I just watched Zelensky help take the wheels off of the democrats wagon.


Though it is not like it was a new thing under Biden.

I seem to recall Trump withholding money from Central American countries till they did what he wanted in the area of illegal immigration.

We have been doing this with our money for longer than any of us have been alive.
Which means anyone trying to fuck with Trump on this needs to fuck off.

I don't know how that relates to Biden, but if the same is true, the same is true.


Here’s the difference Booty. The other Presidents were doing it to protect the American interests. Trump is doing it to get dirt on his opponents and he’s withholding aid bought and paid for by the American people. Trump is supposed to be working for the American pe
Thanks for the fairytale.
What Trump asked him to do is find out who interfered in our election in 2016.
Hillary paid someone in the UK to manufacture dirt .....and they used it to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his campaign.
A Russian tried to set up a meeting with Donald Trump Jr about possible dirt on Hillary, but turns out they wanted to talk about adoption of Russian children.
And paying Russian prostitutes to pee on him wasn't made up?


No it wasn't. There are several reports that the Trump Campaign was driven nuts trying to find those tapes. I believe it really happened for a number of reasons:

1. First, it's just too crazy to make up. I can see someone making up a story that the Russians have a tape of Trump with prostitutes, but the detail about the hookers peeing on the bed (not on Trump) where Obama slept, is the sort of thing that is so ridiculous, that you would never make that up because who pays hookers to pee on the bed? The story is simply too weird to have been made up.

2. Secondly, Trump's senior campaign staff believe the tapes exist; and

3. Most importantly, and this is the real why I believe in the pee tapes, Trump lied when he said it never happened. When he denied this took place, Trump used the classic "liars' tell". He emphatically denied that any such thing happened and then he said "BELIEVE ME!!!". Someone who is a liar and who is telling you a whopper of a lie needs to beg you to believe him. An honest man expects to be believed because he's always honest. A liar needs to sell the lie as truth. Trump only ever used the expression "Believe me!!!" when he is trying to sell a big fat lie.

He talked about how it could not possibly have happened because he is a germaphobe and there is no way he'd participate in something like that. But then we learned that he had bareback sex with a porn star and most real germaphobes I know can barely tolerate exchanging bodily fluids with loved ones, they would NEVER even consider exchanging bodily fluids with a porn industry worker, given the high numbers of AIDS deaths in that industry. So his credibility there was shot to hell too, but we didn't learn this until much later.

You're full of shit, geeezus. You can't prove any of that. God you are detestable.

Yes, I pretty much can:

Item #2 is in the Mueller Report.

Item #3 was in one of the debates and then there's this - see item number 4 in particular:

10 Telltale Phrases That Indicate Somebody Isn't Telling the Truth

No, you can't and as usual you throw shit against the wall.
Too bad you only get about 15% of the news on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Which means anyone trying to fuck with Trump on this needs to fuck off.

I don't know how that relates to Biden, but if the same is true, the same is true.


Here’s the difference Booty. The other Presidents were doing it to protect the American interests. Trump is doing it to get dirt on his opponents and he’s withholding aid bought and paid for by the American people. Trump is supposed to be working for the American pe
And paying Russian prostitutes to pee on him wasn't made up?


No it wasn't. There are several reports that the Trump Campaign was driven nuts trying to find those tapes. I believe it really happened for a number of reasons:

1. First, it's just too crazy to make up. I can see someone making up a story that the Russians have a tape of Trump with prostitutes, but the detail about the hookers peeing on the bed (not on Trump) where Obama slept, is the sort of thing that is so ridiculous, that you would never make that up because who pays hookers to pee on the bed? The story is simply too weird to have been made up.

2. Secondly, Trump's senior campaign staff believe the tapes exist; and

3. Most importantly, and this is the real why I believe in the pee tapes, Trump lied when he said it never happened. When he denied this took place, Trump used the classic "liars' tell". He emphatically denied that any such thing happened and then he said "BELIEVE ME!!!". Someone who is a liar and who is telling you a whopper of a lie needs to beg you to believe him. An honest man expects to be believed because he's always honest. A liar needs to sell the lie as truth. Trump only ever used the expression "Believe me!!!" when he is trying to sell a big fat lie.

He talked about how it could not possibly have happened because he is a germaphobe and there is no way he'd participate in something like that. But then we learned that he had bareback sex with a porn star and most real germaphobes I know can barely tolerate exchanging bodily fluids with loved ones, they would NEVER even consider exchanging bodily fluids with a porn industry worker, given the high numbers of AIDS deaths in that industry. So his credibility there was shot to hell too, but we didn't learn this until much later.

You're full of shit, geeezus. You can't prove any of that. God you are detestable.

Yes, I pretty much can:

Item #2 is in the Mueller Report.

Item #3 was in one of the debates and then there's this - see item number 4 in particular:

10 Telltale Phrases That Indicate Somebody Isn't Telling the Truth

No, you can't and as usual you throw shit against the wall.
Too bad you only get about 15% of the news on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
They are too busy making up totally phony scandals the never get retracted Tama super duper.
Great honest Patriots, despite 25 years of garbage hate and character assassination propaganda. Not a single Scandal except in GOP dupe world. Oh there was that consensual BJ LOL. Talk about a witch Hunt, idiots.

Sold our Cruise missile technology to CHINA you fucking asshole.
You have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. Just garbage propaganda from bought off High School grad scumbag pundits, dumbass.

I have the fact that the second that hag lost the election the donations to her foundation STOPPED.

Put that in your meth pipe and smoke you infantile twit
Duh. Too bad it was a great charity and all your garbage propaganda caused it to be investigated and no quid pro quo anywhere. In fact all of your phony scandals about Hillary are garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe...

A "great" charity that gave away 8% of what it was given.

Fuck you. The Salvation Army is a great charity.

The Clinton foundation was a influence peddling operation and continuing criminal enterprise from the beginning.
The favor referred to Barr's investigation of the 2016 spying on Trump, a perfectly proper request by Trump of the President of the Ukraine given our mutual cooperation treaty to assist each other in criminal investigations.

Dems, media aim to squash Barr’s probe of Russia collusion hoax.

But there’s a problem.


Story: Voters Don’t Trust Political News, Say Most Reporters Want to Stop Trump. If you think of them as Democratic Party operatives with bylines you won’t go far wrong — and nowadays, that’s how most people think of them.

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