I hear the left got their panties in a bunch over Trump's "fire and fury"


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
No safe space is safe now, Trump has spoken. He also lied today, calling his father Fred, when his real name is Frederick.

Fire, fury and Fred. Trump gets three Fs. If only Obama were our POUS again. He'd have apologized for our existence and anything that may have disturbed N. Korea.
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No safe space is safe now, Trump has spoken. He also lied today, calling his father Fred, when his real name is Frederick.

Fire, fury and Fred. Trump gets three Fs. If only Obama were our POUS again. He's have apologized for our existence and anything that may have disturbed N. Korea.

Obama isn't our president any more. It's all on trump's weak slumping shoulders. He's doing a pretty crappy job too.
Trump's trouble is blunt honesty. I like it, and I'm sure Kiim Jong appreciates it as well.

I have something every Trump supporter ought to think about:

It was only a few weeks ago that Trump invited Christians in to pray for him. If he is leaning in that direction, I would say to him (and his supporters) that they can think the following over:

"Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed." Proverbs 15 : 22

"Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war." Proverbs 20: 18

ALL of Trumps advisors and planners should be relied on before blowing a lot of hot air.
Trump's trouble is blunt honesty. I like it, and I'm sure Kiim Jong appreciates it as well.

Blunt stupidity more like it.

He speaks like a silly 5th grader in both form and content.

"If you make a threat we will unleash fire and fury like the world has never seen" :rolleyes: Could easily pass that off as a third world dictator gibberish.

Reality is Trump isn't going to do shit militarily and has just opened up himself (and America he represents) up for another egg-on-the-face.
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He'd have apologized for our existence and anything that may have disturbed N. Korea.

Dummy, Obama was a president for 8 years and had much dealing with N. Korea, when the fuck did he do anything the sort?
Too few are already carrying the real burden for our freedom. We sure don't need yet another amateur shooting off his mouth.

What "real freedoms" are those? We don't have allodial rights to property. Free speech is being suppressed due to cultural Marxism. Youtube channels are being shut down or de-monetized because they are being classified as "hate speech" if they post a video in support of Trump. Leftards are so used to "political correctness and double speak" that when they hear the truth it causes the little gerbil that runs the treadmills of their minds to collapse from exhaustion.
He'd have apologized for our existence and anything that may have disturbed N. Korea.

Dummy, Obama was a president for 8 years and had much dealing with N. Korea, when the fuck did he do anything the sort?

It's ironic. This is back in the day when Russia wasn't a threat to the USA, as declared by POUS Obama.

More bullshit, quote Obama saying Russia is not a threat.
He'd have apologized for our existence and anything that may have disturbed N. Korea.

Dummy, Obama was a president for 8 years and had much dealing with N. Korea, when the fuck did he do anything the sort?

It's ironic. This is back in the day when Russia wasn't a threat to the USA, as declared by POUS Obama.

More bullshit, quote Obama saying Russia is not a threat.

This is why we seem so weak in the eyes of fatfucks that have bombs as toys. ^
I don't think that Trump did too much harm with his fire and fury act. Kim, like everyone else, knows by now that trump is a pathological liar, and nothing he says has any importance.

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