I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

Yeah, abuse of power isn't a crime...but it IS impeachable.

No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.
If Trump were defending in a criminal trial, what you're saying would make sense.
But this is an impeachment trial for high crimes, not a criminal trial for statutory crimes. Evidence has been presented by the house. The senate admitted that crimes were committed, but they decided it didn't reach the level requiring removal from office. Acquittal isnt exoneration, especially when the senate ignored evidence.

No high crimes were documented. Merely opinions from biased people.

and lies before congress and the american people by Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the rest of the lying dems. If lying before congress is a crime, every one of them is guilty.
Yeah, abuse of power isn't a crime...but it IS impeachable.

No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.
If Trump were defending in a criminal trial, what you're saying would make sense.
But this is an impeachment trial for high crimes, not a criminal trial for statutory crimes. Evidence has been presented by the house. The senate admitted that crimes were committed, but they decided it didn't reach the level requiring removal from office. Acquittal isnt exoneration, especially when the senate ignored evidence.

No high crimes were documented. Merely opinions from biased people.
If that were the case, the senate would have provided evidence and/or witnesses to testify as such.
But they didnt, it was just an acquittal, not exoneration.

The impeachment inquiry indicated abuse of power without a doubt. Using taxpayer funds to strong-arm a foreign government to interfere in our election.
No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.
If Trump were defending in a criminal trial, what you're saying would make sense.
But this is an impeachment trial for high crimes, not a criminal trial for statutory crimes. Evidence has been presented by the house. The senate admitted that crimes were committed, but they decided it didn't reach the level requiring removal from office. Acquittal isnt exoneration, especially when the senate ignored evidence.

No high crimes were documented. Merely opinions from biased people.
If that were the case, the senate would have provided evidence and/or witnesses to testify as such.
But they didnt, it was just an acquittal, not exoneration.

The impeachment inquiry indicated abuse of power without a doubt. Using taxpayer funds to strong-arm a foreign government to interfere in our election.

No, they would not you fucking moron. THAT was the HOUSE'S job. They conducted an illigitimate hearing so the Senate shut them down. As they SHOULD have.
No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.
If Trump were defending in a criminal trial, what you're saying would make sense.
But this is an impeachment trial for high crimes, not a criminal trial for statutory crimes. Evidence has been presented by the house. The senate admitted that crimes were committed, but they decided it didn't reach the level requiring removal from office. Acquittal isnt exoneration, especially when the senate ignored evidence.

No high crimes were documented. Merely opinions from biased people.
If that were the case, the senate would have provided evidence and/or witnesses to testify as such.
But they didnt, it was just an acquittal, not exoneration.

The impeachment inquiry indicated abuse of power without a doubt. Using taxpayer funds to strong-arm a foreign government to interfere in our election.

the constitution clearly specifies which house is to gather evidence and hear testimony, and such testimony should be presented equally by both the accused and the accusers, that was not done in the Schiff/Nadler fiasco. it was a kangaroo court with only one side given the chance to speak.

the allegations were NOT proven, they were allegations before the hearings and allegations after the hearings, the president of Ukraine said he was never pressured and did not even know that the money was delayed, the money was released, the meetings were held and Trump did nothing wrong.

the senate had no obligation to attempt to redo what the house had done.

I wonder if you libs were saying the same things when Clinton was acquitted after it was proven that he actually committed several federal crimes.

hypocrisy = liberal
No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.

No, fish, real shit. There hasn’t been an AG like Barr and his thoughts on presidential power, since Nixon and Watergate. (Nixon’s AG went to prison)

Barr believes in an expansion of presidential powers to where the executive is not a co-equal branch of government. He thought he could do it under Bush, but Bush was too cautious. Trump wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is anything but cautious.

your TDS is acting up again and destroying more brain cells by the second. Soon you will be as brain dead as AOC.

You sit there on your fat ass and criticize Barr when Holder and Lynch were in place solely to cover for Barry's corruption and cheating.

but its funny that you ignored by question about clinton and lynch on the remote tarmac. Where they just happened to meet to talk about golf and grandkids (even though she doesnt play golf and doesnt have any grandkids).

Barr is being criticized by the LE community at large, not just by lil’ old citizen me. (And an accurate description would be boney no ass) Over 2,000 former DOJ officials. That didn’t happen to Holder or Lynch. Why? Because Holder and Lynch did not try to expand executive powers like Barr has.

What about the “remote tarmac”? (ooh, make it sound so secretive and clandestine). Clinton spoke to Lynch for 10 minutes of small talk at a public airport. So?

small talk????? are you that fricken naive? shortly after that accidental meeting at a remote airport the FBI changed its investigation of hillary to a matter and Comey declined to prosecute her because she didn"t "intend" to violate the law and was too dumb to realize that she did.

I would be willing to bet that Lynch's swiss bank account saw a big deposit at about that same time.
Yes, small talk. Lynch testified under penalty of perjury on the conversation. If you have evidence to the contrary, you should provide it to the AG or IG.

Republicans pitched a fit and fell into it when Clinton cornered Lynch on the tarmac and it turned out to be nothing. Your hypocrisy now over Barr's unprecedented overreach is...well typical of Republican behavior under Trump.
Yeah, abuse of power isn't a crime...but it IS impeachable.

No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.

The House investigation was criminal. No defense witnesses, cherry picked testimony released to the press, one witness testimony(and the most non biased, and credible)was suppressed.

In other words clown gurl, the Senate squashed it as they should have.
Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.

The House investigation was criminal. No defense witnesses, cherry picked testimony released to the press, one witness testimony(and the most non biased, and credible)was suppressed.

