Try funding it without us. Along with the rest of the shit we do - without funding - for the American people.

Fucking billions of dollars, and we are treated like criminals. The left wing of this country make me sick. They are hatefilled ranting morons.... so is their fucking President. Ungrateful bastards.... and even now, we would not walk away from them... much as they deserve it. Personally, my church has more tolerance for their enemies than I do.

I am not treating anybody like a criminal and I am far from hate filled nor am I a moron. Merely presenting the facts which make some, obviously, uncomfortable.

Anyone who asks moronic questions about how much federal funding the Catholic Church gets - when the fucking figures are available for anyone to access.... is not exactly intelligent.

First of all chief, that was Ravi.

Nor are you 'presenting facts', you are presenting your opinions masquerading as 'facts'... not the same thing at all.

So the Catholic Hospital Association of the USA and the Conference of Bishops are not approved resources?

And.... by refusing to acknowledge the Church's stance and insisting that we live according to your beliefs instead of according to our own.... you turn us into criminals of conscience. We have to break our own laws because your government says so. That's against our First Amendment Rights.... but that is SOP for the left.... 'rights for me, but not for thee'.

You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.
Interesting because according to the United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops, the number represents donated services.

At Providence, founded at the behest of President Lincoln by the Daughters of Charity, administrators provided $17.3 million in uncompensated care to the poor the same year. Catholic hospitals respect the life of everyone, from the newly conceived to those fading into the eternal light. Quality care trumps a patient's financial status, race or religion. In the U.S., one out of every six patients needing a hospital admission goes to a Catholic hospital. These hospitals cost about $84.6 billion to run, including at least $5.7 billion worth of donated services.

Which is fantastic and not to be disregarded. But these are not direct dollars funded by the church.

USCCB - Health Care Reform - Commentary
I wonder how much the Catholic church gets from the government through the Faith Based Initiative program.

well, apparently, the muslimsocialistatheistkenyan gave $90 million to catholic faith-based groups (as opposed to only $6 million to jewish groups) as part of the stimulus.

POLITICO searched the federal database at Recovery.gov for grants to faith-based groups and found a wide range of grants going to an array of denominations. Catholic groups, receiving about $90 million, were the largest; Protestant groups received at least $45 million; and Jewish groups received at least $6 million.

Politico: Religious groups got $140M from stimulus | Believe It or Not | a Chron.com blog

Well, that might have something to do with the fact (and it is an actual fact), that the Catholic Church are second only to the US Government in providing services across this country. Got jack shit to do with 'religion', got everything to do with size.... how many millions of Americans did the other faiths help? And were those helped within their own faith or non-denominational?
From a 1998 paper, Catholic Charities USA agencies receive 62 percent of their funding from federal, state, and local governments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America receives 54 percent of its budget from government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 48 percent, the Salvation Army 15.9 percent, and the YMCA 8.1 percent.
http://housingministries.org/policyAssets/policy articles/Aspen, McCarthy-Castelli, xxxx.pdf

In 2009, 70% of their funding came from the state. Catholic Charities funding sources are varied and the support of individual and private donors is invaluable, yet a large percent (nearly 70% in 2009) comes from government entities.
Newsroom - Catholic Charities USA
I am not treating anybody like a criminal and I am far from hate filled nor am I a moron. Merely presenting the facts which make some, obviously, uncomfortable.

First of all chief, that was Ravi.

Nor are you 'presenting facts', you are presenting your opinions masquerading as 'facts'... not the same thing at all.

So the Catholic Hospital Association of the USA and the Conference of Bishops are not approved resources?

And.... by refusing to acknowledge the Church's stance and insisting that we live according to your beliefs instead of according to our own.... you turn us into criminals of conscience. We have to break our own laws because your government says so. That's against our First Amendment Rights.... but that is SOP for the left.... 'rights for me, but not for thee'.

You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.
First of all chief, that was Ravi.

So the Catholic Hospital Association of the USA and the Conference of Bishops are not approved resources?

And.... by refusing to acknowledge the Church's stance and insisting that we live according to your beliefs instead of according to our own.... you turn us into criminals of conscience. We have to break our own laws because your government says so. That's against our First Amendment Rights.... but that is SOP for the left.... 'rights for me, but not for thee'.

You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.

Yep, it's about more than just 'birth control' or the Catholic Church, it's about the Constitution and freedom to practice one's religion, which mean the religion itself must be safeguarded, no matter how perfectly or imperfectly the members practice.
First of all chief, that was Ravi.

So the Catholic Hospital Association of the USA and the Conference of Bishops are not approved resources?

