I no longer believe the accusers

People like you pick and choose based on what you "feel". Sorry but that isn't how things work. I don't make decisions based on feeling, only facts. 7 background checks and nothing but that isn't convenient so you discount it.
Emotions and feelings are the stuff of the weak in these matters, sorry.
People make decisions on feelings all the time. You felt that Trump would be a better President then Clinton. You feel that Ford is lying. Maybe you even feel that God exist. Point is in a lot of decisions in life feeling is often the only thing to go by.

Decisions based on "feelings" are for the weak. You reveal another weakness, thinking because you do and see things a certain way you think that everyone else does it too. What makes you think Rump is any different that Obambi? Why do you think Kissinger visited Rump in the White House? Why do you think Rump is spending like a drunken sailor? Why do you think Rump is provoking both Russia and China right now? Why do you think Rump just threatened to bomb Pooties Missile Sites in Syria? You choose to live in the paradigm that has been rammed down your throat, I don't.
You only make rational decisions? How do you eat? Do you go by nutritional value? Do you drink? If you do that's not very rational. Do you believe in God? Do you have kids? If you do what was the rational? For the record. I'm not religious, I drink moderately, I don't smoke and I consider myself a pretty rational human being. Rationally speaking though it's insane to claim that I don't make decisions based on feelings all the time.

LOL, context is your friend unless you don't know how to apply it. Try and leave it in the context of the conversation. You are very clearly not suited for this.
Context? What is irrational of not wanting a guy on the supreme court who is credibly accused of sexual assault. What isn't rational about not wanting a judge who literally said he will not judge impartial? What is not rational about picking the side of an alleged victim of sexual assault over that of the alleged perpetrator? You don't have any better rational then I do for believing Kavanaugh and hide behind innocent until proven guilty when it is simply a matter of whom do you believe in this case.

You ain't my first rodeo kid. Deflection NEVER works on me.
Leave my remark in the context of the discussion going on around it. Emotionally you are quite stunted son, whom I believe is immaterial, what you can or can't prove is the basis of any decision. Well for any rational person that is.
Her friend said she was pressurised into adding to her original statement which was that she has no recollection of any such party or incident and had never met Kav.

Frauds testimony was not in the least believable.

Politicians saying she is credible is politicians being diplomatic.
They would be torn limb from limb by the screeching banshees otherwise.
Baseless accusations do not get to destroy a manā€™s rep and future.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Itā€™s really simple and I believe you are pretending not to get it, unless you are stupid or so partisan you canā€™t think straight.

Maybe it will happen to you one day and then youā€™ll get a clearer understanding of why presumption of innocence is so important, particularly when your accuser provides so few details you have no hope of providing an alibi, and you canā€™t prove a negative.
I'm not pretending I don't get innocent until proven guilty. I'm saying it's a concept that does NOT apply when doing a job interview. Furthermore I know you guys get that since you need no actual conclusive evidence to call her a fraud. To you she is GUILTY of lying. You have just as little bases to make that assessment as I do.
What about you donā€™t get to destroy manā€™s reputation, career and life on the baisis of cos i said so dont you get?

The onus of proof is not on the accused, and certainly not when their are so few details provided by the accuser that you are prevented from even providing an alibi.

Now that you persist in this stupidity, I hope this happens to you, then youā€™ll see how quickly clarity depends on that muddled cucked mind of yours.
Your onus of proof to call her a liar is on you. Yet you have not provided it either. Why does that not apply to you?

Why you apply a different standard to Tilly than you do Ford? Tilly is FAR more credible than you.
I have not once claimed I know Kavanaugh did it. I even said that I don't think he should be jailed because the standard of proof for that has not been met. Tilly did claim Ford was a fraud. My standard of proof for claims has been consistent. Her's hasn't been.

Sorry no, you choose the believe Ford is telling the truth. You CHOOSE to believe Tilly isn't. This is what emotions do for you, they reveal your biases and inconsistencies.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

The more women who make false accusations the more likely the real claims will be ignored.
It's a simple concept,but I'm not surprised you dont get it.
How do you asses in this case the accusations are false?

