Thanks, Rdean, for showing us that you think foreign terrorists should be afforded first amendment rights...but citizens should not.

Hilarious. Many evangelicals call the Catholic Church "The Great Whore".

Remember when Republicans wanted to close Gitmo because the Generals said it was an al Qaeda recruitment tool? Then Obama appointed a commission to close it and suddenly, they were shouting Obama wanted to release these terrorists into our backyards and on our city streets.

Same thing here. In 28 states it's required to pay for birth control for any organization that receives government money. In 8 states, even the church has to pay. In Obama's plan, the church doesn't have to pay. Only hospitals and universities and other institutions receiving government money.

Now, all of a sudden, it's an "issue". Just like Gitmo. Republicans are masters of finding something obscure and terrorizing the American people with it. They are better at scaring Americans than al Qaeda by far. In fact, al Qaeda is only a very distant second.

Seriously, have you ever been to school? Because you seem to lack certain basic skills... such as comprehension.... this is not about 'republicans'. It's about Catholics.... you know, the ones who voted for Obama in 2008? :lol: Idiot.

We won't make that mistake in 2012.
Hilarious. Many evangelicals call the Catholic Church "The Great Whore".

Remember when Republicans wanted to close Gitmo because the Generals said it was an al Qaeda recruitment tool? Then Obama appointed a commission to close it and suddenly, they were shouting Obama wanted to release these terrorists into our backyards and on our city streets.

Same thing here. In 28 states it's required to pay for birth control for any organization that receives government money. In 8 states, even the church has to pay. In Obama's plan, the church doesn't have to pay. Only hospitals and universities and other institutions receiving government money.

Now, all of a sudden, it's an "issue". Just like Gitmo. Republicans are masters of finding something obscure and terrorizing the American people with it. They are better at scaring Americans than al Qaeda by far. In fact, al Qaeda is only a very distant second.

Anti-Catholicism is not a new phenomena in the US, indeed it is the status quo. Seriously only Catholics are surprised by this. It's the one Christian outlet that really has a history of being a serving community. Why? Good deeds, what Martin Luther pilloried it for. One of the things. Then there were the indulgences, the popes with many bastards...


The problem is that many don't give credit, as well as blame.
Obama had it going for awhile, then as he always seems to do, he steps on his dick.

It'll be worse if he gets another 4 years. He won't give a darned what anyone thinks about his policies then.

These rules were in Obamacare.

How many other surprises are in that monstrosity.
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Hilarious. Many evangelicals call the Catholic Church "The Great Whore".

Remember when Republicans wanted to close Gitmo because the Generals said it was an al Qaeda recruitment tool? Then Obama appointed a commission to close it and suddenly, they were shouting Obama wanted to release these terrorists into our backyards and on our city streets.

Same thing here. In 28 states it's required to pay for birth control for any organization that receives government money. In 8 states, even the church has to pay. In Obama's plan, the church doesn't have to pay. Only hospitals and universities and other institutions receiving government money.

Now, all of a sudden, it's an "issue". Just like Gitmo. Republicans are masters of finding something obscure and terrorizing the American people with it. They are better at scaring Americans than al Qaeda by far. In fact, al Qaeda is only a very distant second.

The only truth I see here, is you being more afraid of fellow Citizens than Al-Qaeda. There is no greater Whore than the Press, RD, except for maybe you. Matters of Liberty and Conscience are over your head. Who knew??? Obscure indeed.
Thanks, Rdean, for showing us that you think foreign terrorists should be afforded first amendment rights...but citizens should not.


He brings a..... ummmm.... unique perspective to any discussion... he demonstrates the real failure of our public school system.
And even more frightening than that is derp moochers as he, vote.
Socialist/Progressive wankers are always expressing their loony vitriolic hate towards Christians. So that's certainly nothing new. But their weird fixation on hating Christians may have gone too far this time. American Christians might be finally realizing that it's time to get off their butts and stand up to these jerks. It's 'Fight or Flight' time for American Christians. I guess we'll see what they choose.
The people whose lives are saved in those 625 hospitals would beg to differ that your church way bigger. And no, I am not complicating anything. I am breaking down reality upon which these decisions come into play.

