I like being white....

The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.

Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white. That's why whites have done so well here. Then when people mention this truth your whites asses try gaslighting people with that victim bullshit.

Look if you want to play the victim card have fun. It is absolutely a great crutch. Blame the evil white man for all your problems.

This is a great time to play this game as the Democratic Party is all about hating the white man. You may even get reparations since they now own the Oval Office and Congress. This might be the best time in history to be stuck on the Democratic Plantation. Democrats are busy acting like they love blacks because some blacks are beginning to realize democrats promise diamonds but deliver zirconiun.

But if you dump the victim card and get a good education it is my bet in the end you will be much further ahead.

If nothing else try to insure your children and grandchildren get a good education. That may mean you need to send them to a private school as our public schools are a disaster.

Now just leave our pal alone!!!

It's only been eight or so generations since Republicans ended slavery.....

.....give him time......he'll catch on.

Now just leave our pal alone!!!

It's only been eight or so generations since Republicans ended slavery.....

.....give him time......he'll catch on.

Some people are real victims. Other people are just looking for an excuse and victimhood fits the bill.

Unfortunately victimhood is often a trap. You feel good in the cage you built for yourself but you can’t escape.

Now just leave our pal alone!!!

It's only been eight or so generations since Republicans ended slavery.....

.....give him time......he'll catch on.

Some people are real victims. Other people are just looking for an excuse and victimhood fits the bill.

Unfortunately victimhood is often a trap. You feel good in the cage you built for yourself but you can’t escape.

Great point......it must feel great to never be responsible for one's own shortcomings.....always someone else's fault.
Per the earlier discussion proving the genocide of white Haitians, by the new black government there in the 19th century.....just today there was an article suggesting the need for another such black genocide of whites.

"Whiteness Is a Pandemic

White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it. "

Just a side-note.....there may be a handful of supremacists of any race.....but there are no.....zero....elected white supremacists.

White Supremacy
The Left loves making up meaningless slurs....such as "....white supremacists"....playing on the fact that without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.

But....it's simply more 'fake news'.....
Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"


I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.

The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"
Clearly this is totally bogus.

Fake news.
Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"
There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

White Supremacy is a Democrat Party talking point, and nothing more.
Morons advance the idea.
Just one more lie by the the Lying Liberal Left.....but dolts buy it like it was on sale.
Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

Very few people of any Race or Gender really succeed. There are disabled people in all demographics.

Proud to be an Aspie!

My son in law considers me to be an Aspie and when he pointed out why I had to agree with him.

I once told my ex I was half Martian and she said, “Don’t say things like that because I might start to believe you.“

I could be an Aspie and if I am it’s fun.

Did you know Einstein might have been an Aspie?

View attachment 469051

Each post of yours is dumber than the previous.

Quite a burden you're gonna have if you keep posting.

I apologize.

Modern Conservatives are much more Liberal then modern Liberals. I appreciate anyone committed to Conservative side.

But I am a Classic Liberal.

As was Daniel Moynihan.....one of the last of the breed.
No room for classical liberals in today's Democrat Party.

1.Once upon a time there were intelligent, pro-American, politicians in the Democrat Party. Alas, that time has receded into the past. Since the Democrats made a pact with the Prince of Darkness, there is no longer room for folks like Daniel Patrick Moynihan, deceased NYS Democrat Senator.

2. Our birthday boy:
“Daniel Patrick Moynihan, (born March 16, 1927, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.—died March 26, 2003, Washington, D.C.), American scholar and Democratic Party politician, U.S. senator from New York state from 1977 to 2001.


Moynihan grew up in poverty in New York City and, after service in the U.S. Navy in World War II, attended Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts) on the GI Bill of Rights (B.A., 1948) and Tufts’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (M.A., 1949), later receiving a Ph.D. from Fletcher (1961). His first taste of politics came in 1953 as a Democratic campaign worker in New York City, and he held various public and party posts in New York state in the 1950s.

During the 1960s Moynihan was in Washington, D.C., and, while serving in the Department of Labor, cowrote The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, popularly called the Moynihan Report, which held that many of the educational problems of American blacks resulted from the instability of black urban families.” Daniel Patrick Moynihan | United States senator and sociologist

3. " The two liberalisms also diverged in their view of America.

