I like being white....

ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.

Adren they killed......they were part of the war, too?????

You're a lying sleaze.....but you must be tired of everyone telling you that, huh?
Sorry ho, but there just wasn't any white genocide and OBTW, black children were killed by the french. You are damaged goods. An Asian neo nazi white supremacist. I mean, I've studied internalized racism, but you, well you are truly a "special" one.

Whites as a race ARE superior. Have you figured out the wheel yet?
OK. So if white men are superior to black men then what do you do with an inferior race of black men ?
On a serious note......if we get a totalitarian government in you may find out. The Progs only care about the Progressive Socialist Party as it is the real "cult". The people who worship it are expendable.
Let’s not forget the African kingdoms which profited off the slave trade.

And the many white slaves in Africa.

ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.

Adren they killed......they were part of the war, too?????

You're a lying sleaze.....but you must be tired of everyone telling you that, huh?
Sorry ho, but there just wasn't any white genocide and OBTW, black children were killed by the french. You are damaged goods. An Asian neo nazi white supremacist. I mean, I've studied internalized racism, but you, well you are truly a "special" one.

View attachment 468566

It hurts to be called out on your lies, racism, and assorted bullshit all the time, huh?
ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.
Napoleon was brutal but so were the black Haitians. They murdered thousands of whites including children. You shouldn’t lie about that sort of thing.

Last edited:
ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.
Napoleon was brutal but so were the black Haitians. They murdered thousands of whites including children. You shouldn’t lie about that sort of thing.

Whites were murdering, beating, sodomozing, raping and enslaving those blacks. You should stop lying as if whites were just poor innocent victims.
Whites as a race ARE superior. Have you figured out the wheel yet?
OK. So if white men are superior to black men then what do you do with an inferior race of black men ?
On a serious note......if we get a totalitarian government in you may find out. The Progs only care about the Progressive Socialist Party as it is the real "cult". The people who worship it are expendable.

On a serious note.......America has practiced fascism against blacks and others of color and this is what you right wingers want to return to.
White liberals are actually far more racist than white conservatives.
No, they really aren't. I mean look at you guys. Your virulent racists and you lie to each other about how you're not.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'


I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?


Congratulations on basing your self-esteem not on your actual accomplishments in the world but rather on your skin pigmentation.


You worked hard for that.
ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.
Napoleon was brutal but so were the black Haitians. They murdered thousands of whites including children. You shouldn’t lie about that sort of thing.

Whites were murdering, beating, sodomozing, raping and enslaving those blacks. You should stop lying as if whites were just poor innocent victims.

Why do you ignore the facts? Facts are whites are far less into slavery than blacks .
Thats why they still sell slaves in Africa and white Christians are the only ones buying their freedom.You don't see any ultra rich ball players or rich Hollyhood blacks going to Africa to save their own people,but yet they will destroy America who made them rich,No wonder Africa never has evolved except where whites built and devoloped,

Watch this and weep,but then its not the mistreatment of blacks you feel for its your racist hatred of WHITES. It is not just tiring seeing what BS lies you promote but it is dangerous for innocent people.

ar of Independence

Rebellion against reimposition of slavery
For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic rule. But when it became apparent that the French intended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the French; by the middle of July 1802, the French lost about 10,000 dead to yellow fever.[108] By September, Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8,000 fit men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[107] In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. However, the Poles were told that there was a revolt of prisoners in Saint-Domingue. Upon arrival and the first fights, the Polish platoon soon discovered that what was actually taking place in the colony was a rebellion of slaves fighting off their French masters for their freedom.[109] During this time, there was a familiar situation going on back in their homeland as these Polish soldiers were fighting for their liberty from the occupying forces of Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772. Many Poles believed that if they fought for France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Polish independence, which had been ended with the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.[108] As hopeful as the Haitians, many Poles were seeking union amongst themselves to win back their freedom and independence by organizing an uprising. As a result, many Polish soldiers admired their opponents, to eventually turn on the French army and join the Haitian slaves. Polish soldiers participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804, contributing to the establishment of the world's first free black republic and the first independent Caribbean state.[109] Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[110][111][112] After Haiti gained its independence, the Poles acquired Haitian citizenship for their loyalty and support in overthrowing the French colonialists, and were called "black" by the Haitian constitution.[113]

Dessalines and Pétion join Haitian forces
Dessalines and Pétion remained allied with France until they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought against the French. As Leclerc lay dying of yellow fever and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in Le Cap to be killed by drowning in the harbour.[114] In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of his army.[24][115]

