I just signed up for Obamacare

Are you proud of the fact you're a grown man and can't pay to take care of yourself, but depend on others to pay for your healthcare?....Just wondering what kind of work you do, make more than min. wage and work 40 hours? Curious!

How much did his company pay for his health care with what benefits and what deductibles?

You are barely sentient, Vigilante.

Jake, you ass, that's why I'm asking questions!

Making 45k after taxes and getting an entitlement I say we need to ask a lot more. The room smells like bullshit.
So are you in effect getting paid 142 a month for signing up?

My deductible is a 1000 dollars, and I am fairly healthy so if I don't have major illness I should come out okay.

Welcome to your world. At $58.00 a month--you have to wonder how much your next door neighbor is paying for your insurance bill.

Lucky YOU--unfortunately--Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the working middle class of this country. The have's paying for the have-not's. IOW--Those that don't get subsidizes--or are eligible for Medicaid--are paving the way for lots of freebee's--to lower incomes. These people aren't rich--the rich can afford any type of policy. These people are middle incomes--that are seeing their premiums double to triple as to what they were paying.

A good look at what is going on in Blue State Pennsylvania in one small business--who's employees probably wished their state didn't vote for Obama.

You're not being honest about the ACA, are you?

Our premiums went up a whole $1.50 per week. Our office visit copays dropped $20. Our deductible jumped up, but now that all copays count towards the deductible, it's actually $800 less than before. We're quite happy with our bronze plan.
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My deductible is a 1000 dollars, and I am fairly healthy so if I don't have major illness I should come out okay.

Welcome to your world. At $58.00 a month--you have to wonder how much your next door neighbor is paying for your insurance bill.

Lucky YOU--unfortunately--Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the working middle class of this country. The have's paying for the have-not's. IOW--Those that don't get subsidizes--or are eligible for Medicaid--are paving the way for lots of freebee's--to lower incomes. These people aren't rich--the rich can afford any type of policy. These people are middle incomes--that are seeing their premiums double to triple as to what they were paying.

A good look at what is going on in Blue State Pennsylvania in one small business--who's employees probably wished their state didn't vote for Obama.


I didn't even bother looking on the Heath Exchange because I thought it would be more expensive then my employee coverage. When I saw 58 dollars I jumped on it. It is not as good on major illness as my employee plan but....

sounds like your employer is the winner in this deal
My deductible is a 1000 dollars, and I am fairly healthy so if I don't have major illness I should come out okay.

Welcome to your world. At $58.00 a month--you have to wonder how much your next door neighbor is paying for your insurance bill.

Lucky YOU--unfortunately--Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the working middle class of this country. The have's paying for the have-not's. IOW--Those that don't get subsidizes--or are eligible for Medicaid--are paving the way for lots of freebee's--to lower incomes. These people aren't rich--the rich can afford any type of policy. These people are middle incomes--that are seeing their premiums double to triple as to what they were paying.

A good look at what is going on in Blue State Pennsylvania in one small business--who's employees probably wished their state didn't vote for Obama.

You're not being honest about the ACA, are you?

Our premiums went up a whole $1.50 per week. Our office visit copays dropped $20. Our deductible jumped up, but now that all copays count towards the deductible, it's actually $800 less than before. We're quite happy with our bronze plan.

Because YOU weren't socked with high premiums & deductibles that means he's lying? He's not....I have employer insurance and it's very good. Thank God we didn't lose it...I checked into Obamacare "just in case" our Employer had to drop our insurance....and it scared me to death! With our income, and our age, we would get NO subsidies. To get the best plan (which doesn't even come close to what we have through our employer), our premiums would go from $160/month to over $700/month. Our deductible would more than triple, our co-pay would more than double! And we make under $80,000/year.

A friend of my daughters posted on FB the other night that her boyfriend sells insurance and he "hooked her up" with Obamacare. She works a part time/minimum wage job, so she's very low income. Her premium she says is only $10/month, and only $500 max out of pocket a year. Of course she got a huge subsidy because of her income. It's people like her that are benefiting from this...not the average full time middle income worker like us.

If I'd lost our insurance through our employer, we would be without because there is no way I could afford it.
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Welcome to your world. At $58.00 a month--you have to wonder how much your next door neighbor is paying for your insurance bill.

