I listened to the voices of the 2/3 of Americans who didn't vote

It was very much implied, if you listened to it. Why even bring up the 2/3rds. It was like he was implying they were greater than the sum...
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "For those of you who voted yesterday, I heard you. And for the two-thirds of registered voters who didn't, I heard you, too". And paused before going on. Point made.

It was not implied. Read the transcript. He stated a fact...something that scares the shit out of right-wingers.

Yet he then goes on and talks like he didn't hear them.

Everyone is tired of the Bullshit. Obama says he's not changing.

Them's the facts.
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

Most of what he said is way over your head, just go back to watching Fuck Dynasty.
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

Then you have no right to complain.

I certainly do. That's why I am here kicking people like you in the nuts who have destroyed the Republican brand.
So remind me...... do people who don't vote have a say in Congress? Do they help elect Presidents? What power do they have exactly? If only one person votes guess what happens? The person they voted for gets to represent the entire District or State in Congress. The dems so disgusted people that most chose not to vote. Pretty damning indictment against Obama.
sure it is , but it also says alot about washington in general. People dont like either parties and polling shows this. You guys are gloating because you won by having nobdy really vote. That doesnt say you have the american people on your side. That says you just managed to loose less voters. yeah....Thats something to brag about you bottom feeder
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

This is border line insanity.

Not really. Think about it. The president won the last two elections no matter how hard the GOP tried, how hard they smeared. The lies they got caught telling over and over again.

So this time, you had desperate Republicans connecting him with Ebola, after the GOP cut CDC funding.

Connecting him with Isis, the old Saddam military Republicans disbanded.

Republicans even terrorized America into believing little refugee children fleeing danger were somehow a "threat" and that was connected to Obama.

Far too many Democrat politicians got scared. They tried to distance themselves from Obama. How would that inspire people to vote? People who proudly voted for Obama?

Not only that, Obama has a great record to run on. He brought back the economy, saved auto companies, took down Bin Laden, took student loans away from the banks which led to 6 billion a year extra going into loans, equal pay for equal work, the end of DADT and the list goes on and on.

USMB Republicans can't name a single GOP policy in the last 30 years that has helped the majority of Americans. I know. I tried to get them to name something, anything.

In fact, Obama policies, like raising the minimum wage that were on Red state ballots passed in double digits. GOP policies that were on state ballots like the "Personhood Amendment" failed miserably.

And the very first thing Mitch wants to work on is lowering corporate taxes. Not Ebola, not Isis, not jobs, but lowering corporate taxes. Wow, didn't see that coming, did you?
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

Then you have no right to complain.

I certainly do. That's why I am here kicking people like you in the nuts who have destroyed the Republican brand.
So remind me...... do people who don't vote have a say in Congress? Do they help elect Presidents? What power do they have exactly? If only one person votes guess what happens? The person they voted for gets to represent the entire District or State in Congress. The dems so disgusted people that most chose not to vote. Pretty damning indictment against Obama.
sure it is , but it also says alot about washington in general. People dont like either parties and polling shows this. You guys are gloating because you won by having nobdy really vote. That doesnt say you have the american people on your side. That says you just managed to loose less voters. yeah....Thats something to brag about you bottom feeder

Did anyone ever consider that there are more people registered than there are qualified voters? Ever consider that many of these fakers were afraid of prosecution? Maybe getting kicked out of the country?

Truth is, midterms are always scarce on voters.I never voted in them till the last 14 years.
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That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

This is border line insanity.

Not really. Think about it. The president won the last two elections no matter how hard the GOP tried, how hard they smeared. The lies they got caught telling over and over again.

So this time, you had desperate Republicans connecting him with Ebola, after the GOP cut CDC funding.

Connecting him with Isis, the old Saddam military Republicans disbanded.

Republicans even terrorized America into believing little refugee children fleeing danger were somehow a "threat" and that was connected to Obama.

Far too many Democrat politicians got scared. They tried to distance themselves from Obama. How would that inspire people to vote? People who proudly voted for Obama?

Not only that, Obama has a great record to run on. He brought back the economy, saved auto companies, took down Bin Laden, took student loans away from the banks which led to 6 billion a year extra going into loans, equal pay for equal work, the end of DADT and the list goes on and on.

USMB Republicans can't name a single GOP policy in the last 30 years that has helped the majority of Americans. I know. I tried to get them to name something, anything.

In fact, Obama policies, like raising the minimum wage that were on Red state ballots passed in double digits. GOP policies that were on state ballots like the "Personhood Amendment" failed miserably.

And the very first thing Mitch want so work on is lowering corporate taxes. Not Ebola, not Isis, not jobs, but lowering corporate taxes. Wow, didn't see that coming, did you?

I think it's only fair to the members of USMB
That deannie comes out and admits he is really
Jay Carney...

