I just saw D'nesh Dzouza's Hilary's America.....democrats are vile, and the clinton's are the worst.

He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

Nothing ever came of the accusations

Trump is accused of raping his wife and a 13 year old....let's see where it goes

He was the chief law enforcement officer of Arkansas and then the governor.......then he was the President.....and you say the allegations didn't go anywhere as if that means anything........
I haven't seen it, but democrats are the worst.....disgusting people....and did it talk about the bullshit southern strategy?

It talked about the big lie...that democrats all of a sudden became the party of civil rights...and the republicans all of a sudden turned into racists.....he went through that history....showing the civil rights votes after the Republicans freed the slaves.....and how in the 30s blacks became democrats because of FDR and his lies.......

democrats have been evil since their founding...from Indian removal, to slavery, jim crow, to the party bosses.....and bill and hilary are the apex predators of the democrat party......
AHHHHH !!!!!! poor little repub-lie-tard ..he can't stand the fact that the majority of the people like democrats better then his racist
repub-lie-tards ...whats a republ-lie-tard to do???

The racists are the democrats.......that you can't see it explains a lot about why they are so popular........every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist....

La raza
Black lies murder
Congressional black caucus
Black panthers
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Al sharp ton
Jesse Jackson

Every single one a racist group or leader....
Anyone who stands in your way of oppressing minorities must be racist

Those groups are racist, those leaders are racist...they exploit minorities and keep them uneducated, poor, angry and hopeless...........
I differentiate between democrats and "progressives" ie communists. Old-school democrats won't vote for Hillary now that her treachery has been exposed in detail. They will either stay home or cross over to Trump to rid their party of the Clinturds once and for all.
He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

Nothing ever came of the accusations

Trump is accused of raping his wife and a 13 year old....let's see where it goes

No where, because it's bullshit....oh and Ivana is supporting him......but what we DO KNOW....is Hilary defends child rapists and then thinks its funny.
He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

That's why Trump is a convicted rapist, using RWnut reasoning.
He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

That's why Trump is a convicted rapist, using RWnut reasoning.

Well Clinton has had tons of accusers...and Trump one that is brought up now? 22 years later......sorry you're not gonna Anita Hill Trump...and Clarence Thomas still passed the Dem senate after that bullshit charade.
The democrats know exactly what they are doing. For example...They leak out to their idiot base that we need to help refugees and other undocumented people gain entry to our nation because that is who we are. We must never turn anyone away...open borders. What they really want is an uneducated dependent devoted class of people to be the majority.
That way they can lie to them with ease and keep their support and votes. And the new so called americans (small a) will never turn away from their new masters. Like starving puppies they will suck the welfare tit dry. This is why I can't understand African Americans and their wasted devotion to open border people like Obama and the Clinton's. The new americans are taking their jobs and a huge chunk of uncle sam's handouts... wake up!
Oh you were bamboozled by propaganda. Shocker.

Old Fool sez????? "Leftardism is good and we don't need less gubermint! Oh HELL no!! We need MO' gubermint, MO' fees, MO' entitlements and subsidies!!!"
At least you have an excuse. 2aguy doesn't.

OldFool, you couldn't go "toe to toe" with me on ANY issue concerning our past history, where we are, where we are heading or the current geo-political scene on the best day you ever had. You are an intellectual lightweight. Your narrow view of what you think is happening compared to what is? Well, let's just say that you are the quintessential leftard idiot...keep waving that rainbow colored leftard communist flag...after all, you are what Lenin referred to as "the useful idiots" and you wear that cloak of failure as if it was tailored to match your pear shaped frame. (snicker)
You believe in the Illuminati and that a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.

Go back to studying tower 7. You're wasting your time spewing embarrassing nonsense at me.

#1 The Jesuit Order of the Illuminati is a historical fact and even JFK talked about secret societies and secret oaths. I have downloaded books like John Robison's book "Proofs Of A Conspiracy" that was written in 1798 and William Guy Carr's book "Pawns In The Game" and the connection between communism, the Jesuit agenda and the goals of the Illuminati mirror each other. The shadow government that was created when the printing of our own currency was given over to international bankers are illuminists. Free masonry was infiltrated by the Jesuits/ Jacobins/ Illuminati and even George Washington sadly had to admit that was the case. Yeah, I know more than you.

