I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

And yet, you cannot name one. How curious!
Reasons are clearly stated above. You actually quoted the post.
or not
Yes, you did. The quotes stream is there, all ya gotta do is click on it.
there's nothing there. you're wrong. and you can click all the quotes, you won't find what you're talking about there.
The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.

the "trial" was in the house, the senate is the jury. the senate hearing is where the lawyers from both sides present their closing arguments, then the senate, acting as the jury, votes. its amazing to watch you libs lie about how the constitution works.

No, idiot, the investigation was in the House. The House acts more like a Grand Jury recommending charges. The trial occurs in the Senate where witnesses should have been called to testify. Republicans didn’t want witnesses to testify because the information was damning to Trump. They knew it and some even admitted it.
wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.

the "trial" was in the house, the senate is the jury. the senate hearing is where the lawyers from both sides present their closing arguments, then the senate, acting as the jury, votes. its amazing to watch you libs lie about how the constitution works.

No, idiot, the investigation was in the House. The House acts more like a Grand Jury recommending charges. The trial occurs in the Senate where witnesses should have been called to testify. Republicans didn’t want witnesses to testify because the information was damning to Trump. They knew it and some even admitted it.
one can't help your stupid. nor is it rational to argue with it.
wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.

the "trial" was in the house, the senate is the jury. the senate hearing is where the lawyers from both sides present their closing arguments, then the senate, acting as the jury, votes. its amazing to watch you libs lie about how the constitution works.

No, idiot, the investigation was in the House. The House acts more like a Grand Jury recommending charges. The trial occurs in the Senate where witnesses should have been called to testify. Republicans didn’t want witnesses to testify because the information was damning to Trump. They knew it and some even admitted it.

you just refuse to understand the constitution and the specified impeachment procedures. You are once again parroting the lies put out by clowns like Schiff and Nadler, and crazy old Nancy. The way I described it is the way the founders set it up.

Trump is forever acquitted of the fake charges dreamed up by pencil neck Schiff and toad boy Nadler. Deal with that reality or you will completely lose what little brain you have left. Another thing for you to deal with, Trump will be president until January 2025 and he will continue to make our country successful and strong.
The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.

the "trial" was in the house, the senate is the jury. the senate hearing is where the lawyers from both sides present their closing arguments, then the senate, acting as the jury, votes. its amazing to watch you libs lie about how the constitution works.

No, idiot, the investigation was in the House. The House acts more like a Grand Jury recommending charges. The trial occurs in the Senate where witnesses should have been called to testify. Republicans didn’t want witnesses to testify because the information was damning to Trump. They knew it and some even admitted it.

you just refuse to understand the constitution and the specified impeachment procedures. You are once again parroting the lies put out by clowns like Schiff and Nadler, and crazy old Nancy. The way I described it is the way the founders set it up.

Trump is forever acquitted of the fake charges dreamed up by pencil neck Schiff and toad boy Nadler. Deal with that reality or you will completely lose what little brain you have left. Another thing for you to deal with, Trump will be president until January 2025 and he will continue to make our country successful and strong.

Do you even have the slightest clue what the Constitution says about impeachment?

The House did everything it was required to do. Trump lies.

Trump’s Impeachment Letter Gets Constitution Wildly Wrong

Finally, Trump insisted that he has

been deprived of basic Constitutional Due Process from the beginning of this impeachment scam right up until the present. I have been denied the most fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution, including the right to present evidence, to have my own counsel present, to confront accusers, and to call and cross-examine witnesses, like the so-called whistleblower who started this entire hoax with a false report of the phone call that bears no relationship to the actual phone call that was made … More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.

The trouble with this argument is that there is no due process right in impeachment before the House. Impeachment in the House isn’t a trial in which the defendant would get the right to notice, the opportunity to be heard or the other rights Trump invokes from criminal trials. Some of those rights may well exist in the Senate impeachment hearing, which although not a criminal or civil trial is a distinct proceeding that the Constitution calls a “trial.”

