I missed it on Fox News, who in the hell compared ANTIFA to the heroes on the beaches of Normandy?

What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?
call you bad name.
call us "anti" bad name.
call anyone who doesn't agree bad name LOUDLY if need be.

we rule.
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?
call you bad name.
call us "anti" bad name.
call anyone who doesn't agree bad name LOUDLY if need be.

we rule.
Dictators "rule".

Patriots "govern".
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.

And what do you think they would say about the anarchist of antifa and their apologist like you? You freaks shit on the rights these men fought to preserve in this country, your condoning physical violence to quash constitutionally protected speech is just a repugnant to American ideas as any nazi propaganda. So run along hypocrite and examine the man in the mirror.

The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
Yep....apparently the OP doesn't see that both groups were fighting NAZIS.

Fighting Nazi's doesn't make one left wing, or alt left, and therein lies the major flaw in your shitty little analogy. I can't even believe this has to be explained to you. Most of the people who volunteered to storm Normandy were doing it for nationalistic reasons, first of all, and not ideological reasons. They weren't like, "That Hitler guy really believes some evil things! He needs to be stopped!" It was more like, "These fuckers attacked us! Mount up!" The truly fucking sad part of this meme is, given the cultural norms of the time and the probable political views of your average American trooper, the modern left would probably classify most of those allies hopping off the landing craft as alt right by today's standards.

I don't believe "most" of the people who landed on D-Day had anything more on their mind than getting through the landing alive, and one day going home.

BTW, Alt Right is a euphemism for the neo nazi and racist, those who reject and want to repeal Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) and support Plessy v. Ferguson.

Once the bullets were flying and their teammates were being shot to pieces all around them, I'm sure getting home alive instantly became the prevailing thought. That said, after Pearl Harbor, the US military was flooded with volunteers. Those people had reasons for volunteering, and those reasons rarely included abhorrence of the racism of Nazi ideology. What percentage of random working class people that you know (and this is no rip on the working class, that's how I grew up. Just recognition that working class folks don't got a lot of time for shit that's not relevant to their day-to-day situation) are well versed in the politics and popular ideologies of any nation outside of the Anglosphere? Now divide that number by no-such-thing-as-CNN-or-the-internet and you'll get a rough idea of how many army recruits even knew enough about Nazi politics to give a shit one way or the other about their ideas. What people did know is that these douche bags and their douche bag allies attacked our allies and then attacked us, and they knew that any man who valued being regarded as a man was expected to hop on a boat and go set those douche bags straight.

As for that second bit, it's very cute that you're trying to rebut me with a technical definition of alt right. I didn't say that those troops hopping off the landing craft were -technically- alt right, I said that the modern left would identify them as alt right. There is a difference. Modern lefties call Milo Yiannopoulos alt right, they call Rush Limbaugh alt right, they call fucking DAVE RUBIN alt right! The technical definition says alt right means neo Nazi, white supremacist segregationist, but in practice the label is applied to anyone who dares to be opposed to open borders, communism, or critical race theory. None of these ideas were particularly popular in pre 60's America.
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?
call you bad name.
call us "anti" bad name.
call anyone who doesn't agree bad name LOUDLY if need be.

we rule.
Dictators "rule".

Patriots "govern".

And people with reasonable language comprehension skills "understand when they're arguing with satirical representations of themselves".
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?
call you bad name.
call us "anti" bad name.
call anyone who doesn't agree bad name LOUDLY if need be.

we rule.
Dictators "rule".

Patriots "govern".