The fact she couldnt come up with the place,the time,how she got there,how she got home and no corroborating witnesses.
Along with the fact she lied about being afraid to fly and that she'd never talked to anyone about polygraph tests.
Add the fact she claimed her mental problems were brought on by here house remodel in 12 when it actually happened in 08.
This bitch is a walking contradiction and anyone who believes her shit is a partisan fucktard.
I'll play this game again.
-Ok, try to remember something really traumatic in your life. What are the chances you'll remember what you had for lunch that day? Or even what the exact date was? Or a hundred of other details? You will however remember the thing that was traumatic very vividly. Chances are you will also remember some inane detail from that day. The point is trying to asses the truthfulness of something like this by what a person can and can't remember is a bad way to go about it.
-Equally bad is trying to go by the fact that corroboration is hard to come by. Going by her testimony there are only 3 people who had a reason to remember this particular party. Two of them committed a crime and the third is a victim. No reason to assume the two culprits would have corroborated there own behavior.
-Third her fear of flying. This argument at best shows that political games were played. That doesn't make the accusation less credible. But also on merit it fails, since people often do stuff their afraid of. It's called courage and courage usually doesn't imply untruthfulness.
-Fourth the polygraph. The name of the boyfriend wasn't released, nor does it mean the polygraph was rigged. The only thing it might mean that in the past she helped a friend. If an inconsistency is the standard you need to dismiss the allegations, then I have news for you. Several NON anonymous witnesses came forward openly saying that Kavanaugh outright lied about his drinking habits. Why does that not prompt you to dismiss his testimony?

Read the first few sentences and stopped.
I remember every traumatic event in my life like it was yesterday.
From the moment I found out my father had died when I was 16 to the day my mother told me to run right before her sexual assault while we were in the woods picking dewberries when I was 7.
Fuck you ya piece of shit!!!!
What was the date your father died? What was he wearing. Etc. When my mother died I was laying in my bed for an afternoon nap. I remember giving her CPR. I remember the feeling of panic. I remember after they carried her of, that the floor was covered in wraps of syringes and the likes. I don't know the date it happened. I don't know what I had for lunch. I don't know if my youngest brother was home etc. The day stands out as being very vivid, but in truth it is impressions interlaced with very vivid details. For the record my wife was assaulted to. She didn't report him but did call his fiance after she spend the best part of a day trying to remember details to establish his identity. I will even venture that if this guy years from now would be up for the bench she might feel she needs to step forward. Calling someone you never met a piece of shit doesn't speak to good about who you are as a person by the way.

My recollection when I was 7 is pretty sketchy.
However I can tell you the day and what I was doing when my stepmother told me my father was dead and I can provide witnesses who will attest to the same.
Something Dr Fraud cant do.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

LOL, people like you tried to destroy his life and you're upset because he came out swinging? Price less. How special you must think you are. ;)
I'm not upset, with what he said. I'm upset that being credible accused of something like this doesn't disqualify someone from getting a promotion. As to us destroying his life. He would still have been a federal judge, he wouldn't go to jail, nor would he be demoted.
I gave this analogy before but I'll give it again. Say I'm on a school board and I have to vote on the hiring of a coach for the girls softball team. The day before the vote my wife tells me, a friend told her he did to her what Ford accused her of. Would that information not disqualify him for the job? Especially if I have 24 other equally qualified people to take his place, as is the case for this seat?

Bad analogy. 36 year old allegations that ONLY surface when his appt came up are spurious at best. She didn't say anything when he worked for Starr.
She didn't anything when Bush apptd him.
She waited until AFTER the proceedings were coming to a close in a last ditch effort to stop it. It was political from the start.
7 FBI background checks and nothing. You find her "credible" because of your politics, nothing more.
65 women supported him in a letter.
All the women that worked for him gave him glowing recommendations.
NONE of her witnesses corroborated her accusations.

