I Have Some Really Sad News

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring. Sure my fiancee promised me that he would get me a new one and that he'd do everything that he could to get the wedding moved up sooner, but it still hurts and it might be a couple months before I get a new one. 😞
How? why does wedding need to be moved up? Wife lost her diamond studs....took me awhile to replace em. Jewelry insurance is rather cheap when ya do get married
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring. Sure my fiancee promised me that he would get me a new one and that he'd do everything that he could to get the wedding moved up sooner, but it still hurts and it might be a couple months before I get a new one. 😞
Did you go back and check the changing room at that titty bar? You wouldn't be the first to leave a ring there.
You know those are Red Flags even with the rose-colored glasses on ... are you absolutely sure you didn't subconsciously throw away the engagement ring? ...

I think Dave Berry said it best "The most dangerous part of marriage is babies" ... maybe time to think a little longer ... if it's True Love, then a time apart should strengthen such bonds ...

Blah.....A woman will lose everything if it ain't fuckin' tied to them.....Check your drain traps.

LOL....The wife "lost" her little jewelry box with all her rings and other things I had gifted her over the first half of our marriage....She whined no end about it for a good year. Not that she wanted me to replace it but for losing them.....I finally shut her up with a 1.50 ct ring. ;)

I found the box near 20 years later two shelves down from where it was "lost" covered by a file folder of old-ass tax returns.

That was it, enough was enough....We gathered-up all the old paperwork and I took it down to my hunting/fishing/range property and burnt it all in the pig BBQ pit....I bet it took me two hours to reduce those boxes of crap to ash.

I taught her how to scan documents, receipts, and such and they are all in a little box of thumb drives now....That will never be looked at again.
You know those are Red Flags even with the rose-colored glasses on ... are you absolutely sure you didn't subconsciously throw away the engagement ring? ...

I think Dave Berry said it best "The most dangerous part of marriage is babies" ... maybe time to think a little longer ... if it's True Love, then a time apart should strengthen such bonds ...

Try this,,,sister was puking her guts out before their ceremony. Everyone is like ...Not good Mav. They cancelled most of the songs did the I do's and are till together almost thirty yrs later
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring. Sure my fiancee promised me that he would get me a new one and that he'd do everything that he could to get the wedding moved up sooner, but it still hurts and it might be a couple months before I get a new one. 😞
Do you think you were out somewhere or just around the house?
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring. Sure my fiancee promised me that he would get me a new one and that he'd do everything that he could to get the wedding moved up sooner, but it still hurts and it might be a couple months before I get a new one. 😞
Maybe once the new ring is purchased, the missing ring will be found. Then you will have even more bling! :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. "I'm getting a new ring! Come out! Come out where ever you are if you don't want to be officially replaced!" :) :) :)
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring. Sure my fiancee promised me that he would get me a new one and that he'd do everything that he could to get the wedding moved up sooner, but it still hurts and it might be a couple months before I get a new one. 😞

I lost or more accurately someone stole my wedding ring a week after we were married.
That was 32 odd years ago and I never replaced it. I couldnt wear it to work due to the danger it posed running lathes and mills.
It's just a ring but I suppose women are more into that sort of thing than men.
Had to cut the Wife's ring off a couple years ago because she couldnt remove it no matter how many tricks we tried.
She teared up when it was done. I told Her not to worry about it and if she wanted we could get it resized.
Animals are dying and people are sickened by phosgene gas created by burning vinyl chloride on the Ohio-Pa border but the loss of a ring is sad news indeed.
Yesterday I lost one of the most important things to me. My engagement ring.
Can you explain HOW this happens?

Did you take it off?
Did it just 'Slip Off'??????
I lost my ring for over two years....it will turn up someday

you know a wedding can be done in five minutes ...one does not need all the window dressings to get married
Someone explain to me the fascination women have with outrageously expensive little bits of shiny stone and metal.
This is part of your cover story .

But you pawned it a hundred miles away because you are being blackmailed and your man is lovely but a sucker .

Couple of months and you will be muling for one of the Crack distributors .

Oh . what a tangled web we weave ---------------
It happens. Sometimes they show up and sometimes not. I don't wear my wedding ring much unless there is a coat and tie involved anymore, but I've been through 3 so far. First one I still have but it is pretty scuffed up, second one went down a toilet drain when I was replacing the wax ring. I have a number 4 stashed away just in case. Fortunately for men wedding bands are fairly cheap.
Sorry guys, been really busy lately. I was over at my fiancée's house for the week but he found it for me. 🥰

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