Also, Antifa is rabidly anti America and rabidly anti constitution. Go to dictionary.com and type in "patriot". That ought to clear up the confusion. Apparently patriotism is more about supporting your nation than it is about hating the same stuff that Deanrd hates. Not that I'm calling you a narcissist or anything. . . Just that the way you've laid it out gives the impression that the definition of patriot is very. . . you-centric.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:

Maybe I'm misreading this but where did this idea come from that anyone ever said that any of the Nazi's were nice or good? This reminds me a lot of when Trump said that the southern border immigrants were full of murders, criminals and rapists, but that NOT ALL OF THEM WERE (that some of them were good people), likewise, Trump never said any of the Nazis were nice, he said that among the two factions fighting at Charlottesville, The Nazi and Antifa, there were OTHER people there as well! Spectators, curious, those wanting to topple the General Lee statue, that all got caught up in this---- ----THOSE were the people he was referring to!

I honestly don't know if people just don't pay close attention or choose not to hear, President Trump has not spent his life in politics and isn't a very polished public speaker, but if you listen to him in a private interview where he is asked multiple questions on an issue and is allowed to embellish on his meaning, his meaning is usually expressed across two or three statements! That is the way he thinks and that is the way he talks. Taken on their own, individually, literally, there can often appear to be contradictions as well as room for others to spin. The guy is a very complex man; as a CEO, he is not used to having to "explain" himself much.

OTOT, Senator Byrd was a confessed KKK member. Who knows what other Congress people might be of that ilk (Fulbright was as well). Despite his allegiance to the organization, for many years this man wrote national law and policy and cavorted with world figures. Does anyone really suppose this was a TOTALLY evil guy? You might have had him as your neighbor and on non-political issues of other topics and matters, he probably gave every impression of being a nice guy. But he had some seriously dark and backward ideas and personal convictions in certain areas of his life. The problem with stereotyping a whole group based on rumor and innuendo is that you end up stereotyping a whole group of people that you don't really know. The reality is that we would probably be shocked to know the number of famous, important and notorious people who have affiliations to one or another less-than-admirable, benevolent or altruistic organizations. That is really THEIR business and problem so long as they don't end up in a park beating or running over others because of their views.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
Yep....apparently the OP doesn't see that both groups were fighting NAZIS.

Fighting Nazi's doesn't make one left wing, or alt left, and therein lies the major flaw in your shitty little analogy. I can't even believe this has to be explained to you. Most of the people who volunteered to storm Normandy were doing it for nationalistic reasons, first of all, and not ideological reasons. They weren't like, "That Hitler guy really believes some evil things! He needs to be stopped!" It was more like, "These fuckers attacked us! Mount up!" The truly fucking sad part of this meme is, given the cultural norms of the time and the probable political views of your average American trooper, the modern left would probably classify most of those allies hopping off the landing craft as alt right by today's standards.

I don't believe "most" of the people who landed on D-Day had anything more on their mind than getting through the landing alive, and one day going home.

BTW, Alt Right is a euphemism for the neo nazi and racist, those who reject and want to repeal Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) and support Plessy v. Ferguson.

Once the bullets were flying and their teammates were being shot to pieces all around them, I'm sure getting home alive instantly became the prevailing thought. That said, after Pearl Harbor, the US military was flooded with volunteers. Those people had reasons for volunteering, and those reasons rarely included abhorrence of the racism of Nazi ideology.

What percentage of random working class people that you know (and this is no rip on the working class, that's how I grew up. Just recognition that working class folks don't got a lot of time for shit that's not relevant to their day-to-day situation) are well versed in the politics and popular ideologies of any nation outside of the Anglosphere?

Now divide that number by no-such-thing-as-CNN-or-the-internet and you'll get a rough idea of how many army recruits even knew enough about Nazi politics to give a shit one way or the other about their ideas. What people did know is that these douche bags and their douche bag allies attacked our allies and then attacked us, and they knew that any man who valued being regarded as a man was expected to hop on a boat and go set those douche bags straight.

As for that second bit, it's very cute that you're trying to rebut me with a technical definition of alt right. I didn't say that those troops hopping off the landing craft were -technically- alt right, I said that the modern left would identify them as alt right. There is a difference. Modern lefties call Milo Yiannopoulos alt right, they call Rush Limbaugh alt right, they call fucking DAVE RUBIN alt right!