It was political from the start. He is guilty because you "feel" he is guilty.
-Actually 1 of those 65 woman said she was hurt and embarrassed by what Kavanaugh wrote about her in the yearbook Renata was her name. As to the 64 others. If I try really hard I think I can come up with 65 woman I knew in high school I didn't try to rape and even will speak well of me. I will even assume the same for you. Neither is his support universal. Is Brett Kavanaughā€™s High School Ditching Him? Nearly 100 Alumni Sign Petition Against the Supreme Court Nominee.
-As to my analogy. It would also be just an instance of a victim speaking up, ONLY to deny this fictitious coach a position so why is it a bad analogy?
-As to the background check. Do you think the FBI speaks to everybody you have ever met when they perform a background check, or seven in this case? I sure as hell don't.

People like you pick and choose based on what you "feel". Sorry but that isn't how things work. I don't make decisions based on feeling, only facts. 7 background checks and nothing but that isn't convenient so you discount it.
Emotions and feelings are the stuff of the weak in these matters, sorry.
People make decisions on feelings all the time. You felt that Trump would be a better President then Clinton. You feel that Ford is lying. Maybe you even feel that God exist. Point is in a lot of decisions in life feeling is often the only thing to go by.
My decisions aren't based on feelings. They are based on facts. I didn't feel Trump would be a better president than the corrupt criminal Hillary. I knew it based on the facts I know about each of them. I also know that Ford is lying.
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Soros/Democrat-owned bastards. Karma's gonna catch up with them at some point. What they did to Kavanaugh and his family will never be forgotten.
Bad analogy. 36 year old allegations that ONLY surface when his appt came up are spurious at best. She didn't say anything when he worked for Starr.
She didn't anything when Bush apptd him.
She waited until AFTER the proceedings were coming to a close in a last ditch effort to stop it. It was political from the start.
7 FBI background checks and nothing. You find her "credible" because of your politics, nothing more.
65 women supported him in a letter.
All the women that worked for him gave him glowing recommendations.
NONE of her witnesses corroborated her accusations.

It was political from the start. He is guilty because you "feel" he is guilty.
-Actually 1 of those 65 woman said she was hurt and embarrassed by what Kavanaugh wrote about her in the yearbook Renata was her name. As to the 64 others. If I try really hard I think I can come up with 65 woman I knew in high school I didn't try to rape and even will speak well of me. I will even assume the same for you. Neither is his support universal. Is Brett Kavanaughā€™s High School Ditching Him? Nearly 100 Alumni Sign Petition Against the Supreme Court Nominee.
-As to my analogy. It would also be just an instance of a victim speaking up, ONLY to deny this fictitious coach a position so why is it a bad analogy?
-As to the background check. Do you think the FBI speaks to everybody you have ever met when they perform a background check, or seven in this case? I sure as hell don't.

People like you pick and choose based on what you "feel". Sorry but that isn't how things work. I don't make decisions based on feeling, only facts. 7 background checks and nothing but that isn't convenient so you discount it.
Emotions and feelings are the stuff of the weak in these matters, sorry.
People make decisions on feelings all the time. You felt that Trump would be a better President then Clinton. You feel that Ford is lying. Maybe you even feel that God exist. Point is in a lot of decisions in life feeling is often the only thing to go by.

Decisions based on "feelings" are for the weak. You reveal another weakness, thinking because you do and see things a certain way you think that everyone else does it too. What makes you think Rump is any different that Obambi? Why do you think Kissinger visited Rump in the White House? Why do you think Rump is spending like a drunken sailor? Why do you think Rump is provoking both Russia and China right now? Why do you think Rump just threatened to bomb Pooties Missile Sites in Syria? You choose to live in the paradigm that has been rammed down your throat, I don't.
You only make rational decisions? How do you eat? Do you go by nutritional value? Do you drink? If you do that's not very rational. Do you believe in God? Do you have kids? If you do what was the rational? For the record. I'm not religious, I drink moderately, I don't smoke and I consider myself a pretty rational human being. Rationally speaking though it's insane to claim that I don't make decisions based on feelings all the time.
Your posting history in this forum indicates you are far, far, far from rational.
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These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Since when have you criminals ever needed or used proof?

