I listened to the voices of the 2/3 of Americans who didn't vote

Not voting is as much a statement as voting.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot lesser evil politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

When you don't vote you become irrelevant...:smoke:
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell ANY evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

then you may never vote again, and have no right to complain about anything that happens.
Half of the country NEVER votes.....watch Waters World on OReilly sometime...this is the dumbest generation in the history of the world and you can thank the teachers unions for that. :eusa_doh:
Not voting is as much a statement as voting.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot lesser evil politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

then you will have to accept the will of those of us who do vote. you might as well be living in north korea with that attitude. 99% of the time we vote for the lessor of two evils, thats what politics is all about, always has been, always will be.
If all the people who didn't vote were to come out and vote straight third party, things would change in a hurry. You don't vote, don't expect anyone to "hear you".
Unless Obama is President...
Not voting is as much a statement as voting.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot lesser evil politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

When you don't vote you become irrelevant...:smoke:
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

This is border line insanity.

Not really. Think about it. The president won the last two elections no matter how hard the GOP tried, how hard they smeared. The lies they got caught telling over and over again.

So this time, you had desperate Republicans connecting him with Ebola, after the GOP cut CDC funding.

Connecting him with Isis, the old Saddam military Republicans disbanded.

Republicans even terrorized America into believing little refugee children fleeing danger were somehow a "threat" and that was connected to Obama.

Far too many Democrat politicians got scared. They tried to distance themselves from Obama. How would that inspire people to vote? People who proudly voted for Obama?

Not only that, Obama has a great record to run on. He brought back the economy, saved auto companies, took down Bin Laden, took student loans away from the banks which led to 6 billion a year extra going into loans, equal pay for equal work, the end of DADT and the list goes on and on.

USMB Republicans can't name a single GOP policy in the last 30 years that has helped the majority of Americans. I know. I tried to get them to name something, anything.

In fact, Obama policies, like raising the minimum wage that were on Red state ballots passed in double digits. GOP policies that were on state ballots like the "Personhood Amendment" failed miserably.

And the very first thing Mitch wants to work on is lowering corporate taxes. Not Ebola, not Isis, not jobs, but lowering corporate taxes. Wow, didn't see that coming, did you?
There are so many lies and distortions in ^^^^ this shit that it would take a response the size of a small book to refute. So I'll condense it in to one word.

That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

This is border line insanity.

Not really. Think about it. The president won the last two elections no matter how hard the GOP tried, how hard they smeared. The lies they got caught telling over and over again.

So this time, you had desperate Republicans connecting him with Ebola, after the GOP cut CDC funding.

Connecting him with Isis, the old Saddam military Republicans disbanded.

Republicans even terrorized America into believing little refugee children fleeing danger were somehow a "threat" and that was connected to Obama.

Far too many Democrat politicians got scared. They tried to distance themselves from Obama. How would that inspire people to vote? People who proudly voted for Obama?

Not only that, Obama has a great record to run on. He brought back the economy, saved auto companies, took down Bin Laden, took student loans away from the banks which led to 6 billion a year extra going into loans, equal pay for equal work, the end of DADT and the list goes on and on.

USMB Republicans can't name a single GOP policy in the last 30 years that has helped the majority of Americans. I know. I tried to get them to name something, anything.

In fact, Obama policies, like raising the minimum wage that were on Red state ballots passed in double digits. GOP policies that were on state ballots like the "Personhood Amendment" failed miserably.

And the very first thing Mitch want so work on is lowering corporate taxes. Not Ebola, not Isis, not jobs, but lowering corporate taxes. Wow, didn't see that coming, did you?

I think it's only fair to the members of USMB
That deannie comes out and admits he is really
Jay Carney...

And the very first thing Mitch want so work on is lowering corporate taxes.

Outstanding idea since US corporations are one of the highest taxed in the world...
Maybe get our way out of a sluggish economy.

