I Just Don't Understand the Tactics Used in the GWOT


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Why does ISIS even have a single oil well that is not burning? In WW2 we conducted strategic bombing of oil fields and our first offensive operations were to take the oil fields in Africa. All for the single purpose of denying the enemy a valuable resource. Here in the 21st century we obviously let the enemy operate oil fields, transport it and sell it.

If I were in charge they would all be burning, every truck a shredded wreck, and bomb the hell out of whoever was buying their oil.

Military Strategy 101: Deny the enemy resources in which it can use to its advantage.

THE ISLAMIC STATE’S OIL BUSINESS: A detailed analysis of Islamic State oil production, from the last six months of 2014 to this year.

How much ISIL received per barrel from the brokers and smugglers became known gradually as information could be extracted from those sources. It apparently averaged about $25 per barrel meaning that ISIL obtained about $40-45 million a month in 2014 from this source. In 2015 that fell to $20-30 million and in 2016 it was $10-15 million in 2016. In 2017 it was down to $5 million or less per month and this decline was verified by ISIL prisoners, defectors and deserters through that period as well as data provided by civilians escaping ISIL controlled territory as well as those few who managed to use cell phones or Internet access to communicate from ISIL territory in that period. The reduced income meant ISIL could not pay its personnel or buy essential supplies from smugglers. These economic woes played a major role in ISIL losing control of the territory it ruled during that period.

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