Lucky YOU--unfortunately--Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the working middle class of this country. The have's paying for the have-not's. IOW--Those that don't get subsidizes--or are eligible for Medicaid--are paving the way for lots of freebee's--to lower incomes. These people aren't rich--the rich can afford any type of policy. These people are middle incomes--that are seeing their premiums double to triple as to what they were paying.

A good look at what is going on in Blue State Pennsylvania in one small business--who's employees probably wished their state didn't vote for Obama.


You're not being honest about the ACA, are you?

Our premiums went up a whole $1.50 per week. Our office visit copays dropped $20. Our deductible jumped up, but now that all copays count towards the deductible, it's actually $800 less than before. We're quite happy with our bronze plan.

Because YOU weren't socked with high premiums & deductibles that means he's lying? He's not....I have employer insurance and it's very good. Thank God we didn't lose it...I checked into Obamacare "just in case" our Employer had to drop our insurance....and it scared me to death! With our income, and our age, we would get NO subsidies. To get the best plan (which doesn't even come close to what we have through our employer), our premiums would go from $160/month to over $700/month. Our deductible would more than triple, our co-pay would more than double! And we make under $80,000/year.

A friend of my daughters posted on FB the other night that her boyfriend sells insurance and he "hooked her up" with Obamacare. She works a part time/minimum wage job, so she's very low income. Her premium she says is only $10/month, and only $500 max out of pocket a year. Of course she got a huge subsidy because of her income. It's people like her that are benefiting from this...not the average full time middle income worker like us.

If I'd lost our insurance through our employer, we would be without because there is no way I could afford it.

If you ( a couple ) make under $80,000 per year, you qualify for a subsidy.

And..as I have told you before.....your employer is paying 70 to 80% of the premium that the insurance company is getting for your current policy. That is in lieu of salary to you. YOU ARE PAYING WAY MORE THAN $160 PER MONTH NOW!!!!!!

Finally....let's look at your worst case scenario. You lose insurance and decide that you can't afford a policy. Then you get sick. You will get some care........because you have paid a penalty for being uninsured. That means that the rest of us are not paying for ALL of your medical expenses. You will have some skin in the game. Cool huh?!
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Welcome to your world. At $58.00 a month--you have to wonder how much your next door neighbor is paying for your insurance bill.

Lucky YOU--unfortunately--Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the working middle class of this country. The have's paying for the have-not's. IOW--Those that don't get subsidizes--or are eligible for Medicaid--are paving the way for lots of freebee's--to lower incomes. These people aren't rich--the rich can afford any type of policy. These people are middle incomes--that are seeing their premiums double to triple as to what they were paying.

A good look at what is going on in Blue State Pennsylvania in one small business--who's employees probably wished their state didn't vote for Obama.


I didn't even bother looking on the Heath Exchange because I thought it would be more expensive then my employee coverage. When I saw 58 dollars I jumped on it. It is not as good on major illness as my employee plan but....

sounds like your employer is the winner in this deal

Employers are winners in this deal. They are even bigger winners with single payer. Let's remove the burden of insuring people from the backs of businesses!
It also said I would be eligible for a monthly tax credit of 200 dollars.

So are you in effect getting paid 142 a month for signing up?

My deductible is a 1000 dollars, and I am fairly healthy so if I don't have major illness I should come out okay.

Silver Plan doesn't have a $1000 deductible. It's around $3000 for an individual and $6000 for a family.

Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for an individual is ~$6000 and ~$12,000 for a family.
If you ( a couple ) make under $80,000 per year, you qualify for a subsidy.

And..as I have told you before.....your employer is paying 70 to 80% of the premium that the insurance company is getting for your current policy. That is in lieu of salary to you. YOU ARE PAYING WAY MORE THAN $160 PER MONTH NOW!!!!!!

Finally....let's look at your worst case scenario. You lose insurance and decide that you can't afford a policy. Then you get sick. You will get some care........because you have paid a penalty for being uninsured. That means that the rest of us are not paying for ALL of your medical expenses. You will have some skin in the game. Cool huh?!

HI LL you seem like an open honest person who is sincerely trying to be helpful.

