I Have To Give Donald Credit


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
He is the first republican to tell the truth of who was responsible for many of our problems and mistakes.

He made it clear that Bush wrongfully got us into a war with Iraq and cost this nation many thousands of deaths and injured leaving Iraq so weak that ISIS took possession of much of Iraq oil making that organization instantly wealthy from the stolen oil.

In many ways Trump is unprepared to lead this country, mostly his lack of any ability to think about the consequences of what he says, but his honesty is refreshing.
He is the first republican to tell the truth of who was responsible for many of our problems and mistakes.

He made it clear that Bush wrongfully got us into a war with Iraq and cost this nation many thousands of deaths and injured leaving Iraq so weak that ISIS took possession of much of Iraq oil making that organization instantly wealthy from the stolen oil.

In many ways Trump is unprepared to lead this country, mostly his lack of any ability to think about the consequences of what he says, but his honesty is refreshing.

All a politician is, is a person who knows when to keep their mouths shut. They will always tell you what the majority wants to hear, even if they do not believe what they are saying. All they care about is that YOU believe what they are saying! In other words............the most electable person, is the person who lies the best, and can convince you they care.

The truth is...............the only politician you will EVER vote for that is telling the truth, is the politician you vote for, after/if the United States collapses; because they are going to say exactly the same things you are thinking.

As long is there is money in the treasury and people to tax, a politicians job is to tell the most people he/she can what they want to hear, while pissing the least amount of people off; in essence tipping the balance of votes towards them.

There is many, many, many Americans who believe we as a country are in deep doo-doo, so they are willing to listen to outsiders who are squealing on Washington and their crony deals.

The left must NOT think our country is in any sort of trouble, because not only do they want another candidate who deals with cronies, they want to spend trillions more and think it is going to fall out of a money tree.

I do not know how screwed we really are, but I do know if something does not change, our children and grandchildren are done before they ever really start. Knowing that statistics prove that no more than 125 billion people have inhabited this earth throughout all of human history, and of those, less than 6 billion have been free makes me realize we are the select few in life, and we better protect it before someone takes it from us, or those we love we leave behind.
he's done his immigration policy , he's given his gun policy and he has stated that he'll build a wall , work to rebuild the military , sounds good to me Luddley !!
he's done his immigration policy , he's given his gun policy and he has stated that he'll build a wall , work to rebuild the military , sounds good to me Luddley !!

Makes no difference. All Luddly and the rinos want is status quo. This means the money will still flow, so none of them will really lose.
Problem is and someone should send him a memo......

ISIS is the direct responsibility of western leaders including my own Conservative Prime Minister because they were playing games in the Middle East trying to depose everyone including Assad.

Call me. I'll set him straight.

Anyone found a name for that mysterious rebel group in Syria yet?

What's the name of the opposition again?
He is the first republican to tell the truth of who was responsible for many of our problems and mistakes.

He made it clear that Bush wrongfully got us into a war with Iraq and cost this nation many thousands of deaths and injured leaving Iraq so weak that ISIS took possession of much of Iraq oil making that organization instantly wealthy from the stolen oil.

In many ways Trump is unprepared to lead this country, mostly his lack of any ability to think about the consequences of what he says, but his honesty is refreshing.

They are called ISIS because Baghdadi started up in Syria not Iraq.
Donald Trump interview in S. Carolina answering questions . Questions from audience asked by Sen. Tim Scott . --- ---

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