The technical definition says alt right means neo Nazi, white supremacist segregationist, but in practice the label is applied to anyone who dares to be opposed to open borders, communism, or critical race theory. None of these ideas were particularly popular in pre 60's America.

I broke up you post into paragraphs to make my response clear and not awkward:

P1: I agree. The attack on Pearl killed thousands, and that "day of Infamy" pissed off the new generation of Americans to want to punch back - that included my dad, my uncle and a number of cousins one of whom survived when Tennessee was hit on 12/7/41.

P2: Please clarify.

P3: Huh? I don't know what percent of Army recruits knew, I can go with what those in my boot camp at NTCSD in 1967 didn't know about Vietnam; the French Occupation and Diem phen phou; the promised elections that never happened, and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

I know that a year of so after boot camp I ran into a guy I played ball with in high school, who was a couple of year older than me, who claimed he was on Turner Jo when they went on alert to assist Maddox under attack. He claimed nothing happened when they arrived on scene.

P4: I don't care what you think the modern left believes, the Alt-right (alternative right wing) is racist, authoritarian, anti democratic and thus rejects traditional values upon which our nation was founded.

Your cute attempt to define Alt-right ignores the fact that those who support equal rights, equal opportunity and a fair share of the wealth in our nation are follower of Marx, or Lenin or Stalin, or Mao, etc. is total bullshit

Open borders? No one wants open borders, and the hope to secure our borders has more to do (IMO) to keep out weapons of mass destruction, not persons seeking work to feed their families. Immigration is an easy solution if emotion - hate and fear - is taken out of the debate.

What is Critical Race Theory?
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.
If you oppose the removal of confederate statues (a view that is not unreasonable), joining a rally organized by avowed racists is not they to legitimize your grievance. WHY would you associate yourselves with those views if you did not at least a little believe them?

This is not a case of a march organized in opposition to removing statues being crashed by white supremacists, it was organized by them and while ostensibly peaceful...demonstrating while heavily armed, carrying TORCHES and YELLING messages of unequivocal antisemitic and racist hate is not peaceful, it's intimidation and provocation.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.
i don't recall me blasting the entire left nor saying there are NOT good people there. just because i don't call that out specifically doesn't mean what you are trying to think it means.

how about asking me before telling me, m'kay?
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.

Bullshit. Most vets I know follow the "i may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it".

You can't compare a declared global war against a foreign enemy to internal political discourse.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.
Antifa was also attacking the media that showed up at the memorial service. STFU about Antifa not being a bunch of terrorists....because they are.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
your saying we are doesn't make it so. your saying it time and time again, does not make it so.

that's one thing most people realize about the left - they just use the most extreme names they can in order to demonize people and then say "but we don't do such things!" only - none of this matters because you don't say a thing about what you DO try and accomplish really.

just that the other side is evil using any name handy to sorta fit the situation.

the dems have not realized the middle ground is waking up to the childish games and now that people are turning away and/or making other choices, the screaming is getting louder for the attention they seem to crave.
There can be no middle ground here, you either stand with the Nazis or you don't. In this case the "middle ground" is analogous to the "Good Germans" who stood by silently while their government committed atrocity because they had been fed a steady diet of propaganda. History has judged them to be complicit.
Yes there can. I don't support thugs that are digging up the graves of dead confederate soldiers in a riot protest...just like I don't support skin heads buring down black churches.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.
i don't recall me blasting the entire left nor saying there are NOT good people there. just because i don't call that out specifically doesn't mean what you are trying to think it means.

how about asking me before telling me, m'kay?

You mean like your last paragraph in your first reply did?
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.

Bullshit. Most vets I know follow the "i may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it".

You can't compare a declared global war against a foreign enemy to internal political discourse.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.

People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.
Considering your side acts just like the Nazi'swhen it's convienient I say you are full of shit.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.

Bullshit. Most vets I know follow the "i may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it".

