I just signed up for Obamacare

I low balled my income a little so it my be a little less but that is what the website said. I have not confirmed it yet so nothing is official. They are supposed to email me.

Did they give you a date to pay for your coverage, did you get an extension? What happens when they find out you low balled your income, A penalty? Curious

If he did lowball his income, they will find out. This is why they have the IRS handling it all, once they see what you really made for the year, I bet you either get fined or they raise your premiums & possibly lose any subsidies. Nobody will get away with not paying them what they think you owe them.

Nobody? Not even..................Democrats?

You ignored my reply to you, Caroljo. What's gives?
How much did his company pay for his health care with what benefits and what deductibles?

You are barely sentient, Vigilante.

Jake, you ass, that's why I'm asking questions!

Making 45k after taxes and getting an entitlement I say we need to ask a lot more. The room smells like bullshit.

That's about the same as we make in a year....and when I checked into it just in case we lost our employer insurance, we would have gotten no subsidies...our premiums would be anywhere from $400 to over $700 depending on the plan, and our out of pocket would be over $10,000/year! I smell the BS too!
Jake, you ass, that's why I'm asking questions!

Making 45k after taxes and getting an entitlement I say we need to ask a lot more. The room smells like bullshit.

That's about the same as we make in a year....and when I checked into it just in case we lost our employer insurance, we would have gotten no subsidies...our premiums would be anywhere from $400 to over $700 depending on the plan, and our out of pocket would be over $10,000/year! I smell the BS too!

You make 45k after taxes? As a married couple?

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