His successor, the Vicomte de Rochambeau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, killing everyone who was black.[114] Rochambeau imported about 15,000 attack dogs from Jamaica, who had been trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[114] (Other sources suggest the dogs may have been dogo cubanos sourced in their hundreds from Cuba rather than Jamaica.)[116] At the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had blacks drowned. No one would eat fish from the bay for months afterward, as no one wished to eat the fish that had eaten human flesh.[114] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in Saint-Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French held only Port-au-Prince, Le Cap, and Les Cayes, sent about 20,000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[114]

France's Leclerc Expedition to Haiti in 1804
Dessalines matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he was planning on doing to them.
[114] Rochambeau's atrocities helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a race war where no mercy was to be given. The Haitians burned French prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied them to a board and sawed them into two.[107]

The rebels finally managed to decisively defeat the French troops at the Battle of Vertières on 18 November 1803, leading the first ever group of slaves to successfully create an independent state through a slave revolt.[117] Having sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon accepted defeat in his failing ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Dessalines won a string of victories against Leclerc and Rochambeau, becoming arguably the most successful military commander in the struggle against Napoleonic France.[118]

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

There was no genocide of whites in Haiti. There was a war fought because whites tried re establishing slavery and they got their ass kicked.
Napoleon was brutal but so were the black Haitians. They murdered thousands of whites including children. You shouldn’t lie about that sort of thing.

Whites were murdering, beating, sodomozing, raping and enslaving those blacks. You should stop lying as if whites were just poor innocent victims.
Calm down, look at the facts, stop lying, and learn to spell.

I acknowledged Napoleon’s brutality, now why can’t you be a decent person and acknowledge the atrocities of black Haitians?
So, enough of the baseless claims that white people cheated.

Sore losers.
The claim isn't baseless. The evidence is documented. Whites couldn't make it without cheating. That makes whites the losers.
Nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry — even your white ancestry.

I have Irish, English, Scottish, German, and Scandinavian blood. Undoubtedly some of my ancestors were Vikings and the Irish, Scottish, English and German ancestors were also war lovers. I don’t apologize for any of them. They were what they were and I am the result. Why should I hate myself.

I have absolutely no problem with others who are proud of their heritage. We all should show some respect for our ancestors.

However I also do not believe that I am superior in any way shape or form to other people of different races. Nor are they superior to me because I am white.
No other race has colonized the planet because they believed it was their right to. Whites have had no problem with being proud, but what white pride has included seems to be what you can't face.

Many of my ancestors were conquerers. I have absolutely no problem admitting or facing that fact. Some of my ancestors fought or conquered others of my ancestors. Then some mated. I am the result. As Popeye the sailor man says...

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You also ignore other races who attempted to rule the world and were not white.

One such example is the Mongol Empire.

The Mongol Empire of the 13th and 14th centuries was the largest contiguous land empire in history and the second largest empire by landmass, second only to the British Empire.[5] Originating in Mongolia in East Asia, the Mongol Empire eventually stretched from Eastern Europe and parts of Central Europe to the Sea of Japan, extending northward into parts of the Arctic;[6] eastward and southward into the Indian subcontinent, Mainland Southeast Asia and the Iranian Plateau; and westward as far as the Levant and the Carpathian Mountains.

Mongol Empire

In passing one of every 200 men is a direct descendant of Ghengis Khan.

Another more recent example of a race that was hoping to rule the world or a good portion of it is Japanese and their Empire which was ended by WWII.

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I don't ignore anything but this flimsy excuse whites use in order to not take responsibility for what has been done in modern times.
Why do I need to take responsibility for what others have done SOLELY because I am white?

Do you take responsibility for what other black people do?
White liberals are actually far more racist than white conservatives.

“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man."

White liberals are actually far more racist than white conservatives.
No, they really aren't. I mean look at you guys. Your virulent racists and you lie to each other about how you're not.

Actually, any color Democrat is.....

Let's check.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


The truth has been highjacked to serve an agenda. Most don't realize this but in Africa TODAY the black Africans still sell their peoplr in some areas.
The Africans always used slaves and sold them all over the world for centuries before American was even a place on world map or existed.

Branded slave of today in Africa,where s his 'reparations'

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I am a history buff. It has been my hobby since childhood.

The biggest losers in that war fighting for the Jews were white non Jewish protestants and christians who died in that war,America alone lost 400 ships not counting all the marines,army,ect, we lost.. Russians lost millions in that war too .I'm older now and have actually forgot more history than most people will ever know. Especially 'factaul history' that the socialist haven't changed to suit their own agendas.

All you hear and read is not always factual.

Today: “Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.
Slavery in contemporary Africa – Wikipedia

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