It can be done, was for nearly 150 years. Remember when no protestant would avail themselves to the dirty papists? Hell, JFK dealt with that.

Nah, we know discrimination and the way to attack it is with our own services, by our own eduction system. Too many 'elitist' were trained in Catholic schools, by Catholic teachers.

:lol: So now we're elitist too! Cool.

Do you have any idea of how many members of Congress, Catholic or not were trained by Jesuits, Franciscans, or La Sallian? Catholic education is the ticket to the elite schools, for the poor and middle class. Has been for a long time.
No, it doesn't "die" it just doesn't live. Much like the sperm that doesn't get into the egg.

That free cheese I told you about behind the fridge, Rati - if you snag it, you won't so much die, as just not live....

Try this:

The people whose lives are saved in those 625 hospitals would beg to differ that your church way bigger. And no, I am not complicating anything. I am breaking down reality upon which these decisions come into play.

Good luck. If everybody can have a positive outcome that is great.

I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.
:lol: So now we're elitist too! Cool.

Do you have any idea of how many members of Congress, Catholic or not were trained by Jesuits, Franciscans, or La Sallian? Catholic education is the ticket to the elite schools, for the poor and middle class. Has been for a long time.

Yep, we have the best schools. I know... I was educated in them. And I thank God for that education. In our classrooms, when I was at high school was "Question, with Boldness, Even the Very Existence of God". Cool, for a Catholic School, huh? We were taught critical thinking.
The people whose lives are saved in those 625 hospitals would beg to differ that your church way bigger. And no, I am not complicating anything. I am breaking down reality upon which these decisions come into play.

Good luck. If everybody can have a positive outcome that is great.

I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.
Catholics can rest assured that they have other religions coming on board to stand.
No, they're 'pro choice'... for themselves.... not for anyone else. "Rights for me, but not for thee" that is the liberal way.

No, they are pro-abortion.

The issue isn't what kind of soda to have, or what to watch on TV, the issue is abortion. Having 500 channels on TV is certainly a choice, but Rati and Jilly aren't advocating more channels, they are advocating abortion.

Some take the pro, some take the con, but the issue is abortion.
The people whose lives are saved in those 625 hospitals would beg to differ that your church way bigger. And no, I am not complicating anything. I am breaking down reality upon which these decisions come into play.

Good luck. If everybody can have a positive outcome that is great.

I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.

Somehow I wonder if Obama et al, asked the workers they are 'fighting for' whether or not they want this fight? My guess is not.

Every reason now to limit new hires to Catholics only, which will be hard pressed to accomplish in some areas. That has to do with schools, senior and day care, food pantries, ....

One can find not only employees in wealthier areas, but volunteers. They have the time and want to 'do good.'

This is a disaster and the sooner they get it, the better.

What's astonishing is that those that should be saying to the administration,"Hey guys! Heads up! This isn't going to work!" isn't happening other than in the editorials. You know, the folks that understand politics, religion, and the electorate.
The people whose lives are saved in those 625 hospitals would beg to differ that your church way bigger. And no, I am not complicating anything. I am breaking down reality upon which these decisions come into play.

Good luck. If everybody can have a positive outcome that is great.

I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.
Catholics can rest assured that they have other religions coming on board to stand.

Yep, even some Evangelicals, not the usual crowd to come and pitch for Catholics. I am assuming it's a Niemöller thing. ;)

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.
Catholics can rest assured that they have other religions coming on board to stand.

Yep, even some Evangelicals, not the usual crowd to come and pitch for Catholics. I am assuming it's a Niemöller thing. ;)

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I'm kind of figuring that's pretty much what the Mormons, Muslims and Jews think too.
:lol: So now we're elitist too! Cool.

Do you have any idea of how many members of Congress, Catholic or not were trained by Jesuits, Franciscans, or La Sallian? Catholic education is the ticket to the elite schools, for the poor and middle class. Has been for a long time.

Annie that is your own quote. I never used the word elitist.

HANG ON - the quotes are messed up. maybe i did! :)

No I was right, those are your words. don't know why my name is in the quote box.
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My vision on this is Obama stamping his feet and throwing tantrum...

Sheesh yet another large segment of the population turning their backs on the golden child..

Obama has poked 1 Billion Catholics in the Eye with this move.

Liberal never cease to fail to make much sense.

They constantly remind us how Many Muslims live in the world, as if there numbers alone mean we should not want to offend them.

Then they constantly attack, Offend, and Alienate over a Billion Christians, and in this case roughly 1 Billion Catholics.

I have said it before and I will say it again, Many libs don't want Freedom of religion they want Freedom from Religion,They will not hesitate to jump at the Chance to Limit, or Infringe on your Religious Freedom if it furthers their Agenda. Unless that is you are a Muslim, then they will bend over backwards to please you, and tolerate even the most Barbaric Behavior.

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