And the very first thing Mitch want so work on is lowering corporate taxes.

Outstanding idea since US corporations are one of the highest taxed in the world...
Maybe get our way out of a sluggish economy.
Obola is sorely mistaken if he thinks the 2/3 who didn't vote actually support his policies.

He's the one who said this election was a referendum on his policies. It says a lot when people Stay Home....they don't believe in him.

Better listen to Rush Limbaugh's rant yesterday. He disagrees.

Rush has been bad-mouthing the GOP tactic of staying out of the spotlight for close to a year. Yesterday he was praising it as pure genius.

Rush doesn't know everything.
Obola is sorely mistaken if he thinks the 2/3 who didn't vote actually support his policies.

He's the one who said this election was a referendum on his policies. It says a lot when people Stay Home....they don't believe in him.

Better listen to Rush Limbaugh's rant yesterday. He disagrees.

I don't listen to Rush. It's interesting that you hang onto his every word.
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

Then you have no right to complain.

I certainly do. That's why I am here kicking people like you in the nuts who have destroyed the Republican brand.
So remind me...... do people who don't vote have a say in Congress? Do they help elect Presidents? What power do they have exactly? If only one person votes guess what happens? The person they voted for gets to represent the entire District or State in Congress. The dems so disgusted people that most chose not to vote. Pretty damning indictment against Obama.
sure it is , but it also says alot about washington in general. People dont like either parties and polling shows this. You guys are gloating because you won by having nobdy really vote. That doesnt say you have the american people on your side. That says you just managed to loose less voters. yeah....Thats something to brag about you bottom feeder

Did anyone ever consider that there are more people registered than there are qualified voters? Ever consider that many of these fakers were afraid of prosecution? Maybe getting kicked out of the country?

Truth is, midterms are always scarce on voters.I never voted in them till the last 14 years.
shut up
I think he was trying to say that he is not the problem and 2/3 of the country agrees.
That he has to put up with the will of only a third of the country pisses him off but since the other
2/3 didn't show up but love what he's doing he will put up with this bullshit for a few more years.

That's what I got out of it, too. Through the looking glass and into Bizzaro World ...
To bitch in public about anything political without having voted should be a felony.
It's so much fun to watch all the little bubble headed progtards in here trying SOOOOOO desperately to sound like they still have it together, and that they're somehow still relevant, when nothing could be further from the truth.

America spoke loud and clear Tuesday, and the message was...


Poor little progtards... pfft... :lol:
Then you have no right to complain.

I certainly do. That's why I am here kicking people like you in the nuts who have destroyed the Republican brand.
So remind me...... do people who don't vote have a say in Congress? Do they help elect Presidents? What power do they have exactly? If only one person votes guess what happens? The person they voted for gets to represent the entire District or State in Congress. The dems so disgusted people that most chose not to vote. Pretty damning indictment against Obama.
sure it is , but it also says alot about washington in general. People dont like either parties and polling shows this. You guys are gloating because you won by having nobdy really vote. That doesnt say you have the american people on your side. That says you just managed to loose less voters. yeah....Thats something to brag about you bottom feeder

Did anyone ever consider that there are more people registered than there are qualified voters? Ever consider that many of these fakers were afraid of prosecution? Maybe getting kicked out of the country?

Truth is, midterms are always scarce on voters.I never voted in them till the last 14 years.
shut up

Make me
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.
This guy is full on delusional . IF the 2/3 of the people really liked your policies they would have come and voted for them.. They stayed at home because they really didnt like them but didnt want to vote for the republican either. Or they are just lazy which i think is really the case
Not voting is as much a statement as voting.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot lesser evil politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

under the best circumstances only about half of our electorate votes. in midterms there is always incredibly low turnout.

you really should have a calming talk with the voices in your head.
To bitch in public about anything political without having voted should be a felony.
So much for the first amendment. But then I have always known you were a brainless totalitarian.

well, I don't think he's looking at it from a first amendment pov. I think the point is, if you don't man up and vote, shut up and sit down and stop whining... as good ole chris Christie would say.
I hereby award you 10 points for being a spinmeister.
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

Then you have no right to complain.

I certainly do. That's why I am here kicking people like you in the nuts who have destroyed the Republican brand.
So remind me...... do people who don't vote have a say in Congress? Do they help elect Presidents? What power do they have exactly? If only one person votes guess what happens? The person they voted for gets to represent the entire District or State in Congress. The dems so disgusted people that most chose not to vote. Pretty damning indictment against Obama.
sure it is , but it also says alot about washington in general. People dont like either parties and polling shows this. You guys are gloating because you won by having nobdy really vote. That doesnt say you have the american people on your side. That says you just managed to loose less voters. yeah....Thats something to brag about you bottom feeder
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