Go click on my name and check out my posts.
I always provide a link to a reliable source, sometimes several, when I make claims.
Go ahead, chicken shit. Do it.
Maybe Dr. Ford should tried that. The irony of democrats demanding proof after trying to destroy a man's life without it. Democrats never need to be in power again.
And they care what you think because......?
Thanks to democrat scum, women everywhere are going to have a much harder time proving anything. Thanks demoscum.
Pure bullshit.

Republicans didn't believe any of the 15 women who came forward about Trump's "issues"..

Did you forget that?

Republicans only believe women when it is about Dems...ya know...like Al Franken
Meaning she couldn't prove shit but you believe her anyway because Kavanaugh is a poo poo head. Good lord.
Meaning I have only her testimony and Kavanaugh's to go by. In my opinion Ford's was more credible, but that could just be my party affiliation. What isn't an opinion is that a Supreme Court justice should be beyond reproach. Kavanaugh isn't. What isn't an opinion is the a Supreme Court justice should at least hold an illusion of impartiality. Kavanaugh doesn't. What isn't an opinion is that the Supreme Court, the highest court in the country is not well served if it's members have put themselves open for demands to recuse themselves by their previous actions. Kavanaugh did.

Prove her allegations.
Prove he isn't "impartial".
He isn't beyond "reproach" only because you bought accusations you can't prove and you choose to believe her.
You'll demand recusal over allegations unproven. You are quite the partisan kid.
As to proving her allegations, I don't have to. My standard of proof to not want him on the Supreme court is that the accusations are credible or not. If you would suggest to put him in jail that standard would be beyond reasonable doubt. It's an important distinction.

Your opinion is not the standard by which anyone's life should be destroyed. You don't him being a Constitutionalist and that's why you don't want him seated. Innuendo and unproven allegations should not derail a man's life. Well unless of curse you're a partisan hack.
Do you care that for hundreds of thousands if not millions of woman getting him on the bench is a slap in the face forcing them to relive their trauma and telling them in no uncertain terms that coming forward against powerful men doesn't pay? Since we are talking about lives being destroyed? Sorry that I don't feel sympathy for the poor little federal judge here.
What utter and complete bullshit. Putting him on the bench is not a slap in the face to women nor does it in any way force them to relive their trauma. It also doesn't deter anyone from coming forward. Liberals need to quit acting as if they speak for all women. They don't.
And they care what you think because......?
Thanks to democrat scum, women everywhere are going to have a much harder time proving anything. Thanks demoscum.
Pure bullshit.

Republicans didn't believe any of the 15 women who came forward about Trump's "issues"..

Did you forget that?

Republicans only believe women when it is about Dems...ya know...like Al Franken
And what issues would those be?

That Ford is a Democrat who donates to left-wing causes, attended the anti-Trump March for Science, and previously signed an open letter challenging Trumpā€™s border policy.

Ford is a political activist who has made dozens of donations to left-wing causes. According to OpenSecrets, she has made more than 60 donations to liberal causes, with almost four dozen to the pro-abortion group, Emilyā€™s List, alone. Ford also donated to the DNC, Hillary Clinton (more than 10 times), Bernie Sanders, and the progressive organizing group ActBlue.

Ford likewise attended the anti-Trump March for Science, where she wore a hat knitted like a human brain, but inspired by the feminist ā€œpussy hatsā€ worn at the Womenā€™s Marches. Ford also added her name to an open letter from health professionals who argued the U.S. border policy resulting in temporary separation of some families was harmful to childrenā€™s development.

Sorry, loser.
Check the site.
It's a blog.
No "About" page identifying the author or sources.
It must really suck to be you.
And your source is absolutely nothing.

It must really suck to be you.

Fox News basically corroborated what I said about Dr. Ford, if you actually read it.
Ford is a paid liar...

Prove it.
You people soak in lies so deep your brains are pickled.
Her story does not hold up
Meaning she couldn't prove shit but you believe her anyway because Kavanaugh is a poo poo head. Good lord.
Meaning I have only her testimony and Kavanaugh's to go by. In my opinion Ford's was more credible, but that could just be my party affiliation. What isn't an opinion is that a Supreme Court justice should be beyond reproach. Kavanaugh isn't. What isn't an opinion is the a Supreme Court justice should at least hold an illusion of impartiality. Kavanaugh doesn't. What isn't an opinion is that the Supreme Court, the highest court in the country is not well served if it's members have put themselves open for demands to recuse themselves by their previous actions. Kavanaugh did.

