I hear many complain of the "duopoly"

I've talked about this many times on this forum. So I'm going to copy and paste what I have said more recently.

There are dark forces working to keep us all at each other's throats. "Divide and conquer".

Every American, left and right, can feel something is being stolen from them. They can't put their finger on it, but they sure as shit can feel it.

Then some fucking evil demagogues come along and tell them, "It's the Mexicans and Muslims!"

It isn't the Mexicans and Muslims. They are textbook scapegoats.

And boy oh boy does it keep us from seeing who is really ripping us off, even though they are hiding in plain sight.

It doesn't help the left and right wing propagandists don't give a shit about getting to the truth, even though that's supposed to be their job.

The propagandists don't care how many bodies pile up so long as the rubes keep their eyes plastered to their screens and buy their merch and click the ads.

The media of all stripes have abdicated their roles. And without that, we are well and truly fucked. The media is the last barricade to chaos.

It's not dark forces my guy, it's just rich and powerful people using their wealth and power to make themselves more rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else. It's the same shit that's been happening since the dawn of man.
"The Swamp" is simply a paranoid fantasy dreamed up and pushed by right wing media to maintain a boogeyman in the fevered imaginations of the paranoid, grievance-consumed rubes.

The "duopoly" story is real, but that's our own fault. The two parties are simply taking advantage of a "system" that incentivizes and rewards their worst impulses and behaviors. As a result, both fucked up parties are ideological slaves to their whacked out bases.

Either we make significant changes to our system or we continue to bend over and take it. That's entirely up to us.
  • Short, strict term limits
  • Publicly-funded elections
  • Independent/bipartisan redistricting commissions
  • Non-partisan primaries
  • Ranked choice voting
That would be a good start. Or we can just sit here and complain.
All I can do is vote for what I hear them say.

So if I want a secure border, for example, I vote for those who say it needs fixed and not for those who say it is secure.

Or I can just assume them liars and stay home. Is that what you are suggesting I do?
I sometimes find myself wishing the tards got their wish and we built a YUGE wall to keep out all the Mexicans.

Just so I can laugh my ass off when it has ZERO impact on our economy or the real problems we face.

I'm willing to chip in my share of taxes just so I can experience that joy.
I didnt say you did, you were just implying that is the fix.
No, I was not saying that at all. This is the problem with the assumptions people make about me. A lot of morons think I am a liberal because I am a Never Trumper. I am quite the opposite.

If you read item 6 in the topic I pointed you to, and then go back and re-read my posts here, hopefully you will have your mind right this time.

I disagreed with that. I do agree they need to get the hell out of it. Costs started sky rocketing when they tried to get involved in the 30s. This is the govts fuck up. Just like education costs.
The GOP is fucking worthless. Not sure i understand how you go about "fixing" gun crime when most of it is suicide or gang related. You cant bring up gangs or you get branded a racist and socially assassinated.
I can give you the single greatest cause of gun homicides, especially the gang-related homicides. Then you tell me what you think the solution should be.

The single greatest cause of gun homicides is that gun makers are flooding our streets with guns for fun and profit.

Just like Big Pharma flooded our streets with opioids for fun and profit, and kicked off a horrific epidemic.
Given that "Universal Healthcare" will almost certainly be contracted out to private insurance companies, contracts with government guaranteed profits, it makes lots of sense.
That's not what UHC is. There are no private insurance companies in UHC. The government is the single payer.

In some countries that have UHC, you can buy supplemental insurance through private companies and go to a private doctor. There's a great comedy skit about this that Benny Hill made a long time ago. I'll try to find it.

Canada used to ban private insurance. You could only use the government's health care system.

Canada's wait lists became so egregious that their Supreme Court ruled that "access to a waiting list is not access to health care" (their words), and they struck down the private insurance ban.
The founders never expected Congress to abdicate much of its power to the executive branch
Jefferson certainly didn't want that to happen. He imagined we would always be an agricultural economy loosely bound together.

Hamilton, on the other hand, desired a strong central government with a strong executive. I think he would be most pleased with where we are today, while Jefferson would weep.

The tug of war continues...
2. The EU forcing the Netherlands to close 3000 farms, all in an era of mass inflation and world starvation to the tune of a billion people starving to death, according to the UN, that is. This will cause world food prices to go even higher next year. All done without a shot fired or a vote cast.

How can the EU force the Netherlands to close 3000 farms? I have not heard that story.
Not if we're talking "Medicare for All" - that's farmed out to insurance companies ...
And that has turned into a disaster. The private insurance companies involved with Medicare Advantage are committing massive fraud on the taxpayer as we speak.

Just like with ACA, the vested interests will find a way to ride the gravy train.
If we go with Medicare For All, that is absolutely true. But if we go with single payer, there are no health insurance companies any more. They become extinct, except for the private companies who would provide supplemental health insurance as I described in my previous posts.
The name is confusing sure because its marketing to make it reconizable to older voters but what it would effectively do is make the government the insurer and eliminate the need for private health insurance.

United States National Health Care Act - Wikipedia

The act would establish a universal single-payer health care system in the United States, the rough equivalent of Canada's Medicare and Taiwan's Bureau of National Health Insurance, among other examples. Under a single-payer system, most medical care would be paid for by the federal government, ending the need for private health insurance and premiums, and re-casting private insurance companies as providing purely supplemental coverage, to be used when non-essential care is sought. The national system would be paid for in part through taxes replacing insurance premiums, but also by savings realized through the provision of preventive universal health care and the elimination of insurance company overhead and hospital billing costs.
There is a lot of confusion about Medicare For All and single payer. Those two terms are often used interchangeably but they are in no way alike.

