking it’s EVERYONE else and not crooked , corrupt Trump and his lackey, Barr...

What's funny is you can't point to a single law he's broken.

Yeah, abuse of power isn't a crime...but it IS impeachable.

No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
the mere fact you say it is amazing. truly. you should win something. How about an all paid cruise to the Bermuda triangle?

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