Prove her allegations.
Prove he isn't "impartial".
He isn't beyond "reproach" only because you bought accusations you can't prove and you choose to believe her.
You'll demand recusal over allegations unproven. You are quite the partisan kid.
As to proving her allegations, I don't have to. My standard of proof to not want him on the Supreme court is that the accusations are credible or not. If you would suggest to put him in jail that standard would be beyond reasonable doubt. It's an important distinction.
How can an accusation be credible when thereā€™s nothing to back it up and even her own witnesses, including a friend, donā€™t corroborate any part of her story?
Her friend actually issued a statement she believed Ford. She simply stated she couldn't remember the incident. As to why it is credible. You have to look at her testimony, asses if she comes over as believable. Hear Kavanaugh speak and do the same. At that point you have to see who you believe. Not for nothing, EVERYBODY including Trump said she was credible.
Only fucking idiots believe ford
Doris Kearns Goodwin, the presidential historian, drawing an analogy to Kavanaugh's possible confirmation, told a short story on Bill Maher's show last night about how in 1850 a congressman from South Carolina whacked a congressman from Massachusetts across the head with a heavy cane. He became a hero to the South and his supporters all started sporting canes.

This enraged the North so much, to the tipping point of mobilizing the north against the South and slavery and inevitably the creation of the party of Lincoln.

I hope we can do the same, starting in November.

Kavanaugh is all about ending the investigation into Trump, creating law that a sitting POTUS can't be investigated.
Look it up. It's right there in black and white from Kavanaugh's publications.

He didn't just kiss Trump's ring. He sucked on it.
...and still no Russian connection
Doris Kearns Goodwin, the presidential historian, drawing an analogy to Kavanaugh's possible confirmation, told a short story on Bill Maher's show last night about how in 1850 a congressman from South Carolina whacked a congressman from Massachusetts across the head with a heavy cane. He became a hero to the South and his supporters all started sporting canes.

This enraged the North so much, to the tipping point of mobilizing the north against the South and slavery and inevitably the creation of the party of Lincoln.

I hope we can do the same, starting in November.

Kavanaugh is all about ending the investigation into Trump, creating law that a sitting POTUS can't be investigated.
Look it up. It's right there in black and white from Kavanaugh's publications.

He didn't just kiss Trump's ring. He sucked on it.
just like that.jpg
Prove her allegations.
Prove he isn't "impartial".
He isn't beyond "reproach" only because you bought accusations you can't prove and you choose to believe her.
You'll demand recusal over allegations unproven. You are quite the partisan kid.
As to proving her allegations, I don't have to. My standard of proof to not want him on the Supreme court is that the accusations are credible or not. If you would suggest to put him in jail that standard would be beyond reasonable doubt. It's an important distinction.
How can an accusation be credible when thereā€™s nothing to back it up and even her own witnesses, including a friend, donā€™t corroborate any part of her story?
Her friend actually issued a statement she believed Ford. She simply stated she couldn't remember the incident. As to why it is credible. You have to look at her testimony, asses if she comes over as believable. Hear Kavanaugh speak and do the same. At that point you have to see who you believe. Not for nothing, EVERYBODY including Trump said she was credible.
Her friend said she was pressurised into adding to her original statement which was that she has no recollection of any such party or incident and had never met Kav.

Frauds testimony was not in the least believable.

Politicians saying she is credible is politicians being diplomatic.
They would be torn limb from limb by the screeching banshees otherwise.
Baseless accusations do not get to destroy a manā€™s rep and future.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Itā€™s really simple and I believe you are pretending not to get it, unless you are stupid or so partisan you canā€™t think straight.