But House impeachment is more like a grand jury proceeding, in which the prosecutors gather evidence and issue an indictment that leads to a trial. And in a grand jury, the defendant isn’t always entitled even to know about the proceedings in advance, much less to have a lawyer or present evidence. The Salem witch trials, for all their flaws, were trials — not indictments.

Trump is one of three Presidents that are forever impeached. His the only one that received a vote from a member of his own party. That kills him...
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
I'm ok with that.
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
Report to the nearest abandoned Walmart and line up, Son.

I ain't got time to deal with each of you individually.

You're not special.

Get over it.
I'm ok with that.
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
People who will be beheaded as we enter the end times will be those who refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, and who believe in Jesus Christ.

There are two views on this regarding the rapture.
There is the Pre Tribulation rapture of The Church, and Mid Tribulation Rapture of the Church. There is a third theory, but not worth discussion because there is no enough scripture to support it.

But back to Bernie and his crew wanting Gulags and Guillotines, only a person and a campaign that is filled with Evil would even be talking about such things, so you could legitimately claim that Bernie Sanders is a type of Anti-Christ.

It's not time for Anti Christ exactly yet. So it's not time for Bernie, who is a type of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
People who will be beheaded as we enter the end times will be those who refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, and who believe in Jesus Christ.

There are two views on this regarding the rapture.
There is the Pre Tribulation rapture of The Church, and Mid Tribulation Rapture of the Church. There is a third theory, but not worth discussion because there is no enough scripture to support it.

But back to Bernie and his crew wanting Gulags and Guillotines, only a person and a campaign that is filled with Evil would even be talking about such things, so you could legitimately claim that Bernie Sanders is a type of Anti-Christ.

It's not time for Anti Christ exactly yet. So it's not time for Bernie, who is a type of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
giphy (1).gif
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
Report to the nearest abandoned Walmart and line up, Son.

I ain't got time to deal with each of you individually.

You're not special.

Get over it.
God does call His Children special. But those that aren't His, He throws in The Lake of Fire at the End of The Age.

You cannot have unrepentant and rebellious sinners in Heaven or it would not be Heaven, and when The New Earth is made, you cannot have the same there.

Yeshua Messiah will separate all The Wheat from The Chaff on Judgment Day.
What are you waiting for puss?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
Report to the nearest abandoned Walmart and line up, Son.

I ain't got time to deal with each of you individually.

You're not special.

Get over it.
Come line me up.. scared?
Oh, are you ready to go?

The line forms to the left.
Come and get me heheh
You said you were ready.

Come on then, you can be first in line.
Come on
Sucka .. you scared?
People who will be beheaded as we enter the end times will be those who refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, and who believe in Jesus Christ.

There are two views on this regarding the rapture.
There is the Pre Tribulation rapture of The Church, and Mid Tribulation Rapture of the Church. There is a third theory, but not worth discussion because there is no enough scripture to support it.

But back to Bernie and his crew wanting Gulags and Guillotines, only a person and a campaign that is filled with Evil would even be talking about such things, so you could legitimately claim that Bernie Sanders is a type of Anti-Christ.

It's not time for Anti Christ exactly yet. So it's not time for Bernie, who is a type of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
View attachment 309309
There is no need to panic. Most Christians will escape The Rule of Anti-Christ. Only the Undecided, and those who worship the Anti-Christ will endure his rule, and the 21 End Time Judgments of God. There will be an epidemic of beheadings during Anti-Christ's reign, and many other terrible things, and most will be Judgments of God, but Anti-Christ will also unleash his wrath on the world, so people will literally be caught in a war between Heaven and Hell.

Then Christ Returns for Complete Judgment.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Dairy cows have a great life. They eat all day long and they get milked a couple of times a day.
That's a pretty good life.
I wish I could get that kind of treatment.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
We saw that in the 5th grade. Our biology teacher walked us over to his farm, where he shot and butchered a cow to show us all the internal organs.

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