I just heard tramp say if they don't want to fight for our country they can leave


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs? You mean the pervert who lost his personal Viet Nam against STDs?

You are referring to the CLAIMS of two daughters of the Doctor. Who have NEVER produced a shred of evidence. Unlike your coward Clinton who ran out of the country to avoid the draft. Unlike your coward Obozo who never served either. Now cry deflection because you're too stupid to understand a valid comparison.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs? You mean the pervert who lost his personal Viet Nam against STDs?
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs?
Prove that. That means sources not just your big mouth.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Same as Clinton.
I'm sure you do not like tramp for some reasons, I do not like anything about him.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
No, Trump did not go to Canada to avoid the draft. Your TDS is flaring up again.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

As a Vietnam vet myself, I'm sure the gulf war vets along with all the other vets are happy to hear that too.

BTW in which branch of the service did you serve and where? Let me guess, none, no where and never. You haven't a clue.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Did he go to Canada? I don't think a medical deferment qualifies as a dodge...technically.
However, my initial point stands. I don't fault anyone for not.
Last time I checked trump got drafted by the American people to serve as president, and he’s doing it for free for 8 years
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

As a Vietnam vet myself, I'm sure the gulf war vets along with all the other vets are happy to hear that too.

BTW in which branch of the service did you serve and where? Let me guess, none, no where and never. You haven't a clue.
25 years 9 months...retired USAF...served in ROK, Afghanistan, Turkey, Japan...even did a year in Greenland.

Had a minute or two to examine the situation. Never once defended the US homeland though.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Did he go to Canada? I don't think a medical deferment qualifies as a dodge...technically.
However, my initial point stands. I don't fault anyone for not.

He had 4 for college and 1 for bone spurs. Vietnam was a bad war, we should of never been there, but that is no excuse for the privileged ones in college to get out of the draft and others , like Bush Jr and Bolton signed up for the reserve and ng to get out of it. They are the first ones to send men and women to their deaths and to get maimed. Bolton said he did not want to die on a rice paddy, I wonder if he would be further ahead by being blown up by a roadside bomb and coming home without legs, yet he is a war hawk.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.

Personally I believe that if you've never served the nation you should not be allowed to vote. Note I said serve and not fight nor did I specify military service just some time serving the nation. Madantory service to the nation in some capacity should commence immediately upon graduation from high school. Say a minimum of two years in the armed forces or four years in a CCC type of organization working on the nation's infrastructure. If you won't pick up a rifle to earn your freedom, then you can pick up a shovel and support those who do. You dont have to serve at all but you'll never be allowed to vote or have a voice unless and until you do. Everything has a cost that someone has to bear and I think everyone should carry their own load in some respect.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.

You’re quoting the President through Cohen? LOL. Fail.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

As a Vietnam vet myself, I'm sure the gulf war vets along with all the other vets are happy to hear that too.

BTW in which branch of the service did you serve and where? Let me guess, none, no where and never. You haven't a clue.
25 years 9 months...retired USAF...served in ROK, Afghanistan, Turkey, Japan...even did a year in Greenland.

Had a minute or two to examine the situation. Never once defended the US homeland though.

Then you should maybe get your ass down to the border and turn back the invasion. Is that what you had in mind?
What do you think think you were doing besides holding on to a coffee cup? You were ass deep in the cold war, dumbass. I know I sure was. I was also air force for seven years and all over the place. The last three years living out of a B4 bag.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
You want us to believe Cohen? Really? The guy who was convicted of lying to Congress, and then lied about it again?

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