I just heard on NPR

Healthcare spending & the deficit went down under Clinton & exploded under Bush.

Government spending has been going down the last couple years, let's hope that continues.

70 percent of Americans are on prescription drugs! Why do I need to pay for that?
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The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.
Healthcare spending & the deficit went down under Clinton & exploded under Bush.

Government spending has been going down the last couple years, let's hope that continues.

Those sure are charts.
The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.

It's simply a jobs program. Regulate it so much that instead of simple medical care it's used as an employment program. Go to any clinic and see how many are employed simply to fill out forms both for government and insurance companies.

The solution is simple, but no one really wants a cure. What fun would that be!
$20? And double rates?
Yeah right.
That's against the law. So, it either didn't happen or you need to talk to the insurance commission.

In the areas where ObamaCare has been implemented, costs are plummeting. Unless the GObP is allowed to stop it, the insurance companies will no longer be able to price gouge.

Too bad the right refuses to fight back but that would be too much like labor unions and they prefer to lay down and be victims of the people they vote for. Fools.

De-Nile is a river in Egypt. It is not reality here in the USA. It did happen to me & nearly everyone who bought individual policies. I checked Obamacare rates & they are even higher than double what my rates were.
I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.
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I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.

And it worked. But nobody really wants to hear that. No political gain to be made by getting those geniuses in Washington and the insurance companies out of our business.

Illegals cannot BUY ObamaCare but, just like lazy pubs, they can get health care for free, including the delivery or abortion of their babies. That's covered under the SOCIALISTIC law passed by Ronnie Ray-Gun.


They aren't even checking to see if people qualify. It's on the HONOR system...which is the health subsidy equivalent of Liar Loans.
I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.

I've come to the conclusion that our co-pays are what health care would cost if there were no insurance. I recently had to have a blood test. The insurance company was billed over $1,000, and my co-pay was $150.

I'd rather have concierge service and pay my doctor and the lab directly, and then have a catastrophic policy.
I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.

I've come to the conclusion that our co-pays are what health care would cost if there were no insurance. I recently had to have a blood test. The insurance company was billed over $1,000, and my co-pay was $150.

I'd rather have concierge service and pay my doctor and the lab directly, and then have a catastrophic policy.

That's what's insane about it. It's all overhead and middlemen. The problem is we have too much insurance and we're passing laws committing us to even more. Sheer idiocy.
The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.

50 years ago my great-grandfather died from melanoma, a very treatable disease today. Health care may have been affordable, but it sucked compared to today.
The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.

50 years ago my great-grandfather died from melanoma, a very treatable disease today. Health care may have been affordable, but it sucked compared to today.

Computers, TV & Phones sucked back in the day also, but they don't cost 100 times more now than then.

The AMA limits the amount of doctors going to med school.

When I tell my doctor I don't have insurance the entire office visit is the same as just the co-pay was with insurance.
The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.

50 years ago my great-grandfather died from melanoma, a very treatable disease today. Health care may have been affordable, but it sucked compared to today.

That's mutually exclusive thought. I can't agree. Medical breakthroughs may have actually been greater without health insurance companies ever existing.
I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.

I've come to the conclusion that our co-pays are what health care would cost if there were no insurance. I recently had to have a blood test. The insurance company was billed over $1,000, and my co-pay was $150.

I'd rather have concierge service and pay my doctor and the lab directly, and then have a catastrophic policy.

Look in to a health savings account. It's great for reasonably healthy people. Part of the premiums paid for coverage goes in to a savings account which you tap with a debit card when you pay the provider directly, then there's a high deductible catastrophic coverage policy that kicks in at a set amount.
The health care system, like the justice system, seems more dependent on profits than on justice or health. Is this what America has come too? 50 years ago health care was affordable, now? $35 co-pay? Highway robbery. This will and should not stand with any American.

50 years ago my great-grandfather died from melanoma, a very treatable disease today. Health care may have been affordable, but it sucked compared to today.

That's mutually exclusive thought. I can't agree. Medical breakthroughs may have actually been greater without health insurance companies ever existing.

My mother isn't the only person over 75 to tell me she probably wouldn't be alive if not for Medicare.

Voluntary participation in Medicare for all at a rate based on age is one solution. Though the single payer option would remove a lot of expensive cars from the garages of insurance executives, so there's all those jobs in detailing that will be lost if some of the extreme profitability is shaved off the bureaucracies we pay to track health care expenditures.
I don't know what Avg-Joe THINKS is competition.. But giving the insurance companies a FREE SALES FORCE (the exchanges -- paid by you), a Free collections and compliance dept (the IRS and the exchanges and the 120,000 navigators), and Govt subsidies (paid for by you) with NO COMMISSIONS to pay to brokers (paid by you) and FREE ADVERTISING and a jail sentence (eventually) for anyone that doesn't want to participate OR pay the penalties..

Well that's not competition.. Especially when the CHOICE of what goes into the product is TAKEN AWAY by GOVT edict..

The insurance companies bit the bait and will get reeled in and mounted like a trophy tarpon...
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I was cleaning out my dads filing cabinet last year & came across doctor bills & checks written from the late 70's & early 80's before the EMTALA & PPACA. A doctor visit including shots or medicine was $2. Now it is 100 times higher. We had no insurance company or government between the doctor & patient. Now it's a disaster.

I've come to the conclusion that our co-pays are what health care would cost if there were no insurance. I recently had to have a blood test. The insurance company was billed over $1,000, and my co-pay was $150.

I'd rather have concierge service and pay my doctor and the lab directly, and then have a catastrophic policy.

Look in to a health savings account. It's great for reasonably healthy people. Part of the premiums paid for coverage goes in to a savings account which you tap with a debit card when you pay the provider directly, then there's a high deductible catastrophic coverage policy that kicks in at a set amount.

That great 2000 page "whatz in it" bill you're touting Does AWAY with HSA. Max deductible is defined and no HSA qualifying plans are gonna show up on the exchanges.. Are you seeing the trap door here yet pal???
50 years ago my great-grandfather died from melanoma, a very treatable disease today. Health care may have been affordable, but it sucked compared to today.

That's mutually exclusive thought. I can't agree. Medical breakthroughs may have actually been greater without health insurance companies ever existing.

My mother isn't the only person over 75 to tell me she probably wouldn't be alive if not for Medicare.

Voluntary participation in Medicare for all at a rate based on age is one solution. Though the single payer option would remove a lot of expensive cars from the garages of insurance executives, so there's all those jobs in detailing that will be lost if some of the extreme profitability is shaved off the bureaucracies we pay to track health care expenditures.

I'll not argue Medicare as I support it, however we are way beyond that

If we actually want a solution to the high cost of medical services we must reduce the cost of delivery

Anyone who knows anyone who works in a clinic can tell you why the cost is so high

Problem is, to actually reduce that cost, it would likely cost a lot of those people their jobs. Yet, it is the solution.
Sorry folks, but I have been working in the health insurance industry since 1966, about 2 months before Medicare started, and there has never been a free marketplace in the health insurance industry.

And, having been in this industry for 50 years, I knew, as did my coworkers, what ACA would mean to the industry. This is why I bought $5,000 in mutual stock shares when it became obvious that Obama was going to be elected, and why it is worth $11,000 today. And, it is just beginng to take off...
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