'I love you Joe Biden:' Migrant thanks POTUS after crossing illegally in Arizona


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!" the male African migrant told Fox News in Lukeville, Arizona.

And here is why illegals "love Joe Biden..." and why we have this situation today:
Remember when Biden told illegals to "surge to the border"???
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

And here are the facts:
More Caught Illegally Crossing Southern Border in 1 Year of Biden Than Entire Trump Presidency
President Joe Biden has wasted no time making changes to the nation’s immigration and border policies, many of them a 180-degree reversal of former President Donald Trump’s restrictive policies,”
The Arizona Republic reported.

The below numbers show due to Biden's "surge to the border"...
47% MORE illegals in 1 year of Biden vs 4 years of Trump!

So what does this "Love of Joe Biden" cost us as taxpayers?
At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
However, FAIR now estimates that there were at least 15.5 million illegal alien residents as of the beginning of 2022

That works out to about $10,000 per illegal immigrant.
Remember the illegals heard Biden say
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

With the encouragement of Biden to "surge" to the border is there no question that
influenced after Biden makes everything an incentive to "surge to the border"?

WEF/Democrats here gaslight Americans and claim this was never a thing. I remember saying it was a big deal when he said it.

Joe Biden called for an invasion of America.
That was very grateful of that young man to thank President Biden.

The thousands of migrants from underdeveloped nations have received a wonderful Christmas present from the Democratic Administration: entry into paradise when compared with the conditions in their hellish homelands.

They all owe the Democrats big time, so I assume that they will show their gratitude by voting Democratic as soon as they can.

I hope that President Biden and Dr. Biden will invite some migrants to Christmas dinner at the White House. That would be a beautiful gesture.

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