I listened to the voices of the 2/3 of Americans who didn't vote


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.
He just awarded another CMH, this time a Civil War Hero............

......took him long enough.

Do they search the history books looking for these guys?
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too.".

And paused before going on. Point made.
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He just awarded another CMH, this time a Civil War Hero............

......took him long enough.

Do they search the history books looking for these guys?

Who is "they"? So now you are critcizing him for recognizing war heroes. You fuckers are worthless.
This demented rambling psycho babble coming from a nobel peace price winner... pfft... :lol:

Seriously... his elevator does NOT go to the top floor.
"They" are those aides and sycophants desperately struggling to make obola relevant.
It was very much implied, if you listened to it. Why even bring up the 2/3rds. It was like he was implying they were greater than the sum...
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "For those of you who voted yesterday, I heard you. And for the two-thirds of registered voters who didn't, I heard you, too". And paused before going on. Point made.
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "For those of you who voted yesterday, I heard you. And for the two-thirds of registered voters who didn't, I heard you, too". And paused before going on. Point made.
Your version differs from the OP in no significant way.

Those 2/3's that didn't vote says volumes, yes? It says that the Democrats failed to prove their agenda and ideology is superior to the GOP's.

Now, before you go call cray-cray....I am not saying that the GOP did make their case. I'm saying that the President is reaching for straws from a broken camels back.
Obola is sorely mistaken if he thinks the 2/3 who didn't vote actually support his policies.

He's the one who said this election was a referendum on his policies. It says a lot when people Stay Home....they don't believe in him.
He rambled on so much, I finally had it after about an hour of repetition.
This demented rambling psycho babble coming from a nobel peace price winner... pfft... :lol:

Seriously... his elevator does NOT go to the top floor.
He just awarded another CMH, this time a Civil War Hero............

......took him long enough.

Do they search the history books looking for these guys?

Who is "they"? So now you are critcizing him for recognizing war heroes. You fuckers are worthless.
Obama also lied about the 2/3 number because he is butt hurt. The final vote tally will be quite a bit higher than 33.3%.

Fuck....he can't even get that right. :( :lol:
"For the 2/3 of registered voters who didn't vote I heard you too"? Fine Mr. president but what did they say that nobody else heard? Did they say "I love Obama's policies but I will stay home and let republicans win the majority in congress"? I don't think any other president in history claimed that people who didn't vote in an election actually supported his policies. Is he delusional? Did they whisper other things in his ear? Maybe it's time for a cat-scan.
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell ANY evil it is doing something right by voting for it.
He just awarded another CMH, this time a Civil War Hero............

......took him long enough.

Do they search the history books looking for these guys?

Who is "they"? So now you are critcizing him for recognizing war heroes. You fuckers are worthless.

The only thing transparent about this administration is their attempts at pandering
Elections these days are more and more going to be determined by how many voters are so discouraged they decide to stay home. There are those, like myself, who would never vote for the opposite party, but cannot bring themselves to vote for their own party either.

This poll indicates that Obama is causing more and more Democratic-leaning voters to stay home during the next election.

Tole ya!

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