You can't compare a declared global war against a foreign enemy to internal political discourse.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.

People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

no one is embracing nazis except in your head. the radical assholes of the last few days do not represent all white people any more than the most extreme liberal represents you and your views.

this need or desire of yours to boil things down to "me, you" is bullshit and a clear example of your serious intelligence impediments.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.
i don't recall me blasting the entire left nor saying there are NOT good people there. just because i don't call that out specifically doesn't mean what you are trying to think it means.

how about asking me before telling me, m'kay?

You mean like your last paragraph in your first reply did?
here is my first reply in this thread:
doubt that. i quit watching any of them really. i can't stand the hype they put behind the news. it all screams WE NEED HITS EMO-BABIES GET MAD AND JOIN THE COMMENTS SO WE GET MORE HITS!!!!

and anyone who made that comparison is just an idiot catering to a shitload of idiots.

care to be more specific so i know what i'm addressing? "anyone* would be *anyone* not putting to a single side. and if people on one side did NOT exhibit that behavior, then i'm not talking about them.

then again something tells me this isn't your troubling paragraph of mine.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
Yep....apparently the OP doesn't see that both groups were fighting NAZIS.

Fighting Nazi's doesn't make one left wing, or alt left, and therein lies the major flaw in your shitty little analogy. I can't even believe this has to be explained to you. Most of the people who volunteered to storm Normandy were doing it for nationalistic reasons, first of all, and not ideological reasons. They weren't like, "That Hitler guy really believes some evil things! He needs to be stopped!" It was more like, "These fuckers attacked us! Mount up!" The truly fucking sad part of this meme is, given the cultural norms of the time and the probable political views of your average American trooper, the modern left would probably classify most of those allies hopping off the landing craft as alt right by today's standards.

I don't believe "most" of the people who landed on D-Day had anything more on their mind than getting through the landing alive, and one day going home.

BTW, Alt Right is a euphemism for the neo nazi and racist, those who reject and want to repeal Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) and support Plessy v. Ferguson.

Once the bullets were flying and their teammates were being shot to pieces all around them, I'm sure getting home alive instantly became the prevailing thought. That said, after Pearl Harbor, the US military was flooded with volunteers. Those people had reasons for volunteering, and those reasons rarely included abhorrence of the racism of Nazi ideology.

What percentage of random working class people that you know (and this is no rip on the working class, that's how I grew up. Just recognition that working class folks don't got a lot of time for shit that's not relevant to their day-to-day situation) are well versed in the politics and popular ideologies of any nation outside of the Anglosphere?

Now divide that number by no-such-thing-as-CNN-or-the-internet and you'll get a rough idea of how many army recruits even knew enough about Nazi politics to give a shit one way or the other about their ideas. What people did know is that these douche bags and their douche bag allies attacked our allies and then attacked us, and they knew that any man who valued being regarded as a man was expected to hop on a boat and go set those douche bags straight.

As for that second bit, it's very cute that you're trying to rebut me with a technical definition of alt right. I didn't say that those troops hopping off the landing craft were -technically- alt right, I said that the modern left would identify them as alt right. There is a difference. Modern lefties call Milo Yiannopoulos alt right, they call Rush Limbaugh alt right, they call fucking DAVE RUBIN alt right!

The technical definition says alt right means neo Nazi, white supremacist segregationist, but in practice the label is applied to anyone who dares to be opposed to open borders, communism, or critical race theory. None of these ideas were particularly popular in pre 60's America.

I broke up you post into paragraphs to make my response clear and not awkward:

P1: I agree. The attack on Pearl killed thousands, and that "day of Infamy" pissed off the new generation of Americans to want to punch back - that included my dad, my uncle and a number of cousins one of whom survived when Tennessee was hit on 12/7/41.

P2: Please clarify.

