I like being white....

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

All of then run by blacks, it is why IM2 doesn't want to live in any of the black dominated countries of Africa.
I was born in America that's why I don't want to live in those countries. I have the first amendment right to air my grievance and if that's something you don't like, move.

I, for one, don't want you to either move or to stop posting!

It is important for other government school victims to see how deftly all of your arguments and fantasies are dissipated.

That's the path towards others who might lean your way, they will quickly see that for your side, vulgarity and rage substitute for truth and knowledge.

Now, write soon, y'hear!!!
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.
Everybody suffers from white nationalism. Even the white nationalists. That belief creates a psychosis and you see it here every day.

How about moi?????
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.

Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white. That's why whites have done so well here. Then when people mention this truth your whites asses try gaslighting people with that victim bullshit.
White liberals are black America’s worst enemy.

The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.

Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white. That's why whites have done so well here. Then when people mention this truth your whites asses try gaslighting people with that victim bullshit.

"In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white..."

Any examples of current ones?

"That's why whites have done so well here."

Everyone has....even you whiny, hand-wringing liars.

This is what we had within our grasp: Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.
Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

Very few people of any Race or Gender really succeed. There are disabled people in all demographics.

Proud to be an Aspie!

Each post of yours is dumber than the previous.

Quite a burden you're gonna have if you keep posting.
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

What are you like a pasty white, ashen give us a clue...
You must not be white.
My left arm is darker than my right because of driving with the window down.

The question is, do you have hairy palms?:auiqs.jpg:
You can't truly be white if you have black hair.

I have brown hair, I must be a brown person......?


Just don't start wearin' a dress.......
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.
Everybody suffers from white nationalism. Even the white nationalists. That belief creates a psychosis and you see it here every day.

Not all white people care about if someone's ancestry has had more sun then them. In fact I believe we are infinite consciousness and we have all lived as all different races over the time humans have been on this Earth. If we all understood that we all lived different races during different lifetimes, then this race batting and division through skin color would end. When will we stop acting like chickens?

Wow....Agree with you 100%......

....except that my race really is superior.........

Otherwise.....carry on.
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?


Congratulations on basing your self-esteem not on your actual accomplishments in the world but rather on your skin pigmentation.


You worked hard for that.

Wait.....you have the unmitigated gall to discuss "accomplishments" when you claimed that policies don't matter....and voted for the imbecile who saddled America with the policies we are now submitting to?????

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

You: “This isn't about policies.

Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”

Why We Lost America…. post #21

Let’s check.

Joe Biden promised to govern as a moderate. On day one he signed EO's: —Letting biological men take over women's sports & locker rooms —Calling for amnesty for millions of illegals —Ending deportations —Killing thousands of good paying jobs Is anyone surprised?

In less than 72 hours, Joe Biden: —Killed 70,000+ jobs —Eliminated women's sports —Invaded Syria —Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage —Admitted he doesn't have a plan to fight COVID —Broke his own mask mandate EO —Ended US energy independence Do you miss Trump yet?"
Here We Go: Text Messages Reveal Biden Voters Already Regret What They’ve Done | Tea Party

View attachment 468783
Shut the fuck up you retarded bitch.

You must believe (I almost said 'think') you are speaking to your family.

You should learn how to speak to a more cultured audience.

The pain inflicted by truth is not an excuse for gutter parlance.
I knoe what I am speaking to.

YOU! A retarded Korean bitch posting racist shit from National Vanguard.

There is slavery in Europe and Asia bitch, but the issue for blacks in America today is not slavery. And given the reality that Asians have finally decided to drop the be quiet and take it philosophy, you might want to fall back sellout because whites are going to like you less and less.

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I knoe (sic) what I am speaking to."

This is the funniest post ever.....except for all your other posts.
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.
Everybody suffers from white nationalism. Even the white nationalists. That belief creates a psychosis and you see it here every day.

Not all white people care about if someone's ancestry has had more sun then them. In fact I believe we are infinite consciousness and we have all lived as all different races over the time humans have been on this Earth. If we all understood that we all lived different races during different lifetimes, then this race batting and division through skin color would end. When will we stop acting like chickens?
Yes you do. We see it here. Thousands of threads by whites all over this forum whereby whites are talking racist bullshit. So just stop lying.

I think the problem is that you are racist against white people and you are projecting your hate onto others. You seem to have a problem with people because of the color of their skin. It is time for you to grow up.

If he suffers from self-hatred.....

....well, then I must agree with his appraisal.
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.

Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white. That's why whites have done so well here. Then when people mention this truth your whites asses try gaslighting people with that victim bullshit.
White liberals are black America’s worst enemy.

Even black Liberals.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

View attachment 468642
I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

All of then run by blacks, it is why IM2 doesn't want to live in any of the black dominated countries of Africa.
I was born in America that's why I don't want to live in those countries. I have the first amendment right to air my grievance and if that's something you don't like, move.

A typical whiny reply, I never once advocated to take away your free speech rights or make you live there, where the standard of living is a lot lower mainly because blacks there are terrible leaders.

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.
Sorry but that story is fake news. The french returned to start slavery and whites were murding blacks. The whites who helped in the Revolution were Polish and they were granted citizenship. That story from the National Vanguard is the same crap as the lie about white slaves It's distorted and disingenuous. The fact of this thread is that the whites here whining about how they can't be proud to be white are mad because people are being taught the true extent of the atrocities whites have committed worldwide instead of kissing their asses snd declaring them as the lords of modern civilization.

There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled and if Asians have to learn how they were beaten, killed and excluded by lsw, then whites have to learn the bad parts of their history.

All this whataboutism doesn't change the reality of America. The excuse of everybody did it is weak.

