I Hope Trump is Removed With 25th and Charged With Subversion Because...

One thing they cannot take away from Trump. He has made history as America's last legitimate president. As of Jan 20th.

One thing they cannot take away from Rump. He has made history as the one after America's last legitimate president. As of Jan 20th. 2016.

Fixed it for ya.
Obama was and is a traitor.

I know right. Member that time O'bama ordered all his minions to go storm the Capitol while Congress was in session to disrupt the normal functions of government?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member that time O'bama axed his VP to defy the Constitution to which they both swore an oath, and try to dismiss electoral votes he couldn't handle?

Oh wait, that was Rump too.

Member when O'bama brought state legislators from Michigan to the WH to try to convince them to defy their own state laws and seat different electors because he couldn't handle the ones the voters chose?

Oh wait, that was Rump three.

Member how O'bama sat on the phone with state election officials in another state trying to threaten them into forging their own certified election results because he couldn't handle them either?

Oh wait, that was Rump again.

Member how O'bama refused to ever concede his loss, even after multiple recounts, even after losing every court harassment tactic, even after the Electoral Fucking College voted him out?

Oh wait, that was STILL Rump.

Member how O'bama got intelligence reports about Russian interference in an election, stood next to Pootin' and defended the Pooter over his own government, then changed his entire sentence after Pootin was out of earshot, never admitting he fucked it up in the first place?

Oh wait, that was DEFINITELY Rump.

Member how further intelligence told O'bama that the same Pootin' had put bounties on US military heads, and did absolutely nothing about it?

Oh wait. Rump again.

Member how O'bama tried to spin the Mueller Report into "I dindu nuffin"?

Oh wait. Guess who.

Member how O'bama kept that secret Chinese bank account?

Oh wait. Orange Man.

Member how O'bama tried to shake down a foreign government to try to find dirt on his likely opponent?

Oh wait. Rumpleforeskin.

Member how O'bama got IMPEACHED for doing that?

Oh wait. That was the "Greatest Jagoff President that god ever created". Again.

Member how O'bama's under fire even now for getting impeached AGAIN, and/or having the 25th take him out, for that one at the top of this list?


Gee gosh Wally, what a "traitor" that O'bama was huh.

Like to introduce you to your new avatar. Her name is "Nun so blind"

If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

Pence and priebus were trying to stab him after he had already won the nominee in 2016, 3 weeks before the election.

"Won the nominee"? Really? Is English a second language for you? The "nominee" is someone who won the NOMINATION. And no, Pence was Trump's most loyal supporter up until the past couple of weeks.

Quit playing semantics. I know exactly what it means. Thats childish, the same as people who correct for a grammar mistake, spelling etc. And yes, pence was working with priebus in 2016 to take the nomination away because the Rs hated trump.

Not playing semantics, just correcting your English. And yeah, if you want someone to take you seriously, it would help if you could manage to use proper grammar. As far as Pence, he was seriously the most staunch supporter of Trump up until he knew that Trump was going to lose. If you have a link to say that Pence was going against Trump back in 2016, I suggest you post it, otherwise, it's just more bullshit you pulled outta your ass.

Again, you're being childish. Here's your link and it even came from a leftist rag, the atlantic.............ooops i didn't capitalize that.

"But in fact, according to several Republicans familiar with the situation, he wasn’t just thinking about dropping out—he was contemplating a coup. Within hours of The Post’s bombshell, Pence made it clear to the Republican National Committee that he was ready to take Trump’s place as the party’s nominee. Such a move just four weeks before Election Day would have been unprecedented—but the situation seemed dire enough to call for radical action.

Already, Reince Priebus’s office was being flooded with panicked calls from GOP officials and donors urging the RNC chairman to get rid of Trump by whatever means necessary. One Republican senator called on the party to engage emergency protocols to nominate a new candidate. RNC lawyers huddled to explore an obscure legal mechanism by which they might force Trump off the ticket. Meanwhile, a small group of billionaires was trying to put together money for a “buyout”—even going so far as to ask a Trump associate how much money the candidate would require to walk away from the race. "

Really? An opinion piece is your "proof". The past 4 years would argue with the statements your blogger posted. Pence has been firmly in Trump's corner, even when he knew it would look bad politically. Pence finally had enough, and now is standing on his own.

Oh wait........................you're doing the same thing Trump loyalists always do when Republicans speak out against the Orange Idiot, and are now going to call him a RINO? You guys have thrown a whole bunch of people under the bus, just because Trump didn't like them. Wanna talk about Mattis? How about Barr? How about all the other people Trump has gotten rid of? You guys liked them when Trump selected them, but then when they spoke out against him, you said they weren't really Republicans, or that they deserved the position that Trump gave them.