P3: Huh? I don't know what percent of Army recruits knew, I can go with what those in my boot camp at NTCSD in 1967 didn't know about Vietnam; the French Occupation and Diem phen phou; the promised elections that never happened, and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

I know that a year of so after boot camp I ran into a guy I played ball with in high school, who was a couple of year older than me, who claimed he was on Turner Jo when they went on alert to assist Maddox under attack. He claimed nothing happened when they arrived on scene.

P4: I don't care what you think the modern left believes, the Alt-right (alternative right wing) is racist, authoritarian, anti democratic and thus rejects traditional values upon which our nation was founded.

Your cute attempt to define Alt-right ignores the fact that those who support equal rights, equal opportunity and a fair share of the wealth in our nation are follower of Marx, or Lenin or Stalin, or Mao, etc. is total bullshit

Open borders? No one wants open borders, and the hope to secure our borders has more to do (IMO) to keep out weapons of mass destruction, not persons seeking work to feed their families. Immigration is an easy solution if emotion - hate and fear - is taken out of the debate.

What is Critical Race Theory?

I'm gonna jump to part 3, you've got enough experience to understand that your average soldier (hell, your average applicant in the vast, vast majority of occupations under the sun) doesn't know very much about foreign politics. My point was simply that WWII soldiers, by and large, were likely unaware of the politics of the Nazi's, so trying to equate Normandy with the ideologically based melee we saw on Saturday is silly as shit. In terms of the particular premises that lead me to that conclusion, we seem to agree, whether or not we share said conclusion, so I'll move on.

P4: You don't care what I think the modern left believes? The entire statement to which you initially responded was about what I think the modern left believes. If you don't care, why are we having this discussion?

At no point did I try to define alt right. I actually don't disagree with the definition that you gave. What I'm saying is that the mainstream left misapplies that term to people who don't fit the definition. None of those names I listed are white supremacists and none of them believe in segregation. My point is that people are getting publicly branded alt right for views that are often so mild that they would've been considered far left by pre '60's standards.

You're kinda straw manning me on the open borders thing. Even the people who advocate for "open borders" by name aren't saying that we should allow people to bring WMD's into the country. I'm referring to the idea that anyone should be allowed to migrate here regardless of economic prospects or criminal history. Hate and fear are emotions that are useful to a point, but extremely destructive in the wrong contexts or in excess. So, too, is compassion. Let's also remove this from the debate. There's nothing wrong with prioritizing the well being of your own country when deciding on your immigration policy. In fact, I'd argue that only a moral zealot would argue that the well being of your own nation shouldn't be the paramount focus of any such policy. This includes limiting immigration from any one particular culture to avoid enclaves and promote integration, and discriminating at the individual level to make sure that the candidates that we do allow in are candidates whose legal history and demonstrable economic prospects suggest that they'd likely be a net benefit to our country.

When I say open borders, I don't mean no customs, I mean letting in anyone who wants to migrate here because gee golly what sorta meanie heads would we be if we turned away someone who just wants a better life? IMO, we'd be the sorta meanie heads who prefer to better the world over the long term at a sustainable pace than the sorta compassionate dipshits who run their system into the economic dirt by trying to fix everything right here this instant despite our inability to do so.

I'm also not trying to say that everybody who believes in equal rights, equal opportunity, and a fair share of the wealth is a follower of Marx. What I'm saying is that abhorrence of communism is enough for mainstream leftists to call a person alt right. The entire internet is aflame right now with lefties crying out that anyone who equates communist violence with Nazi violence is playing defense for the KKK, despite the fact that both ideologies have body counts in the tens of millions.

Critical race theory is where the a lot of the ideological roots of modern Intersectionality seem to be firmly planted. That whole white privilege narrative, where you could almost recreate the entire theory if you just take the Communist Manifesto and replace every instance of "bourgeoisie" with "white people", and replace every instance of proletarian with "person of color". . . Critical race theory is one of that narrative's apparent predecessors.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.

i didnt

i believe she was a leftist sheeple who got mixed up in the wrong crowd of violent leftists

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