I missed it on Fox News, who in the hell compared ANTIFA to the heroes on the beaches of Normandy?

Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
your saying we are doesn't make it so. your saying it time and time again, does not make it so.

that's one thing most people realize about the left - they just use the most extreme names they can in order to demonize people and then say "but we don't do such things!" only - none of this matters because you don't say a thing about what you DO try and accomplish really.

just that the other side is evil using any name handy to sorta fit the situation.

the dems have not realized the middle ground is waking up to the childish games and now that people are turning away and/or making other choices, the screaming is getting louder for the attention they seem to crave.
There can be no middle ground here, you either stand with the Nazis or you don't. In this case the "middle ground" is analogous to the "Good Germans" who stood by silently while their government committed atrocity because they had been fed a steady diet of propaganda. History has judged them to be complicit.
i don't stand with nazis and i think the radical left are being assholes calling EVERYONE a nazi who doesn't agree with them.

am i wrong or did you just not say "if you're not with us you're against us" and that would make me 100% correct in how i view your stance. i ain't playing this binary game of on or off - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white and i'm not following along your way of doing it to paint it to a much smaller set so you can go "YEA I SUPERIOR ANS STUFF!"

Me too. I am so sick and tired of them calling people bigot, racist, blah, blah, blah. Their rhetoric is getting old fast.
and when so overused, it loses all effect and people just want you to shut up.

that's where we are now and they're not willing to shut up. hence, the drama.
Lefties, the difference between the Nazis and these silly white supremacists is that the Nazis actually were KILLING people. Not just making speeches or hanging out around statues. Lol. Good grief, libs. Use your brains for once PLEASE. We beg of you.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.

People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
Lefties, the difference between the Nazis and these silly white supremacists is that the Nazis actually were KILLING people. Not just making speeches or hanging out around statues. Lol. Good grief, libs. Use your brains for once PLEASE. We beg of you.
Yeah that's all the German nazis did at first, this shit leads to the ovens if you let it go unanswered. Quit defending them just because leftists are the only ones with the social conscience necessary to fight the battles that need to be fought. If you have ever wondered why people like the nazis could attain power and hold it in a supposedly free country look at the right's reaction to this shit. The Nazis now think they have an American political party on their side and they may be correct.
People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?

I am, but how is this any different than Westboro? Words aren't harming you. There is no right to not be offended. People whether I agree with them or not, are allowed to voice their opinions and beliefs, and you are not allowed to commit violence because of their words.
People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
ANTIFA and BLM are every bit as much of NAZI group as the KKK.
Well, let's make one thing clear. Nazis killed people and committed genocide. These are just a bunch of social misfit misguided idiots with low IQs.
Lefties, the difference between the Nazis and these silly white supremacists is that the Nazis actually were KILLING people. Not just making speeches or hanging out around statues. Lol. Good grief, libs. Use your brains for once PLEASE. We beg of you.
Yeah that's all the German nazis did at first, this shit leads to the ovens if you let it go unanswered. Quit defending them just because leftists are the only ones with the social conscience necessary to fight the battles that need to be fought. If you have ever wondered why people like the nazis could attain power and hold it in a supposedly free country look at the right's reaction to this shit. The Nazis now think they have an American political party on their side and they may be correct.

Are you kidding me? Talk about drama. Stop being ridiculous.
Fascists try to take away your rights, such as free speech and the second amendment. Don't ever trust a leftist.
Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.
They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.

Then you need to find out who bussed these worthless people into town and direct your anger accordingly.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.

Then you need to find out who bussed these worthless people into town and direct your anger accordingly.
The nazis traveled from all over to be there in all sorts of modes of travel, do you care? Of course you don't.
The white supremacists have their silly little rallies and meets all the time. Antifa showed up there looking to riot. Fact.
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.

Then you need to find out who bussed these worthless people into town and direct your anger accordingly.
The nazis traveled from all over to be there in all sorts of modes of travel, do you care? Of course you don't.
you seem to know a lot about nazi travel habits...
So what? I am no fan of anarchists but I can seriously understand the deep visceral disgust all decent people should have for nazi scumbags. The real question here is why you are not totally revolted by Nazis goosestepping around our public spaces?
who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.

Then you need to find out who bussed these worthless people into town and direct your anger accordingly.
The nazis traveled from all over to be there in all sorts of modes of travel, do you care? Of course you don't.
you seem to know a lot about nazi travel habits...

who said he wasn't?

the difference here is one of you 2 seems to respect basic rights we all SHARE.
the other is willing to demonize you and take your rights away and call it justice.

which are you again?
I'm the guy that is not willing to let extremist bullshit like they preach go unanswered. Of course they have the right to speak and associate all they want but the first amendment was never meant to be a shield for horrible people. You cannot say this group has any more right to speak then that group, every attempt must be made to accommodate everyone. Shame on you for thinking these towns and cities should be more accommodating to the haters than the decent people who do not want that shit around their children and community.

Then you need to find out who bussed these worthless people into town and direct your anger accordingly.
The nazis traveled from all over to be there in all sorts of modes of travel, do you care? Of course you don't.
you seem to know a lot about nazi travel habits...

hey - if you can engage in blind speculation then you made it "OK" to do so. don't blame me it's a bullshit tactic for either side to pull.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.

i didnt

i believe she was a leftist sheeple who got mixed up in the wrong crowd of violent leftists
What are people who choose to match with a crowd of violent rightwing white supremacists?

What are people who choose to match with a crowd of violent left wing fascist such as antifa
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
who is saying that
likely referring to trump saying there were non-nazis who didn't want the statue removed who could well have been fine people.

as you can see, liberals hate it when you make it something other than ME GOOD YOU BAD.
Sort like you do when you equate all the counter protesters with violent thugs right? Instead of recognizing that many of them could have been nice people who were opposing the antisemitic and racist rhetoric being yelled by armed torch carrying white suprmacists? Like that? Only Trump didn't seem to think any of the counter demonstrators were "fine" people....conservatives hate it when forced to confront their own hypocrisy.

i didnt

i believe she was a leftist sheeple who got mixed up in the wrong crowd of violent leftists
What are people who choose to match with a crowd of violent rightwing white supremacists?

What are people who choose to match with a crowd of violent left wing fascist such as antifa

Answer my question first.

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