Medicare For All would be an even bigger disaster than single payer.
Once upon a time, the GOP voted to repeal and replace Obamacare with John McCain leading the way. In fact, I remember a robust condemnation from John McCain on the evils of Obamacare, that has long since been taken down by the Left for obvious reasons. Much of what he complained about we see come to fruition today . After all, the same voices that sold us Obamcare with the lies that accompanied it are the same voices today that want to "fix" it all over again with the government in complete control. However, John knew that Obama would veto the legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare, which he promptly, did.

Then voters in mass voted out the DNC in spectacular fashion in 2010, a true red wave as the GOP ran on securing the border and repealing and replacing Obamcare. However, once in power the GOP and John McCan't refuse to once again vote to repeal and replace Obamcare, because he knew Trump was their to sign it into legislation. Oh, and they did not fix the border in the two years the GOP were in power either. No, they waited will the DNC took over saying, "See, we told you they would not do what they promised"

That is the type of crap conservatives have been dealing with for years.

As for solutions, there is not one perfect solution for health care, not like the Left would lead us to believe, but I prefer having it in the private sector where I feel some hope of running to government once I'm screwed over to maybe get compensated. After all, had a CEO promised me in writing that my new health care policy would be cheaper and I could keep my same plan and doctor, and then find it was all a lie, he would go to jail. However, when Obama did it, he got re-elected and is revered by many to this day.
I don't think obummer was legitimately voted into office (probably either time). I think voting has been corrupt for a long time. Maybe the only way Trump won the first time was that so many voted for him, the Ds couldn't do much. They had not anticipated the one they vilified for all those months actually winning (didn't have the blank ballots ready?).

In any case I am right behind you on everything you say here except that, that you don't seem to think there were voting shenanigans when O was a candidate.
Many here are convinced that the Swamp is a duopoly, but I disagree.

What we have here is a Swamp run by the DNC with a token opposition party that never really offers much opposition. With opposition like McConnell and Romney etc., for example, at best you can say the opposition party is all just a bunch of sell outs.

What you have is a system where one party rules the roost, making you think you have other choices, when really you do not.

But at the end of the day, who cares? Either way, the system is broken as only about 10% of Americans think the US Federal Congress is doing a good job, and this low percentage has lasted for about 3 decades now no matter who gets voted into office. and with no end in sight. Poll after poll shows Americans think the country is on the wrong road, no matter your political affiliation. It's not hard to understand, even though it is often hard to put your finger on as to why.

Democracy is dead as the world economy soon will be thanks to them.
Many of us grew up playing “Duopoly.” Great game.
It's not just the name, not just marketing. Bernie et.al. have held up Medicare as the model. They just want to expand it.

In any case, do you really think a program that cuts billions of dollars in corporate profits would make it through Congress?
Eventually, UHC will make it. It is now inevitable.

The profiteering dipshits are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
There is a lot of confusion about Medicare For All and single payer. Those two terms are often used interchangeably but they are in no way alike.

Medicare For All would be an even bigger disaster than single payer.
You're what I call political nihilists. Everything is awful and nothing would be better. 😄
If we elect enough politicians who aren't beholden to corporate profits and hold progressive values then yes.

Politicians who aren't beholden to special interests. Oh my god that's funny.

You know why our politicians get away with it? Because the rubes are being deliberately dumbed down by their propagandists.

The media has completely abdicated its role as the watchdog of democracy. They not only fail to deliver the truth, they purposefully manufacture bullshit by the truckload, 24 hours a day.

"On day one, I will repeal and replace Obamacare. I have a terrific plan. I will be releasing it in two weeks."

Tell me something. Did you ever see any Trumptard or right wing propaganda outlet or Republican politician hold Trump's feet to the fire about this hoax? Ever?

Me, either.

We get the politicians we deserve.
You're what I call political nihilists. Everything is awful and nothing would be better. 😄
Wrong. I believe nothing would be better under Medicare For All or UHC.

I do believe health care would be astronomically better if we got government out of health care as much as possible.

In fact, we would all be better off if we got government out of every aspect of our lives as much as possible.

See here:
Just for you

But keep it hush, hush, like the rest of the media.
That is really bizarre, even for environmental wackos.

What the hell! Nitrogen is NATURAL. It occurs in the atmosphere naturally.

The ironic thing is that all this messing with the environment may be... WHODA thunk it... bad for the environment. You mess up one thing (nitrogen content) and something else goes haywire.

These people are truly out of their minds.

It's not dark forces my guy, it's just rich and powerful people using their wealth and power to make themselves more rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else. It's the same shit that's been happening since the dawn of man.
No, there are dark spiritual forces at work.

And those dark spiritual forces are influencing our country from top to bottom.

Could you have imagined 40 years ago the Republican party would one day nominate and elect a proud serial adulterer who bragged about grabbing pussies?

Wrong. I believe nothing would be better under Medicare For All or UHC.

I do believe health care would be astronomically better if we got government out of health care as much as possible.

In fact, we would all be better off if we got government out of every aspect of our lives as much as possible.

See here:
Ahhh, so an anarchist. Even better. The impotent angry one to the emo nihilist brother. 😄

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