I just heard tramp say if they don't want to fight for our country they can leave

So what did your grandfather do and do you think should be judged by it? Reparation like bullshit.

My great grandfather fought for Tennessee from Shiloh to Franklinton, which he considered his patriotic duty. He was captured twice, and wounded once, carrying a Mini-ball in his leg for the rest of his life. My grandfather was too old for WW1. However, my not being president of the US, it is none of your business.

Were you this tough on Obama and Clinton? Neither of them served. I don't know about their grandfathers.

I actually have no problem with people who did not serve in the Vietnam era. I have serious problems with people who lie and cheat to get exemptions, and continue to do it 50 years later.
Prove he cheated, no one has yet.

Magickly disappearing without surgery bone spurs? Are you really that naïve? In fact, is there any reason why, after his telling 2500 lies in 2 years that you believe ANYTHING he says?
You never proved that. Source the medical report and point it out.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
No, Trump did not go to Canada to avoid the draft. Your TDS is flaring up again.

No. He had daddy pay a doctor to lie for him

Even worse
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
No, Trump did not go to Canada to avoid the draft. Your TDS is flaring up again.

No. He had daddy pay a doctor to lie for him

Even worse

His daddy paid of the military???? Wow that's pretty powerful.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
No, Trump did not go to Canada to avoid the draft. Your TDS is flaring up again.

No. He had daddy pay a doctor to lie for him

Even worse
Prove it.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Same as Clinton.
I'm sure you do not like tramp for some reasons, I do not like anything about him.

Clinton wasn't a draft dodger. He had a student deferrment. Unlike Trump, Clinton did not lie or cheat his way out of military service.
Prove that. That means sources not just your big mouth.
Both his presidential physicals showed NO bone spurs.

Got some proof?
And I mean from someplace other than CNN or the HuffingPaintPost.
Where exactly did either of Tramp's extensive presidential physicals report any bone spurs?
Did you see the whole report?
Yes, and I especially liked this part that found no bone spurs limiting his range of motion in all joints.

"Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints. He had strong distal pulses and good capillary refill in all extremities. He had no swelling or edema."
That proves nothing. Where is your source? Do you know how to post a link?
Both his presidential physicals showed NO bone spurs.

Got some proof?
And I mean from someplace other than CNN or the HuffingPaintPost.
Where exactly did either of Tramp's extensive presidential physicals report any bone spurs?
Did you see the whole report?
Yes, and I especially liked this part that found no bone spurs limiting his range of motion in all joints.

"Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints. He had strong distal pulses and good capillary refill in all extremities. He had no swelling or edema."
That proves nothing. Where is your source? Do you know how to post a link?
The source is the readily available presidential medical report, a direct quote, in fact.
You are a perfect example of the absolute laziness required to be a mindless CON$ervoFascist who needs everything done for them, including their thinking.

Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs? You mean the pervert who lost his personal Viet Nam against STDs?
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs?
Prove that. That means sources not just your big mouth.
People are saying....lots of people....
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs? You mean the pervert who lost his personal Viet Nam against STDs?
You mean the coward who had daddy pay a doctor to falsify bone spurs?
Prove that. That means sources not just your big mouth.
People are saying....lots of people....
People with big mouths and that is all. It does not make it true Bozo.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Did he go to Canada? I don't think a medical deferment qualifies as a dodge...technically.
However, my initial point stands. I don't fault anyone for not.

He had 4 for college and 1 for bone spurs. Vietnam was a bad war, we should of never been there, but that is no excuse for the privileged ones in college to get out of the draft and others , like Bush Jr and Bolton signed up for the reserve and ng to get out of it. They are the first ones to send men and women to their deaths and to get maimed. Bolton said he did not want to die on a rice paddy, I wonder if he would be further ahead by being blown up by a roadside bomb and coming home without legs, yet he is a war hawk.
That Bolton is a special level of fuckhead. I can't stand that MFer. His type has gotten many people killed over the years.
No one has fought for our country since 1945...and much of that is debatable.
Vietnam was a fucking scam...but I think you know that. I fault no one for not wanting to go get killed for that shit.
No...I don't like Trump...but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There was a draft and the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft were called draft dodgers. He is a draft dodger.
Did he go to Canada? I don't think a medical deferment qualifies as a dodge...technically.
However, my initial point stands. I don't fault anyone for not.
Biden got more deferments than Trump.
K...It's Joe Biden dude. Fuck him too. All of these politicians are douche nozzles.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.

The four in squalor are despicable racist, bigots. They can leave. We don't want you.
And once again we see how stupid leftist get when under the influence of TDS.
Penelope wants to show how unAmerican Trump is by avoiding the draft for Vietnam... but doesn't realize that the vast majority of draft card burners/dodgers were liberals. Just as Trump once was.
I do believe it was this same person trying to make the connection with Jeffery Epstein, when the only reason Trump had that connection many years ago was they were both Democrat supporters and party organizers. And yesterday even made the remark that Trump seems to have ended his connection with Epstein around the time it came out about his sex scandals. .... unlike MANY top Democrat leaders, still on office today, that continued their connections with Epstein.

You can't make this stuff up.
talking about the squad. Why doesn't he pack up his kids and leave.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn’t going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer told lawmakers during testimony on Wednesday.

Michael Cohen, who also worked as a fixer for Trump before his election, said he was tasked with tamping down criticism of the military deferment as the presidential candidate simultaneously mocked Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, for being regarded as a military hero. “I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said during a July 2015 interview.
Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former lawyer testifies
Also none of his kids enlisted in the military and they were of age for 2001 and before.

How can you guys be behind him and stand up for him. He and his family are a huge disgrace.
I am assuming All Lib Tards have sex with their brothers and sisters since they are all retarded like Omar and Her Brosband.

You Retarded Too.


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