Good luck. If everybody can have a positive outcome that is great.

I didn't say the Church is way bigger. I said the issue is bigger than just hospitals. We have thousands of schools, we employ 65,000 teachers. We have social programs - they employ thousands of workers. It's not just about hospitals - its about a whole system.... and this is a ludicrous insult to the Church, to Catholics, to Christians... and to other faiths. Hence, the support for the Church from a variety of Jewish organizations, Muslim groups, Mormons, Baptists.... hundreds of churches support us.

Obama would do well to remember that Catholics are quite centerist about their politics... we don't necessarily vote party.... we vote people.... and we have very big communities in the battleground states. :lol: And we are not alone.

Since when do good deeds earn you exemption from the law of the land?
Massachusetts, under Romney, did the same thing as the ACA would. So does Georgia (and 28 other states). More Pubcrappe for the dupes, with Catholic priests doing what they're told to- don't want to be excommunicated, while 98% of CATHOLIC women use birth control.They already have a year waiver, and Dems have said enforcement would be weak. That'll be nothing compared to the protests of the women involved LOL!
The Catholic Church isn't forced to open secular businesses either.

Yes, we are. We are bound by our duty as Christians to live according to Christ's example. He healed the sick - so do we. He taught the uneducated - so do we. He fed the hungry - so do we. Where He walked, we follow. I know you don't understand it.... but your lack of understanding does not make us wrong. It does make you very narrow in your thought, no more than that.

So you need to accept the laws of the secular world you live in, make the necessary compromises, and proceed.

It's the Church's choice.

btw, LAWS OF THIS NATURE ARE IN PLACE AT THE STATE LEVEL IN 28 STATES. And apparently the Catholic Church has been complying with them at the state level for years. Including under Romneycare.

So, tell us, if the Church has been able to see fit to obey those laws all this time,

what's all this sudden claim of some sort of inviolable doctrine????

Of course. Stunned silence.

The Church has already proven it can live with this kind of mandate.
Massachusetts, under Romney, did the same thing as the ACA would. So does Georgia (and 28 other states). More Pubcrappe for the dupes, with Catholic priests doing what they're told to- don't want to be excommunicated, while 98% of CATHOLIC women use birth control.They already have a year waiver, and Dems have said enforcement would be weak. That'll be nothing compared to the protests of the women involved LOL!

You'll get the silent treatment on this one too. That's standard practice around here when you've nailed them.
As we see the failures of the liberal mindset and agenda mount, a liberal faith in a government utopia crumble. I would certainly welcome a resurgence of a Christian and Jewish backbone in response to the oppressive behaviors and policies for so long truly unchecked.

I wouldn't discount the yearnings of many to finally take up the challenge, I figure it's way past time actually but better now than never.
Massachusetts, under Romney, did the same thing as the ACA would. So does Georgia (and 28 other states). More Pubcrappe for the dupes, with Catholic priests doing what they're told to- don't want to be excommunicated, while 98% of CATHOLIC women use birth control.They already have a year waiver, and Dems have said enforcement would be weak. That'll be nothing compared to the protests of the women involved LOL!

the USMB cons just want to whine because they know Obama will win reelection :razz: Besides, logic has never been their strong suit :eusa_whistle:
Massachusetts, under Romney, did the same thing as the ACA would. So does Georgia (and 28 other states). More Pubcrappe for the dupes, with Catholic priests doing what they're told to- don't want to be excommunicated, while 98% of CATHOLIC women use birth control.They already have a year waiver, and Dems have said enforcement would be weak. That'll be nothing compared to the protests of the women involved LOL!

the USMB cons just want to whine because they know Obama will win reelection :razz: Besides, logic has never been their strong suit :eusa_whistle:

another 'me too' post by the little poster that can't. Nothing to add, just 'me too!'

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