And.... by refusing to acknowledge the Church's stance and insisting that we live according to your beliefs instead of according to our own.... you turn us into criminals of conscience. We have to break our own laws because your government says so. That's against our First Amendment Rights.... but that is SOP for the left.... 'rights for me, but not for thee'.

You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.

Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.
From a 1998 paper, Catholic Charities USA agencies receive 62 percent of their funding from federal, state, and local governments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America receives 54 percent of its budget from government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 48 percent, the Salvation Army 15.9 percent, and the YMCA 8.1 percent.
http://housingministries.org/policyAssets/policy articles/Aspen, McCarthy-Castelli, xxxx.pdf

In 2009, 70% of their funding came from the state. Catholic Charities funding sources are varied and the support of individual and private donors is invaluable, yet a large percent (nearly 70% in 2009) comes from government entities.
Newsroom - Catholic Charities USA

The Aspen Institute.

Funded by Carnegie Corp and Rockefeller Bros fund..who were instrumental in establishing and funding the eugenics framework that Hitler took his cues from.
I am saddened to hear that Christians would stop offering their services to sick and weary.

Don't worry asswipe - keep the faith in YOUR Messiah. He's promised free healthcare for all.

You keep cheering him

Us Christians will keep cheering God.

Good to me.

You keep cheering for man, asshole.
I'll keep cheering for God.
Pretty cut and dry.
I mean look out tonight - full moon.

Some "guy" created that.

Fucking dipshit.
You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.

Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.

I'm not asking you to fight against all insurance companies offering that. I'm asking you to support some insurance companies NOT offering it. So that the Church can provide healthcare services that do not breach our core beliefs. Why is that so awful? Support a waiver for the Church's work.
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You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.

Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.

I'm not gonna apologize for calling moronic behavior moronic behavior.

But, I'll apologize to you for confusing your question for hers.

The moron thing... that's accurate though. She's made enough moronic statements in this thread for it to stand. It is what it is.
I'm not a priest dummy...

You think Catholics don't have opinions?

Just because I'm a Catholic doesn't mean I wont call bullshit or talk shit to those who want to do harm to me, my religion and my country.

So what the FUCK you thought??

You think I have to be humble?? think again.
Hey! Just calling a spade a spade, that is all.

What exactly does that mean??

Because I argue with you that I'm not a Catholic??

Because I disagree with progressive tyrants I'm not a Catholic?

Who the fuck are you to define my belief structure asshole?

You progressive fucks act like people like me have no right to an opinion and we should live in a closet... When we get pissed you act like it is hypocritical..

Fuck off you little twat..

My my little boy you wouldn't know a twat if it sat on your little dick breath face. I love to exchange insults with dipshits like you.
You still don't have a leg to stand on with your Christian rebuttal about picking what you want to believe in and where you would like to believe it.
No one is denying you anything, you just don't like it when someone is smarter than you and does not believe what you believe.
So, take it and eat it, like the shit you do eat.
Oh and by the way, keep your sperm burping breath to yourself.
Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.

Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.

I'm not asking you to fight against all insurance companies offering that. I'm asking you to support some insurance companies NOT offering it. So that the Church can provide healthcare services that do not breach our core beliefs. Why is that so awful?

Its is not awful. Where we disagree is on a very fine line:

You say St. Joseph's Hospital is a Catholic hospital. Your perspective is that it is therefore wholly accountable to the vatican.

I say St. Joseph's Hosptial is a healthcare institution providing services and products to the community it serves in accordance to the teachings of Jesus. This hospital, because of the charity care it provides enjoys a tax benefit and receives grants, subsidies and services from the government. Its employees as members of the community have a right to access prescriptive contraceptives just like Kaiser( a non faith based system) down the street offers its employees.

ETA: is say very thin line with the understanding that this feels like an intrusion on your faith and is therefore much more weighted in your world
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First of all chief, that was Ravi.

So the Catholic Hospital Association of the USA and the Conference of Bishops are not approved resources?

And.... by refusing to acknowledge the Church's stance and insisting that we live according to your beliefs instead of according to our own.... you turn us into criminals of conscience. We have to break our own laws because your government says so. That's against our First Amendment Rights.... but that is SOP for the left.... 'rights for me, but not for thee'.

You are passionate about your faith and there is not a thing wrong with that; in fact I support it.

Difference is... I would defend your faith with the same passion. It's about our rights, not my faith. This just happens to be an attack on my religion. I'd fight just as hard for yours.... shame that you won't for me... but that's ok. I'll still fight for you.
To some it is hard to side with real religion when thier religion is intrusive big government violating the First Amendment.
Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.

