
Not sure what the big deal is. Catholics who voted for Obama knew he was pro choice, and they voted for him anyway.

Maybe some Catholics aren't so devout, huh?


Catholics thought Obama would cut the mustard as President....
Instead they find out he cut the cheese.... :lol:
My vision on this is Obama stamping his feet and throwing tantrum...

Sheesh yet another large segment of the population turning their backs on the golden child..

Obama has poked 1 Billion Catholics in the Eye with this move.

Liberal never cease to fail to make much sense.

They constantly remind us how Many Muslims live in the world, as if there numbers alone mean we should not want to offend them.

Then they constantly attack, Offend, and Alienate over a Billion Christians, and in this case roughly 1 Billion Catholics.

I have said it before and I will say it again, Many libs don't want Freedom of religion they want Freedom from Religion,They will not hesitate to jump at the Chance to Limit, or Infringe on your Religious Freedom if it furthers their Agenda. Unless that is you are a Muslim, then they will bend over backwards to please you, and tolerate even the most Barbaric Behavior.
And thus they attack the First Amendment, thus themselves in the process. They don't think of the ramifications.
Catholics thought Obama would cut the mustard as President....
Instead they find out he cut the cheese.... :lol:

Dunno, but he's FABULOUS at cutting a rug...


Not sure what the big deal is. Catholics who voted for Obama knew he was pro choice, and they voted for him anyway.

Maybe some Catholics aren't so devout, huh?


Catholics thought Obama would cut the mustard as President....
Instead they find out he cut the cheese.... :lol:

Indeed. We hadn't read the healthcare bill. Now we have. Now we won't vote for him again. :eusa_angel: Catholics, generally, are not aligned to either party - in 2004, the majority went for Bush, in 2008, Obama.

Considering that there are significant Catholic populations in the battle ground states, Obama would do well to consider that. And, of course, the fact that so many non-Catholics support our stance.
Hilarious. Many evangelicals call the Catholic Church "The Great Whore".

Remember when Republicans wanted to close Gitmo because the Generals said it was an al Qaeda recruitment tool? Then Obama appointed a commission to close it and suddenly, they were shouting Obama wanted to release these terrorists into our backyards and on our city streets.

Same thing here. In 28 states it's required to pay for birth control for any organization that receives government money. In 8 states, even the church has to pay. In Obama's plan, the church doesn't have to pay. Only hospitals and universities and other institutions receiving government money.

Now, all of a sudden, it's an "issue". Just like Gitmo. Republicans are masters of finding something obscure and terrorizing the American people with it. They are better at scaring Americans than al Qaeda by far. In fact, al Qaeda is only a very distant second.

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