Can you explain to me
1. who is "we": why is there an assumption that "we" the people only applies to people who agree with this federal insurance set up, having the right to dictate to all others how to pay the costs.
and nobody else has a say, even objectors who are forced to pay a fine who don't agree with that either. wouldn't it be better to separate systems because people DON'T AGREE.

there are plenty of other ways. I mentioned spiritual healing that would drastically
cut costs of crime and disease if THAT were "mandated" but not all people agree to it.
not all people agree to the federal insurance, so why can "we separate" and not dictate to each other

2. what is wrong with people who PREFER to pay for mothers and babies instead of abortions though that would be cheaper.

why this insistence that people who agree with ACA have the right to determine
for all other taxpayers how many people to cover and how much to cover?

What about everyone else, aren't we who believe in other ways equally included in "we the taxpayers"
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If you ( a couple ) make under $80,000 per year, you qualify for a subsidy.

And..as I have told you before.....your employer is paying 70 to 80% of the premium that the insurance company is getting for your current policy. That is in lieu of salary to you. YOU ARE PAYING WAY MORE THAN $160 PER MONTH NOW!!!!!!

Finally....let's look at your worst case scenario. You lose insurance and decide that you can't afford a policy. Then you get sick. You will get some care........because you have paid a penalty for being uninsured. That means that the rest of us are not paying for ALL of your medical expenses. You will have some skin in the game. Cool huh?!

HI LL you seem like an open honest person who is sincerely trying to be helpful.

Can you explain to me
1. who is "we": why is there an assumption that "we" the people only applies to people who agree with this federal insurance set up, having the right to dictate to all others how to pay the costs.
and nobody else has a say, even objectors who are forced to pay a fine who don't agree with that either. wouldn't it be better to separate systems because people DON'T AGREE.

there are plenty of other ways. I mentioned spiritual healing that would drastically
cut costs of crime and disease if THAT were "mandated" but not all people agree to it.
not all people agree to the federal insurance, so why can "we separate" and not dictate to each other

2. what is wrong with people who PREFER to pay for mothers and babies instead of abortions though that would be cheaper.

why this insistence that people who agree with ACA have the right to determine
for all other taxpayers how many people to cover and how much to cover?

What about everyone else, aren't we who believe in other ways equally included in "we the taxpayers"

Oh, Emily.

Look, first of all, there's no such thing as Obamacare. It's not the insurance.

There are several different insurance options. Those options vary by state. Minimum standards have been set by the federal government, each state/insurance company/employer has to provide policies that meet those requirements, however some policies exceed the requirements.

"The taxpayers" are represented in the federal and state government. Maybe you don't like the way things are, but it appears that the majority do. Further, tax money is pooled, individuals do not have a say in how their individual dollars are spent. That's what your representatives are for.

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one.
I have not signed up for Obamacare. I have, however, successfully avoided stepping in dog shit today. For that I am grateful.


Let's see:

1. Not signed up for Obamacare, don't have health insurance, must pay a fine.

2. Signed up for Obamacare, have healthcare and don't have to pay a fine.

Which one is the dumb option? Never mind, you can't figure it out.....:lol:
Are you proud of the fact you're a grown man and can't pay to take care of yourself, but depend on others to pay for your healthcare?....Just wondering what kind of work you do, make more than min. wage and work 40 hours? Curious!

So, your option is to not get Obamacare and pay a fine? That's really smart and shows you know how to take care of yourself.....:lol::lol:
Are you proud of the fact you're a grown man and can't pay to take care of yourself, but depend on others to pay for your healthcare?....Just wondering what kind of work you do, make more than min. wage and work 40 hours? Curious!

So, your option is to not get Obamacare and pay a fine? That's really smart and shows you know how to take care of yourself.....:lol::lol:

Mert, you ever think that paying a fine, and going to the emergency room where they must take care of you by law, is much cheaper for a poor person than to get obamacare, even with a subsidy, and have a few thousand dollar deductible? I've been on medicare for years now...I paid into it longer than you've been breathing! So stick your silly :badgrin::badgrin: where the sun don't shine!
You bring home $800 a week, yet "It also said I would be eligible for a monthly tax credit of 200 dollars." Can you explain that?

I low balled my income a little so it my be a little less but that is what the website said. I have not confirmed it yet so nothing is official. They are supposed to email me.

Did they give you a date to pay for your coverage, did you get an extension? What happens when they find out you low balled your income, A penalty? Curious

If he did lowball his income, they will find out. This is why they have the IRS handling it all, once they see what you really made for the year, I bet you either get fined or they raise your premiums & possibly lose any subsidies. Nobody will get away with not paying them what they think you owe them.

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