Uh, you do know that with all the loopholes, what they actually pay is far less. Or are you simply spouting bullshit?
A politician who listens to the non voters and not the ones who vote is a fool.
Or the ones who don't listen to why people didn't vote. Don't worry, we will find out in the next presidential election. I suspect it will be very much like the last two.
Not voting is as much a statement as voting.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot lesser evil politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.
Nonsense. You could have written in a name. You didn't vote so you have no right to complain or expect the government you want.
A politician who listens to the non voters and not the ones who vote is a fool.
Or the ones who don't listen to why people didn't vote. Don't worry, we will find out in the next presidential election. I suspect it will be very much like the last two.
Obama is going to veto bipartisan bills that are designed to improve private sector job creation, Reduce taxes, protect our borders and build our defenses. These are things the People want. Vetoing them will hurt the democratic candidate in 2016. Expect another thrashing in the next election.
Lotsa nice deflection and I know you can't really maker bitching after NOT voting a felony - I only would like it to be so. Howsumever, if you have any shred of decency left and you did not vote you really must sit down and shut up. Oh, that goes for spouting praise of anybody who might have won. You were a non-participant in choosing your government so you equally should remain a non-participant in commenting on the outcome. It's nothing to do with you. By your own actions or, rather, lack thereof.
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too.".

And paused before going on. Point made.

The point was made by those who supported him twice and just couldn't bother this time around. I wonder why?
It was very much implied, if you listened to it. Why even bring up the 2/3rds. It was like he was implying they were greater than the sum...
That's what Barry Hussein said during his rambling press conference yesterday. What are you saying Mr. president? Is it something like "I govern because the voices in my head tell me to"? This is border line insanity.

That's not what he said. He said, and I quote: "For those of you who voted yesterday, I heard you. And for the two-thirds of registered voters who didn't, I heard you, too". And paused before going on. Point made.

It was not implied. Read the transcript. He stated a fact...something that scares the shit out of right-wingers.

Not this time.

You folks were the ones talking about how great things are. You can't even convince your own side!
The 2/3, of whom I am one, said, "We are disgusted with both parties". We will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils because that is still voting for evil. I will never tell ANY evil it is doing something right by voting for it.

That's exactly what the 2/3 were saying. Not endorsing the non-policies and non-solutions of the Republicans. But right-wingers will walk around telling themselves in their echo chamber that they have "won" something.

Are you actually trying to claim that people who don't support Republicans didn't show up to vote because they don't like Republicans thereby giving Republicans more power?

You're a special type of stupid aren't you?

Oh that's right, 3000 lines of copy/paste Amazon links makes you a "web designer" and being married to a divorce attorney makes you a legal expert. HAHAHAHAHA!
Obama also lied about the 2/3 number because he is butt hurt. The final vote tally will be quite a bit higher than 33.3%.

Fuck....he can't even get that right. :( :lol:
Not to mention about half of us voters never actually vote. Highest turnout in the last 100 years was only 63%. Haven't come anywhere close in the last 40.
USMB nutters love to interpret things....but they never quite get there.

Did ALL of you miss the part where the POTUS accepted responsibility for the voter apathy that has become the hallmark of American elections?

"What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now. They expect the people they elect to work as hard as they do. They expect us to focus on their ambitions and not ours. They want us to get the job done. All of us in both parties have a responsibility to address that sentiment.

Still, as president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too."

Sometimes I think this POTUS leaves wiggle room for you nutjobs to guess what he means....just so the rest of us can marvel at your wild theories.
And he then proceeded to contradict all of that.
USMB nutters love to interpret things....but they never quite get there.

Did ALL of you miss the part where the POTUS accepted responsibility for the voter apathy that has become the hallmark of American elections?

"What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now. They expect the people they elect to work as hard as they do. They expect us to focus on their ambitions and not ours. They want us to get the job done. All of us in both parties have a responsibility to address that sentiment.

Still, as president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too."

Sometimes I think this POTUS leaves wiggle room for you nutjobs to guess what he means....just so the rest of us can marvel at your wild theories.
And he then proceeded to contradict all of that.
USMB nutters love to interpret things....but they never quite get there.

Did ALL of you miss the part where the POTUS accepted responsibility for the voter apathy that has become the hallmark of American elections?

"What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now. They expect the people they elect to work as hard as they do. They expect us to focus on their ambitions and not ours. They want us to get the job done. All of us in both parties have a responsibility to address that sentiment.

Still, as president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too."

Sometimes I think this POTUS leaves wiggle room for you nutjobs to guess what he means....just so the rest of us can marvel at your wild theories.

Nope. The man is a pragmatist. Pay close attention. Don't fall victim to reactionary rhetoric.

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