Moynihan’s older liberalism identified deeply with America
even as it acknowledged its failings. It respected facts and evidence.

... the new liberalism, the radicalism of the late sixties that captivated educated elites, was shot through with an irrational anti-Americanism. “Radical politics,” explained Michael Novak at the time, “is so much the province of the affluent . . . that it fairly reeks of class bias,” a bias against “middle America.”

4. Moynihan feared that “a society suffused with the alienation of its elites” would be “a society that courts—if not totalitarianism, at least statism.”

He saw “totalitarian seeds in the new politics of who thinks what, and who feels how.” Moynihan understood that anti-Americanism was a useful lever for liberal elites who insisted that their inclinations be propitiated lest they undermine American society from within. But after being scorched by critics of the Moynihan Report and his Nixon-era comments about the need for “benign neglect” when it came to racial policy, Senator Moynihan confined his criticism of liberalism to occasional forays, such as his memorable 1993 essay “Defining Deviancy Down,” prompted by the frightening failures of the Dinkins mayoralty in New York."

Moynihan’s Mistake and the Left’s Shame
The late senator stood at the fault line between two very different versions of liberalism.

5. Moynihan believed that blacks could accomplish everything that other groups did.

The 'new' Liberals find blacks as a race inferior and apart.....they must be fed, laws made looser for them than others, and words must be banned because the fragile blank folk would fall apart if a word offends them.

His view of equality of the races was the basis for his 'benign neglect' doctrine.......so, of course, he was called a racist.

But Moynihan pointed out who the real racists are.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?


Nailed it!! The white man HAS been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries and the rest of us want it to end.

The earth is fighting back with climate change, and pandemics. While sane and sensible people are trying to find a less destructive way for the human race to move forward, white males in charge of the USA are trying to stop this change and retain white make supremacy over the reins of power.
I apologize.

Modern Conservatives are much more Liberal then modern Liberals. I appreciate anyone committed to Conservative side.

But I am a Classic Liberal.

As was Daniel Moynihan.....one of the last of the breed.
No room for classical liberals in today's Democrat Party.

Sadly, modern Democrats are very Totalitarian. USSR in 1980s had more Freedom then USA in 2021.
Yes, being white is sort of cheating. It's not really fair, is it?
It is a new generation that wants us to feel guilty about being white and putting into fashion the BLM that would be victims, to the point we are if it keep it on, it is us the victims, white Folk's
Yes, being white is sort of cheating. It's not really fair, is it?
It is a new generation that wants us to feel guilty about being white and putting into fashion the BLM that would be victims, to the point we are if it keep it on, it is us the victims, white Folk's

I am a white male. I am not proud of that fact nor ashamed of it. I had nothing to do with it. Some might say, “shit happens.” I am who I am and that’s all I am.


I will feel guilty if I mistreat people because of the color of their skin. I don’t. Therefore I don’t feel guilty. Nor do I feel in any way superior to people of different color than me. I am by choice Christian but I don’t hate other people because they have a different religion or no religion. In fact I don’t really hate anyone as hate is a very negative emotion.

What I know of my ancestors in the United States is that they all lived in New York State and Pennsylvania. If they were in this nation during the Civil War some likely fought with the North to free slaves. I don’t believe any ever owned slaves. Cotton isn’t a big crop in New York or Pennsylvania.

I was a registered Democrat for half a century but then the Democratic Party started to move toward socialism as practiced in Cuba, Venezuela or perhaps even communism as practiced in China. I value my freedoms far to much to want to be oppressed like the citizens of those nations are.

I am not a white supremacist nor will I ever be. I hope this nation can stay together but I can see it breaking up in the next decade or two. Hopefully if that happens it will be a peaceful breakup. Even better we will get through these times and reunite the diverse people of our nation and once again become the great melting pot of the world.
Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

Very few people of any Race or Gender really succeed. There are disabled people in all demographics.

Proud to be an Aspie!

My son in law considers me to be an Aspie and when he pointed out why I had to agree with him.

I once told my ex I was half Martian and she said, “Don’t say things like that because I might start to believe you.“

I could be an Aspie and if I am it’s fun.