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.
Sorry but that story is fake news. The french returned to start slavery and whites were murding blacks. The whites who helped in the Revolution were Polish and they were granted citizenship. That story from the National Vanguard is the same crap as the lie about white slaves It's distorted and disingenuous. The fact of this thread is that the whites here whining about how they can't be proud to be white are mad because people are being taught the true extent of the atrocities whites have committed worldwide instead of kissing their asses snd declaring them as the lords of modern civilization.

There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled and if Asians have to learn how they were beaten, killed and excluded by lsw, then whites have to learn the bad parts of their history.

All this whataboutism doesn't change the reality of America. The excuse of everybody did it is weak.

Let's check.
"Caribbean genocide: racial war in Haiti, 1802–4

Girard's article covers the 1802-4 period in Haiti, during which an expeditionary force sent by Napoleon Bonaparte on the one hand, and an army of Blacks and Mulattoes (most of them former slaves) on the other hand, openly considered genocide of the enemy population. Whites carried out massacres but fell short of genocide because of the French military defeat; Blacks won the war and eradicated Haiti's white population in 1804. The article offers five main explanations for this genocide."

See......I teach you something every day.

Isn't this fun?

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.
Sorry but that story is fake news. The french returned to start slavery and whites were murding blacks. The whites who helped in the Revolution were Polish and they were granted citizenship. That story from the National Vanguard is the same crap as the lie about white slaves It's distorted and disingenuous. The fact of this thread is that the whites here whining about how they can't be proud to be white are mad because people are being taught the true extent of the atrocities whites have committed worldwide instead of kissing their asses snd declaring them as the lords of modern civilization.

There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled and if Asians have to learn how they were beaten, killed and excluded by lsw, then whites have to learn the bad parts of their history.

All this whataboutism doesn't change the reality of America. The excuse of everybody did it is weak.

"There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled ..."

Let's check the balance sheet:

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

For more than a century, it was believed that 618,000 men died in the Civil War: 360,000 from the North and 258,000 from the South. But in recent decades, historians raised the number to an estimated 750,000 deaths, mostly blamed on the under-counting of Confederate casualties.

How about a little gratitude on your part?

"The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule

Blacks Exterminate All Whites in Haiti

By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman, and child had been murdered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well."
Those were poor immigrant non slave owning whites, of which many originally backed the revolution. The wealthy whites were long gone off to the USA or another island.

My only point is that such inhuman behavior is not restricted to any one race.

I bet you are familiar with the Rape of Nanking.
Sorry but that story is fake news. The french returned to start slavery and whites were murding blacks. The whites who helped in the Revolution were Polish and they were granted citizenship. That story from the National Vanguard is the same crap as the lie about white slaves It's distorted and disingenuous. The fact of this thread is that the whites here whining about how they can't be proud to be white are mad because people are being taught the true extent of the atrocities whites have committed worldwide instead of kissing their asses snd declaring them as the lords of modern civilization.

There is nothing stoppiing whites from being proud but if I have to learn about blacks being slaves and Jim crow, native americans have to learn about how they were dispossed and almost cancelled and if Asians have to learn how they were beaten, killed and excluded by lsw, then whites have to learn the bad parts of their history.

All this whataboutism doesn't change the reality of America. The excuse of everybody did it is weak.

It is more than amusing that you moan about white racism....yet you vote for the ones responsible.

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

You're not too bright, are you.
The truth is also that slavery still exists in all of Europe and that we continue fight wars because white nations destabilized non white nations globally. All this whataboutism doesn't change what whites have done, nor does it remove responsibility for whites to fix it.

All this I am glad to be white shit is just a bunch of whites saying I'm glad to be a racist, because there is nothing existing today that in any way takes away the ability for white ethnic groups to be proud. But if blacks, native americans, to include what whites call hispanics, asians/pacific islanders must face the bad in our own histories, so do whitrs. So stop the motherfucking crying, false equivalences, and whataboutism, face the wrongs of your race and change.

Agree 100%.

Effects of White Nationalism are still there.

African Americans still suffer from effects of Slavery, Segregation, and modern Racism.

Jews suffered the worst under White Nationalism.

Perhaps the reason white males do so well in this world is they can’t claim to be victims. Claiming victimhood can be a crutch to explain away your failure.

In America white men made laws excluding people who are not white. That's why whites have done so well here. Then when people mention this truth your whites asses try gaslighting people with that victim bullshit.

Look if you want to play the victim card have fun. It is absolutely a great crutch. Blame the evil white man for all your problems.

This is a great time to play this game as the Democratic Party is all about hating the white man. You may even get reparations since they now own the Oval Office and Congress. This might be the best time in history to be stuck on the Democratic Plantation. Democrats are busy acting like they love blacks because some blacks are beginning to realize democrats promise diamonds but deliver zirconiun.

But if you dump the victim card and get a good education it is my bet in the end you will be much further ahead.

If nothing else try to insure your children and grandchildren get a good education. That may mean you need to send them to a private school as our public schools are a disaster.

Very few people of any Race or Gender really succeed. There are disabled people in all demographics.

Proud to be an Aspie!

Each post of yours is dumber than the previous.

Quite a burden you're gonna have if you keep posting.

Very few people overall become Rich and Famous. The vast majority of people are average. Not bad, not losers, but average.
Very few people of any Race or Gender really succeed. There are disabled people in all demographics.

Proud to be an Aspie!

Each post of yours is dumber than the previous.

Quite a burden you're gonna have if you keep posting.

Very few people overall become Rich and Famous. The vast majority of people are average. Not bad, not losers, but average.


Are you bemoaning a 100 point IQ????

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