I just gave $500

Captain Butthurt sharts again... :rolleyes:

And always seems to shart in his own pants.

Maybe I'll make a donation in his name if he will post his email address to my private mailbox. I know he can't afford to do it on his own.

C'mon, it's their planet, too.

More than 3,700 Ebola Orphans in West Africa

More than 3 700 Ebola Orphans in West Africa UNICEF USA

If ebola is so contagious, why are these orphans not dead too?

Probably for the same reasons Duncan's family and friends are out of quarantine as well as 48 others today.

But these kids are abandoned after a parent dies and then ostracized by their community and village. It's devastation heaped upon trauma. So there are some adults who have survived Ebola and now have the antibody, who are taking it upon themselves to adopt these children. That's where the money goes thru the UNICEF channel.

Captain Butthurt sharts again... :rolleyes:

noteapartypleez said:
And always seems to shart in his own pants.

Maybe I'll make a donation in his name if he will post his email address to my private mailbox. I know he can't afford to do it on his own.

Oh, look, kids — he posted in BOLD this time!!! :badgrin:

I see you're not so bold about putting your money where your pie hole is, even when it's someone else making the donation for you.
You made a donation. And you made it anonymously like any person with 5 cents worth of class would do, instead of blabbing about it to the world online. Why don't you walk down to your local Salvation Army and give them a donation too. Before you do, read my thread about homelessness in America. Do I believe you made a donation to anything worthwhile? Not for a New York second...idiot.
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C'mon, it's their planet, too.

More than 3,700 Ebola Orphans in West Africa

More than 3 700 Ebola Orphans in West Africa UNICEF USA

If ebola is so contagious, why are these orphans not dead too?

Because its a virus dimwit. If you get a cold does everyone you come in contact with get it? Yet many will, except a cold doesn't kill as a rule.

Yes they do. I make it a point to lick them in the mouth whenever I am sick. 36K people a year in the US die from influenza. Only 1 from ebola. And if you were as smart as you think, you would have seen that the preface was operative.
Probably for the same reasons Duncan's family and friends are out of quarantine as well as 48 others today.

But these kids are abandoned after a parent dies and then ostracized by their community and village. It's devastation heaped upon trauma. So there are some adults who have survived Ebola and now have the antibody, who are taking it upon themselves to adopt these children. That's where the money goes thru the UNICEF channel.


Good on you if you helped them and good on them for helping these kids. The government of the US gives UNICEF $132M a year. If I were to make a donation to a charity today, it wouldn't be this one. Nothing wrong with it or the cause. It just isn't one whose issue concerns me as much as some others.
You made a donation. And you made it anonymously like any person with 5 cents worth of class would do, instead of blabbing about it to the world online. Why don't you walk down to your local Salvation Army and give them a donation too. Before you do, read my thread about homelessness in America. Do I believe you made a donation to anything worthwhile? Not for a New York second...idiot.

Liberas are stingy as fuck with their money
You made a donation. And you made it anonymously like any person with 5 cents worth of class would do, instead of blabbing about it to the world online. Why don't you walk down to your local Salvation Army and give them a donation too. Before you do, read my thread about homelessness in America. Do I believe you made a donation to anything worthwhile? Not for a New York second...idiot.
Safe bet no donation at all,charitable people never brag.
You made a donation. And you made it anonymously like any person with 5 cents worth of class would do, instead of blabbing about it to the world online. Why don't you walk down to your local Salvation Army and give them a donation too. Before you do, read my thread about homelessness in America. Do I believe you made a donation to anything worthwhile? Not for a New York second...idiot.


Not many flaming liberals involved with Samaritan's Purse, the medical missionaries who treat Ebola victims:

Dr. Brantly and his family had been serving in Liberia with Samaritan’s Purse for about 10 months when it was confirmed on July 26 that he had contracted Ebola virus disease. He had been treating victims of the disease at our case management center at ELWA Hospital near Monrovia for about a month and a half.​

So I'm not seeing the point of putting up a meme from an ignorant liberal, but I repeat myself. Here's the real world:

Slate: Should we worry that so many of the doctors treating Ebola in Africa are missionaries?

The statement was probably intended as a jibe at the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but it slighted another group by omission: missionaries. Missionary doctors and nurses are stationed throughout Africa, in rural outposts and urban slums. Rather than parachuting in during crises, like some international medicine specialists, a large number of them have undertaken long-term commitments to address the health problems of poor Africans. . . .

Like it or not, though, we are deeply reliant on missionary doctors and nurses. The 2008 ARHAP report found that in some sub-Saharan African countries 30 percent of health care facilities are run by religious entities. That system is crumbling due to declining funding, possibly motivated in part by growing Western suspicion of missionary medicine. We have a choice: Swallow our objections and support these facilities, spend vast sums of money to build up Africa’s secular health care capacity immediately, or watch the continent drown in Ebola, HIV, and countless other disease outbreaks.
Here's some advice for you. You're a liberal, so you're wired from the get-go to make bad decisions. Recognize this failing of yours and then 2nd guess every instinct you have and that will help you catch obvious mistakes, like the one you made in this post.

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