I just cancelled my Amazon account after years of purchases!

If Amazon wants to help Twitter by ridding the world of their up and coming competition which is Parler they can do it without my money....I just said goodbye to Amazon for good...there are plenty of on line shopping without them...do not give your business to people that spit on our constitution....
While you are at it cut the cable so CNN and the MSM won't get your money...dump twitter and fakebook....dry up their stock prices....right now they are acting like Chinese controlled entities....do not reward them....
This is how we fight back...peacefully.....
Good riddance on their part
If Amazon wants to help Twitter by ridding the world of their up and coming competition which is Parler they can do it without my money....I just said goodbye to Amazon for good...there are plenty of on line shopping without them...do not give your business to people that spit on our constitution....
While you are at it cut the cable so CNN and the MSM won't get your money...dump twitter and fakebook....dry up their stock prices....right now they are acting like Chinese controlled entities....do not reward them....
This is how we fight back...peacefully.....
Amazon must be cringing by now, wondering how they’re going to make up for all the lost revenue from dildo sales.
If Amazon wants to help Twitter by ridding the world of their up and coming competition which is Parler they can do it without my money....I just said goodbye to Amazon for good...there are plenty of on line shopping without them...do not give your business to people that spit on our constitution....
While you are at it cut the cable so CNN and the MSM won't get your money...dump twitter and fakebook....dry up their stock prices....right now they are acting like Chinese controlled entities....do not reward them....
This is how we fight back...peacefully.....
Good idea.

I forgot I had Prime membership, it was useful when I was overseas. Usually subscription cancellations are paid until the next billing cycle, but they have an option to cancel immediately and they refund you money based on time left. Got a hundred bucks back from Amazon. Won’t ever use them again. There are plenty of other options.
Do not give your money to a company that wishes you and your way of life harm....freedom is more important than Chinese crap sold on Amazon....

Agreed. As far as I'm concerned, refusing to accommodate demagogues like Trump is the right thing to do. So my view of Amazon hasn't changed much, except that I might be a little more willing to give them my money than I was previously. The beauty of this approach is that we can all pursue, and support, our own values - without forcing them on others.
One mans demagogue is another mans hero...we all disliked Obama...you loved him....to us he was a scoundrel...but we didn't do what Amazon is doing.....
Obama didn't start an insurrection. At the moment, they are hoping to stop a civil war. No one stopped conservatives from starting up their own server services--you could have a site where you kick off all the libs--think how much fun that would be! And profitable, too, I'll bet.
Do not give your money to a company that wishes you and your way of life harm....freedom is more important than Chinese crap sold on Amazon....

Agreed. As far as I'm concerned, refusing to accommodate demagogues like Trump is the right thing to do. So my view of Amazon hasn't changed much, except that I might be a little more willing to give them my money than I was previously. The beauty of this approach is that we can all pursue, and support, our own values - without forcing them on others.
One mans demagogue is another mans hero...we all disliked Obama...you loved him....to us he was a scoundrel...but we didn't do what Amazon is doing.....
Obama didn't start an insurrection. At the moment, they are hoping to stop a civil war. No one stopped conservatives from starting up their own server services--you could have a site where you kick off all the libs--think how much fun that would be! And profitable, too, I'll bet.
Where have you been all summer?...do you know what the insurance costs for the democrat riots was last summer nation wide?...23 billion dollars in damage and countless lives ended or ruined....and you said nothing...and Pelosi supported them...so did Obama....and every other elected democrat....one afternoon of vandalism and the dems go nuts....too little too late....
Still 0 purchases on Amazon this year.
Still no purchases on Amazon since their fascist totalitarian act against Parler.
I've done good.
I've been on the wagon for a long time now, so I think I no longer need *A.A. meetings.
*(Amazon Anonymous)
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If Amazon wants to help Twitter by ridding the world of their up and coming competition which is Parler they can do it without my money....I just said goodbye to Amazon for good...there are plenty of on line shopping without them...do not give your business to people that spit on our constitution....
While you are at it cut the cable so CNN and the MSM won't get your money...dump twitter and fakebook....dry up their stock prices....right now they are acting like Chinese controlled entities....do not reward them....
This is how we fight back...peacefully.....
What are the alternatives to the corksucker? Post a list, please.


Hope more people follow your peaceful resistance.

I, however, cannot join.

I am 83.

I depend on Amazon.

It is so easy for this old man to type in what he wants, choose something, click the button, and get it delivered. During this COVID nightmare, Amazon has meant so much to me and others.

I remember that last year, I was annoyed that each time I went to Amazon, there would be a big headline proclaiming how much Amazon absolutely loved that movement that was leading all those marches. Naturally, I was annoyed, but I ignored those words and went straight to shopping.
Sometimes, it takes stones to boycott.
THAT'll bring Amazon to its knees :rofl:

Never had Twatter or Fecesbook, don't have a television, but I did recently sign up with Amazon so you're already, as they say in the veterinary world, neutered.

And oh yes I'm a stockholder too.

Try again next week.
The problematic with stocks is the Irish invention of boycott.
Trump hates Bezos, because Bezos could buy and sell Trump a hundred times over. Trump's jealous hatred filters down to the Trump cult.

Liberals don't like Amazon or Bezos much. It's a near-monopoly that treats its employees badly. We just lack the screaming irrational hatred thing.
Where have you been all summer?...do you know what the insurance costs for the democrat riots was last summer nation wide?...23 billion dollars in damage and countless lives ended or ruined....and you said nothing...and Pelosi supported them...so did Obama....and every other elected democrat....one afternoon of vandalism and the dems go nuts....too little too late....
And this was while the commie virus was eating non-blm Americans. Intelligent people should know by now just who and what to boycott, and for how long.
If Amazon wants to help Twitter by ridding the world of their up and coming competition which is Parler they can do it without my money....I just said goodbye to Amazon for good...there are plenty of on line shopping without them...do not give your business to people that spit on our constitution....
While you are at it cut the cable so CNN and the MSM won't get your money...dump twitter and fakebook....dry up their stock prices....right now they are acting like Chinese controlled entities....do not reward them....
This is how we fight back...peacefully.....

You just made the best argument for using Amazon. Annoy a Trump supporter and use Amazon.
You just made the best argument for using Amazon. Annoy a Trump supporter and use Amazon.
You have a less then 1% chance of getting Covid and less then 1% of that contracted virus die.
You shut down the globe over those odds but won't close down using Amazon where you have the same odds contracting metal or plastic poison from their tainted faux China products and the same odds of dying from that poisoning.

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