In other words clown gurl, the Senate squashed it as they should have.
Defenses do not get to call witnesses during the investigation phase, silly. The House conducted their investigation despite unprecedented obstruction from the White House and they proved their case. Republicans abdicated their duties. They still could have acquitted Trump but by not doing their jobs during the trial phase, Republicans engaged in a coverup.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
Exactly. The democommiecrats have to be purged. If it takes seeing a few guillotines set up in the park to set things off that's a good thing. It is time for taking up arms.
No, it isn't.

Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.

The House investigation was criminal. No defense witnesses, cherry picked testimony released to the press, one witness testimony(and the most non biased, and credible)was suppressed.

In other words clown gurl, the Senate squashed it as they should have.
Defenses do not get to call witnesses during the investigation phase, silly. The House conducted their investigation despite unprecedented obstruction from the White House and they proved their case. Republicans abdicated their duties. They still could have acquitted Trump but by not doing their jobs during the trial phase, Republicans engaged in a coverup.
You are so totally confused that only a full semester of civics class could help.
Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.

The House investigation was criminal. No defense witnesses, cherry picked testimony released to the press, one witness testimony(and the most non biased, and credible)was suppressed.

In other words clown gurl, the Senate squashed it as they should have.

Sure, let's start having trials without witnesses since they seem to be unnecessary.
Of course it is. Trump just got impeached for it.

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.
That and they want Gulags and Guillotines built for Conservatives.
I'm ok with that.
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
Exactly. The democommiecrats have to be purged. If it takes seeing a few guillotines set up in the park to set things off that's a good thing. It is time for taking up arms.
I'm not talking about imaginary boogymen from your paranoia.

Now shoo.
21 Dem Witnesses were called in The Dem Shampeachment, and the GOP was allowed 1.

Seriously, why do I bother? You know all The Denials of Due Process that took place, and all the violations of Civil Rights that took place. There were 100s of irregularities and violations of procedures, rules, Due Process and Civil Rights and violations of Discovery Rules.

You could write a Novel on how The Democrat Party rigged The Inquiry, Rigged The Mueller Investigation and rigged FISA Warrants, lied, manufactured evidence, committed perjury and the list is endless.

They even had to break their own rules in The House and denied a Minority Day for The GOP which was mandated by The Rules.

They called for an Impeachment Inquiry without appointing an Independent and unbiased Special Counsel, a violation of house rules on Impeachment. Never mind that they also appointed a biased SC for the failed Mueller Hoax Investigation.

Pelosi was issuing subpoenas before there was an Impeachment vote, and called for Articles to be written not after The Inquiry was over but during it.

You children of Hell have been shown this repeatedly and still you come here to lie, lie, propagandize, and lie some more.

Why do you sell your soul to Hell for a political party or ideology you follow?

Only The Insane or Evil would repeatedly do that especially when they have been repeatedly been shown to be Ignorantly Wrong or just Flat Out Lying?

Why are you and your allies so immoral and wicked?

Do you not fear God?

Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.
Last edited:
Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.
Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.
This was not a tv trial. The Senate does not call witnesses. It is The deliberative body.
Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.
No witnesses are called during the senate phase. The senate is not an investigative body. Witnesses were called before the senate in the Clinton impeachment trial but those had already testified and were called only to clarify their prior testimony.
Have you ever watched a single crime show ever? Witnesses are called to testify in trials.

the "trial" was in the house, the senate is the jury. the senate hearing is where the lawyers from both sides present their closing arguments, then the senate, acting as the jury, votes. its amazing to watch you libs lie about how the constitution works.
Let me try to explain this so you might be able to understand it.

the house voted to impeach, much like a cop when he cites you for speeding

the senate is the court, they acquitted Trump of all charges, if you took your speeding ticket to to court and the judge ruled you innocent, you are not forever guilty of speeding.

but using your logic, clinton was forever impeached, the difference is that his impeachment was bi-partisan and he was proven guilty of several crimes.

obstruction of congress appears no where in the US statutes as a crime.

The Senate didn’t acquit, they refused to investigate. Trump is STILL impeached just like Clinton. Unlike Clinton, it was a bipartisan vote to convict. More “winning” for Trump in the history books!

wrong again, the senate voted not guilty, because the house had presented no evidence of any crimes or impeachable offences. the senate is the trial, not the investigation. What was done in the house was a disgrace and a partisan fiasco. Just another of a long list of democrat failures.

The Senate trial was a joke. No witnesses? Thats not a trial, that was a coverup.

The House investigation was criminal. No defense witnesses, cherry picked testimony released to the press, one witness testimony(and the most non biased, and credible)was suppressed.

In other words clown gurl, the Senate squashed it as they should have.
Defenses do not get to call witnesses during the investigation phase, silly. The House conducted their investigation despite unprecedented obstruction from the White House and they proved their case. Republicans abdicated their duties. They still could have acquitted Trump but by not doing their jobs during the trial phase, Republicans engaged in a coverup.
You are still going by Law and Order. No that isn't how it works. You've been told how it works. You just want to cling to to your soap opera view.
you are correct, but Barr and Durham are uncovering it and indictments of crooked democrats and their media cronies are on the way. The swamp is being drained, its going to take a while but its happening.
Barr and Durham are spinning their wheels hoping to generate enough smoke to hide tRump's crimes.

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

And yet, you cannot name one. How curious!
Reasons are clearly stated above. You actually quoted the post.
or not
Barr and Durham are spinning their wheels hoping to generate enough smoke to hide tRump's crimes.

what crimes? give us a list or STFU
Again, it's all been in the news repeatedly for years.

I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with tRumplings anymore.

And yet, you cannot name one. How curious!
Reasons are clearly stated above. You actually quoted the post.
or not
Yes, you did. The quotes stream is there, all ya gotta do is click on it.

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