I neverunderstood how anyone could be a Protestant


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
A political offshootof theRoman Catholic Church.

The true Christian Faith.

Name any leaders of Protestant faiths other than The Church of England.
Name any leaders of Protestant faiths other than The Church of England.

You obviously miss the point of Protestantism: one man, alone with his bible, before god, will realize salvation.

The very point of the Reformation was to eliminate a ridged hierarchy.

Protestantism arose as the faith of literate, modern Western Civilization.
Shallow bunch of faiths with no meaning.

How does somebody "decide" they will be a Presbyterian, or a Methodist, oran Espicipalian or a Lutheran???
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Catholicism - founded by the one and only Jesus Christ.

I realize most ignorant / dense fucks don't realize this.
Shallow bunch of faiths with no meaning.

How does somebody "decide" they will be a Presbyterian, or a Methodist, oran Espicipalian or a Lutheran???

So you have studied Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences which he nailed upon the church door...and came to the conclusion that it's shallow?? Sure you have...
My dad converted to Catholism.

How many people convert to Protestantism? .
Shallow bunch of faiths with no meaning.

How does somebody "decide" they will be a Presbyterian, or a Methodist, oran Espicipalian or a Lutheran???

They generally don't. Usually they follow the faith of their parents, just as you probably did.
A political offshootof theRoman Catholic Church.

The true Christian Faith.

Name any leaders of Protestant faiths other than The Church of England.

If you want to have an honest discussion on the true Christian faith, what support do you have that it's Catholicism? Size? Age? Tradition?

The Protestant Revolution took place when the people started reading the scriptures for themselves and realized that the Catholic Church at the time wasn't matching up with the Bible they read. Where were Popes & Cardinals mentioned in the Bible as being part of Christ's Church? indulgences? (which were sold during the time) Countless other traditions that weren't inline with the scriptures.

I know Martin Luther didn't start out trying to start a new Christian faith. He wanted to reform the Church, not start a new one. It was only after his excommunication that he formally started the Luthern Church.

I don't think it's at all a surprise that people who believed in God and the scriptures wanted to live closer to the precepts taught in the scriptures and get away from things they saw as irrelevant to come closer to things that were the weighter parts of the law.

So I dont think it's at all surprising that men questioned the divinity of the Catholic Church any more than I find it surprising that men still proclaim the divinity of the Catholic Church. The Reformers only problem is that they started trying to reform a Church they saw as lacking Divinity. No matter how hard they try to reform and correct what they see as errors in the Church, they can't do it because they themselves were imperfect men who likewise made other errors and ended up creating flawed Churches.

Men can't create divinity. No matter how hard they try. No matter how well intentioned they are. You can't pour new wine into old bottles, lest the bottles burst and you lose both bottle and win. You sew a new piece on an old garment or the new piece takes away from the old and the tear made worse.

No. Only God could restore the Christian Church. Only by sending angels and calling New Apostles, giving them divine authority to preach with power to all mankind the problems be fixed.

Roger Williams, the Founder of the First Baptist Church in America realized that and ended up leaving the Church looking forward to a time when the Lord would send those Divinely called again and to stand as a witness of Christianity in general. He said:

"There is no regularly constituted church of Christ on earth, nor any person qualified to administer any church ordinances; nor can there be until new apostles are sent by the Great Head of the Church for whose coming I am seeking."

Thankfully since His days they have.:)

Just saying.
Shallow bunch of faiths with no meaning.

How does somebody "decide" they will be a Presbyterian, or a Methodist, oran Espicipalian or a Lutheran???

Im sure they study it. I hope they pray as well.
A political offshootof theRoman Catholic Church.

The true Christian Faith.

Name any leaders of Protestant faiths other than The Church of England.
The catholic church is not the true Christian faith. Christianity is the true Christian faith. The catholic church is just a church that is too big for its britches. One church leader other than the pope or the church of England? Martin Luther.
Catholicism - founded by the one and only Jesus Christ.

I realize most ignorant / dense fucks don't realize this.
Catholacism was not founded by Jesus, that is false. When Jesus told Peter that he is the rock his church will be built on, he meant that it was Peter's FAITH that his church would be built on. Peter wasn't the first pope and the catholic church is NOT the exclusive Church of Christ.
Catholicism - founded by the one and only Jesus Christ.

I realize most ignorant / dense fucks don't realize this.

Actually he did not found Catholicism. Christianity was founded by his followers biased on the belief of him and his words.
Think Reagan was a Protestant - even though his most famous acting role was was of The Gipper.
Silly. I would think the Anglican Faith would be the best faith of all: you get to be Catholic and Protestant. :lol:
I am Roman Catholic myself and I believe the Roman Church provides the best basis for the growth and development of the Christian Community on Earth. But I feel no need to denigrate or attack other Christian churches.
Long before Martin Luther came along, there were other movements to reform the Roman Catholic Church from within.

Generally they ended with the mass slaughter of the reformers, usually on the charge of being heretical

Two most obvious and deadly examples of those?

The Albegensians - 12th and 13th century, Southern France
Therefore, they viewed the Old Testament God as an evil God, while the New Testament God was, in their view, an entirely different God – the true Good and merciful God – two dualities constantly at odds and at war over the souls of men.

The Hussites -- 15th Century Bohemia
The programme of the more conservative Hussites is contained in the Four Articles of Prague, which were agreed upon in July 1420, and promulgated in the Latin, Czech, and German languages. The full text is about two pages long, but they are often summarized as:
  1. Freedom to preach the Word of God.
  2. Celebration of the Lord's Supper in both kinds (bread and wine to priests and laity alike).
  3. No secular power for the clergy.
  4. Punishment for the mortal sins.

Millions of people were slaughtered in the attempts to reform the RC church.
The catholic faith is an abomination. You call the pope Holy Father - blasphmey. That is Gods title. All have fallen short of the Glory of God - all have sinned. Call no man Father for you have one father in heaven. Vicar of Christ - the first and the last, the same today
and forever. Christ has no vicar. Have no other gods before me - hail Marry mother of God.
Catholicism makes Marry a deity - she was a blessed sinner. Christ created her, and died for her sins. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. Catholicism changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. One mediator between man and God the man Jesus Christ. No priest, cardnial, pope, Marry - nothing between! Catholics pray to saints, Marry etc. Make no graven images. Catholics put them on their alter and bow before them - demon worship! Bow to no man - they bow to the pope. Angles in the service of God woul'd not let you bow before them! Catholosism was started eroniously - built on Peter the rock. Gods church is all beleivers in Christ the Rock His church was built on - tare down this church and I will rebuild it in three days! You call your priest Father, and they forgive your sins? Only God can forgive your sins through Jesus Christ. One sacrifise for all sins. Catholics sacrifise Christ at every communion? Remember my body was broken for you, my blood was spilled for you - not break my body, and spill my blood! Catholisism is the harlot that led many of Gods people astray. Judge a tree by it's fruit - the catholic church is
replete with the effeminate, and petifile! I love Catholics - I detest your religion. Religion doesn't save, Christ The Lord does. Read His word, and draw close to him. Religion is man made for power, and worldly gain. Grace through faith saves - gives you life abundantly.

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