I'm not asking you to fight against all insurance companies offering that. I'm asking you to support some insurance companies NOT offering it. So that the Church can provide healthcare services that do not breach our core beliefs. Why is that so awful?

Its is not awful. Where we disagree is on a very fine line:

You say St. Joseph's Hospital is a Catholic hospital. Your perspective is that it is therefore wholly accountable to the vatican.

I say St. Joseph's Hosptial is a healthcare institution providing services and products to the community it serves in accordance to the teachings of Jesus. This hospital, because of the charity care it provides enjoys a tax benefit and receives grants, subsidies and services from the government. Its employees as members of the community have a right to access prescriptive contraceptives just like Kaiser( a non faith based system) down the street offers its employees.

I don't know about CG, I'm speaking for myself. If employees at St Joseph want to go to Kaiser for a job, leave the Catholic hospital. Very simple. Many Catholics in all likelihood work at Kaiser 'down the street' and use those benefits.

I'm not saying there's not hypocrisy among the members, just saying that there are way more outlets than Catholic ones, where if condoms are too expensive one place, get them another. Same with the pill, both are really inexpensive in comparison to the possibilities.
and now he has flip flopped AGAIN!!
What a wuss, but as usual its him first

Some serious wishful thinking going on here.


I know. Obama and some of you clowns actually think this isn't a big deal amongst Catholics.

Talk about blatant ignorance.

it should be a big deal with ALL religions. If catholics fail to stop this who is next? Fact is ALL should rise up against this blatent violation of The Constitution.
Hmm, I think you owe Ravi an apology for calling her a moron and for mistaking her question for mine, you owe me one too.

No, I will not fight against insurance companies offering contraceptive as a benefit.

I'm not asking you to fight against all insurance companies offering that. I'm asking you to support some insurance companies NOT offering it. So that the Church can provide healthcare services that do not breach our core beliefs. Why is that so awful?

Its is not awful. Where we disagree is on a very fine line:

You say St. Joseph's Hospital is a Catholic hospital. Your perspective is that it is therefore wholly accountable to the vatican.

I say St. Joseph's Hosptial is a healthcare institution providing services and products to the community it serves in accordance to the teachings of Jesus. This hospital, because of the charity care it provides enjoys a tax benefit and receives grants, subsidies and services from the government. Its employees as members of the community have a right to access prescriptive contraceptives just like Kaiser( a non faith based system) down the street offers its employees.

I never mentioned the Vatican. It is a Catholic Hospital and employees who want healthcare coverage that a Catholic employer cannot provide, can go work elsewhere. They have that whole 'choice' thing that you're so passionate about. If you have choice, why can't we? I would never obstruct your rights - even those that I passionately disagree with.... why can you not do likewise for others? What is so hard about giving us a choice? Why trample on our First Amendment Rights just because you happen to agree with abortion? Why can I not agree with abortion?

Why don't you compromise? All we want is to be allowed to provide care for the most needy, and live according to our faith. Surely to (insert optional deity here), that's not too much to ask? Particularly given what we do in this country.

Some serious wishful thinking going on here.


I know. Obama and some of you clowns actually think this isn't a big deal amongst Catholics.

Talk about blatant ignorance.

it should be a big deal with ALL religions. If catholics fail to stop this who is next? Fact is ALL should rise up against this blatent violation of The Constitution.

They can't get past the hatred of pro-lifers.
From a 1998 paper, Catholic Charities USA agencies receive 62 percent of their funding from federal, state, and local governments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America receives 54 percent of its budget from government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 48 percent, the Salvation Army 15.9 percent, and the YMCA 8.1 percent.
http://housingministries.org/policyAssets/policy articles/Aspen, McCarthy-Castelli, xxxx.pdf

In 2009, 70% of their funding came from the state. Catholic Charities funding sources are varied and the support of individual and private donors is invaluable, yet a large percent (nearly 70% in 2009) comes from government entities.
Newsroom - Catholic Charities USA

The Aspen Institute.

Funded by Carnegie Corp and Rockefeller Bros fund..who were instrumental in establishing and funding the eugenics framework that Hitler took his cues from.

lol....wut? Seriously, are you trying to discredit the numbers based on this retort? If you are trying to make a point in all of that, the second data source came directly from Catholic Charities USA.

In addition, CCUSA received $2.9 billion from the government in 2010 and only 3% of its funding came from churches.
Catholic Charities affiliates received a total of nearly $2.9 billion a year from the government in 2010, about 62 percent of its annual revenue of $4.67 billion. Only 3 percent came from churches in the diocese (the rest came from in-kind contributions, investments, program fees and community donations).
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