What did hit the Pentagon? Because it sure as fuck wasn't a plane because if it had actually been a plane, we would have been given more than 5 frames of film footage that shows an explosion but no plane. Yeah, we can talk about this allll night.

There would have been more than five frames of film footage....according to who?

This is what I love about your 'educated by Youtube' batshit: you just make up random claims, backed by nothing and insist that they are irrefutable evidence. You're like the avatar of the Begging the Question.

But tell us more about the Pentagon 'missile batteries'. Given 'how much you know', your last round of making shit up should be just as amusing as your latest round.

Building 7 goes down in free fall fashion thirty minutes AFTER the BBC reports that it fell....imagine that?

The FDNY had determined that the WTC 7 was going to collapse due to fire and structural damage about 3 hours before it went down. They were on the ground, evacuating the area, telling folks to get back at least an hour before the collapse. Including the BBC.

All of which you know. But *really* hope we don't.

But in your hapless confusion, you can't conceive of how the BBC could have possibly known about the collapse. As always, Dale.....your ludicrously complicated conspiracy relies on an ignorant audience. The more folks know, the more laughably your silly story becomes.
He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

Nothing ever came of the accusations

Trump is accused of raping his wife and a 13 year old....let's see where it goes

He was the chief law enforcement officer of Arkansas and then the governor.......then he was the President.....and you say the allegations didn't go anywhere as if that means anything........
That's usually what you guys claim when your accusations are found baseless
That's why Trump is a convicted rapist, using RWnut reasoning.
You're a liar....
Clinton is a rapist...proven fact son. Trump is not.
Trumps own wife says he is a. Rapist

Of course 21 st century Trump claims you can't rape your wife

Yeah, but she took it back. He only hit her, forced himself on her, ripped out chucks of her hair in revenge and mocked her by making her look at all he'd ripped from her head after she finally come sobbing out of the bathroom she'd locked herself into.

Sounds like a peach.
“Hillary’s America” may well be the single dumbest documentary that I have ever seen in my life—nearly two hours of poisonous bluster and anti-historical rhetoric that comes across like the desperate ravings of someone trying to make a few more bucks by rehashing the same nonsense before his gravy train finally leaves town. The closest thing I can compare it to are the strange and highly speculative documentaries that Sunn Classics used to crank out in the late Seventies—movies that breathlessly promised viewers that they would reveal the existence of life after death or the Bermuda Triangle or Noah’s Ark but only gave people clumsy reenactments, interviews with highly dubious experts and wild speculation without ever actually offering any of the concrete proof that they promised. Those films used to get huge audiences, but once viewers caught on to the con, interest dropped sharply.

Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party Movie Review (2016) | Roger Ebert
He also puts forth the idea I had never heard before....that hilary recognized bill for what he was....a sexual predator....and that she used that to her advantage....because he needed her to get him out of trouble...and to keep him out of jail......
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

Nothing ever came of the accusations

Trump is accused of raping his wife and a 13 year old....let's see where it goes

He was the chief law enforcement officer of Arkansas and then the governor.......then he was the President.....and you say the allegations didn't go anywhere as if that means anything........
That's usually what you guys claim when your accusations are found baseless

Sure....the Attorney General of Arkansas has no power....the Governor of Arkansas has no power....the President of the United States has no power......

All of the women who accused clinton of rape and sexual assault are lying...and only he is telling the truth.....
D'Nesh has spent more time in prison than Hillary ever will

What happened Republicans?
he's no more a sexual predator then you ... where do you find this shit ... do you even know the meaning of sexual predator ???

3 women accused Bill Clinton of rape, at least a dozen of sexual assault.

Nothing ever came of the accusations

Trump is accused of raping his wife and a 13 year old....let's see where it goes

He was the chief law enforcement officer of Arkansas and then the governor.......then he was the President.....and you say the allegations didn't go anywhere as if that means anything........
That's usually what you guys claim when your accusations are found baseless

Sure....the Attorney General of Arkansas has no power....the Governor of Arkansas has no power....the President of the United States has no power......

All of the women who accused clinton of rape and sexual assault are lying...and only he is telling the truth.....
<sob> it's not fair

Nobody ever believes our accusations. <sob>

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