You just don't get it. I'm not surprised that you can't see this though. They all hated trump, both sides. He never was part of their good ol boy club of scams, schemes, never ending wars etc.

Trump conceded and through the insurrectionists under the bus while doing it.

Not a big deal but 'through' should be 'threw'
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....

We dealt with an illegitimate president for 4 years, your turn smiley ☺.

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....

I know that you won't accept Biden as president, but can you possibly explain the rest of your post? Are you saying that China has been putting their finger up Biden's ass? Are gay fantasies your stock in trade?
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....

We dealt with an illegitimate president for 4 years, your turn smiley ☺.

The proof of Russian collusion was never found but we looked for 4 years...we can't find one judge to view the evidence of fraud....they won't give us an inch of space in court to present evidence....but you fuckers had 4 years and 50 million bucks and found nothing....so go fuck off...
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....

Once AGAIN...........

------------------------- Evidence?

No? Are you sure?

Have you checked Four Seasons Total Landscaping? And the porn shop next door?
Have you checked with the blonde bimbo who "did sump'm crazy"?
Have you checked with Blew Dobbs and Fucker Carlson and all those yahoos who had to retract their bullshit under threat of being sued for them?

Have you checked with George W. Bush? He looked under furniture for WMD, he knows where the dust bunnies are.....

By all means carry on in your valiant quest to knob-job the Delusionist in Chief. It amuses us.
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

tRump got SCHLONGED at the polls. He is toast and he knows it. Say it, Joe Biden is president!!!!

China the finger rapist crooked Joe is not the legitimate president....

We dealt with an illegitimate president for 4 years, your turn smiley ☺.

The proof of Russian collusion was never found but we looked for 4 years...we can't find one judge to view the evidence of fraud....they won't give us an inch of space in court to present evidence....but you fuckers had 4 years and 50 million bucks and found nothing....so go fuck off...

The courts laughed at Rudi, tRump and ewe and told ewe to fuck off.

It was great to see the crooked bastards cower down like the spineless turds they are.
Speaking of crooked bastards and spineless turds, did anybody see the Orange Buffoon on the steps of the Capital Building? Or was he letting his cannon fodder do all the dirty work for him? Again. Mind you, why wouldn't he let them. He seems to like fucking people up the arse, throwing them under the bus, only for the victims of his insatiable power grab to come back and lick his boots. Just like his Deplorable base on this board do.
Dr Gump ?? How long have you been a member of Antifa , you filthy, revolting gutter rat
Is that you, Donald?
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
He is getting bitch slapped so are his minions. I hope the FBI starts cracking down on those Neo Nazis, their leader will go down eventually too.

Spoken from an uneducated moron with zero in his brain and bank account ! You fat azz worm
Wrong, try again.
If Trump were to resign, like Nixon did, Pence would pardon him.

Pence is smarter than that. Who else do you think kept him in check for so long? If Pence pardoned Trump, he would end his political career.
For what crimes , you “ mini Eichmann “

Trump has been the one questioning if he can pardon himself. I don't know for what crimes, but apparently Trump does, as he wouldn't have asked the question.
If Trump were to resign, like Nixon did, Pence would pardon him.

Pence is smarter than that. Who else do you think kept him in check for so long? If Pence pardoned Trump, he would end his political career.
For what crimes , you “ mini Eichmann “

Trump has been the one questioning if he can pardon himself. I don't know for what crimes, but apparently Trump does, as he wouldn't have asked the question.
He never said that you pathological liar !!
T has been the most honest president since Eisenhower
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If Trump were to resign, like Nixon did, Pence would pardon him.

Pence is smarter than that. Who else do you think kept him in check for so long? If Pence pardoned Trump, he would end his political career.
For what crimes , you “ mini Eichmann “

Trump has been the one questioning if he can pardon himself. I don't know for what crimes, but apparently Trump does, as he wouldn't have asked the question.
He never said that you pathological liar !!
T has been the most honest president since Eisenhower

Really? Trump never questioned if he could pardon himself? I'll let you in on a secret........................there is a website called Google (which is what I use, but there are other search engines, and btw, a search engine is a place on the 'net where you can type in words, and it will give you information about it), and on Google, if you use it, you can find many news articles that say Trump has been asking about it.

Here....................let me get you started with a couple of links.................and by the way.........................next time check out Google before making yourself look like an ass.

Lots of different places are saying the same thing. Here's a suggestion, before calling someone a liar, might wanna check on some kind of search engine to see if they are telling the truth.
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