Did you know Einstein might have been an Aspie?

View attachment 469051


Almost looks tasty.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

As a history buff, you probably know this....

How many slaves did Barbary pirates take?
According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slavery_on_the_Barbary_Coast

Slavery on the Barbary Coast - Wikipedia

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.
Sorry but that story is fake news. The french returned to start slavery and whites were murding blacks. The whites who helped in the Revolution were Polish and they were granted citizenship. That story from the National Vanguard is the same crap as the lie about white slaves It's distorted and disingenuous. The fact of this thread is that the whites here whining about how they can't be proud to be white are mad because people are being taught the true extent of the atrocities whites have committed worldwide instead of kissing their asses snd declaring them as the lords of modern civilization.

There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled and if Asians have to learn how they were beaten, killed and excluded by lsw, then whites have to learn the bad parts of their history.

All this whataboutism doesn't change the reality of America. The excuse of everybody did it is weak.

More white hate.All races have done evil things. Most use slavery still today,included in Africa and other third world nations who have sweat shops because their black and brown leaders force them to work while they take payoffs and live in luxuary. No abolishing and going to war to protect these people. Also American Indians didn't believe in owning property,they said it belonged to some diety.Yet they didn't want anyone else to own it either,wonder who killed the first Viking settlers here long before the Asians came across the Eurasian Steppes.
Fact is nobody on earth is where they started out.Some people come to a land and improve it,others just survive.
No man is perfect or even that good,not a one of us.
Being White is cool.

Beats the shit out of being Black or Brown.
Meh... what color/race you are is immaterial. It is who you are as a person that matters.
Unfortunately, due to the past 40 years of liberal social policies, inner city blacks have lost their way. They have become dependent on white handouts that replaced the need for fathers and providers. So males became restless thugs, and females became baby making machines (the ones that haven't been aborted) that rely on white liberal handouts.
They would be exactly the same as whites if it wasn't for the terrible influence and policies of white liberals.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

As a history buff, you probably know this....

How many slaves did Barbary pirates take?
According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slavery_on_the_Barbary_Coast
Slavery on the Barbary Coast - Wikipedia

Correct.I put up video of American and European Christians going to Africa ro buy back th freedom of Africans from their black African masters. This is not new ,it has been going on for thousands of years.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

As a history buff, you probably know this....

How many slaves did Barbary pirates take?
According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slavery_on_the_Barbary_Coast
Slavery on the Barbary Coast - Wikipedia

I see you know some of your American History.Yes the ykidnapped out woman aka Golden women for themselves as sexslaves and killed our men.
Washington eas paying them ramsom but Jefferson said no more ramsom and created out marines and sent out Navy to stop them.I may have forgotten some of it but use to be a real history buff.

Off topic...have you heard the beautiful story behind out National Anthium? I don't have spell check so ?I will make you cry,or it did me. I'm an old woman so consider the source,lol.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

As a history buff, you probably know this....

How many slaves did Barbary pirates take?
According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slavery_on_the_Barbary_Coast
Slavery on the Barbary Coast - Wikipedia

Correct.I put up video of American and European Christians going to Africa ro buy back th freedom of Africans from their black African masters. This is not new ,it has been going on for thousands of years.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

As a history buff, you probably know this....

How many slaves did Barbary pirates take?
According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and The Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Slavery_on_the_Barbary_Coast
Slavery on the Barbary Coast - Wikipedia

I see you know some of your American History.Yes the ykidnapped out woman aka Golden women for themselves as sexslaves and killed our men.
Washington eas paying them ramsom but Jefferson said no more ramsom and created out marines and sent out Navy to stop them.I may have forgotten some of it but use to be a real history buff.

Off topic...have you heard the beautiful story behind out National Anthium? I don't have spell check so ?I will make you cry,or it did me. I'm an old woman so consider the source,lol.

Please, relate it.

I bet you know about Francis Scott Key's son, and the first temporary insanity plea.....
I never understood why people take so much pride in something that they didn't actually accomplish.

I imagine this must be done by people who haven't done much to be proud of. :dunno:
Only someone who is largely unsuccessful and unhappy would take pride in their genetic lineage. "Liking being white" is very primitive and utterly pathetic.

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