Maybe it will happen to you one day and then youā€™ll get a clearer understanding of why presumption of innocence is so important, particularly when your accuser provides so few details you have no hope of providing an alibi, and you canā€™t prove a negative.
I'm not pretending I don't get innocent until proven guilty. I'm saying it's a concept that does NOT apply when doing a job interview. Furthermore I know you guys get that since you need no actual conclusive evidence to call her a fraud. To you she is GUILTY of lying. You have just as little bases to make that assessment as I do.
Actually, we do have a basis to judge that she's lying. Her story changed multiple times. The people she claimed were there said they weren't. Her ex's sworn statement that she had indeed helped someone prepare to pass a polygraph after her testimony that she hadn't. His statement that she frequently flew and after living with her for 6 years never knew about her alleged claustrophobia. The fact that the famous second door was installed 4 years earlier than she indicated and that it led to rental space. I can go on, however, you get the idea. It's called a preponderance of evidence.
I'm not upset, with what he said. I'm upset that being credible accused of something like this doesn't disqualify someone from getting a promotion. As to us destroying his life. He would still have been a federal judge, he wouldn't go to jail, nor would he be demoted.
I gave this analogy before but I'll give it again. Say I'm on a school board and I have to vote on the hiring of a coach for the girls softball team. The day before the vote my wife tells me, a friend told her he did to her what Ford accused her of. Would that information not disqualify him for the job? Especially if I have 24 other equally qualified people to take his place, as is the case for this seat?

Bad analogy. 36 year old allegations that ONLY surface when his appt came up are spurious at best. She didn't say anything when he worked for Starr.
She didn't anything when Bush apptd him.
She waited until AFTER the proceedings were coming to a close in a last ditch effort to stop it. It was political from the start.
7 FBI background checks and nothing. You find her "credible" because of your politics, nothing more.
65 women supported him in a letter.
All the women that worked for him gave him glowing recommendations.
NONE of her witnesses corroborated her accusations.

It was political from the start. He is guilty because you "feel" he is guilty.
-Actually 1 of those 65 woman said she was hurt and embarrassed by what Kavanaugh wrote about her in the yearbook Renata was her name. As to the 64 others. If I try really hard I think I can come up with 65 woman I knew in high school I didn't try to rape and even will speak well of me. I will even assume the same for you. Neither is his support universal. Is Brett Kavanaughā€™s High School Ditching Him? Nearly 100 Alumni Sign Petition Against the Supreme Court Nominee.
-As to my analogy. It would also be just an instance of a victim speaking up, ONLY to deny this fictitious coach a position so why is it a bad analogy?
-As to the background check. Do you think the FBI speaks to everybody you have ever met when they perform a background check, or seven in this case? I sure as hell don't.

People like you pick and choose based on what you "feel". Sorry but that isn't how things work. I don't make decisions based on feeling, only facts. 7 background checks and nothing but that isn't convenient so you discount it.
Emotions and feelings are the stuff of the weak in these matters, sorry.
People make decisions on feelings all the time. You felt that Trump would be a better President then Clinton. You feel that Ford is lying. Maybe you even feel that God exist. Point is in a lot of decisions in life feeling is often the only thing to go by.
My decisions aren't based on feelings. They are based on facts. I didn't feel Trump would be a better president than the corrupt criminal Hillary. I knew it based on the facts I know about each of them. I also know that Ford is lying.

What you *SHOULD* know by now is that you can't prove that negative. You've been busted on it before.

Nevertheless, here you come again selling the same shit, oblivious to the fact that you'll just get called on it again. Then you'll lick your wounds wondering what happened because you never learn.
Bad analogy. 36 year old allegations that ONLY surface when his appt came up are spurious at best. She didn't say anything when he worked for Starr.
She didn't anything when Bush apptd him.
She waited until AFTER the proceedings were coming to a close in a last ditch effort to stop it. It was political from the start.
7 FBI background checks and nothing. You find her "credible" because of your politics, nothing more.
65 women supported him in a letter.
All the women that worked for him gave him glowing recommendations.
NONE of her witnesses corroborated her accusations.

It was political from the start. He is guilty because you "feel" he is guilty.
-Actually 1 of those 65 woman said she was hurt and embarrassed by what Kavanaugh wrote about her in the yearbook Renata was her name. As to the 64 others. If I try really hard I think I can come up with 65 woman I knew in high school I didn't try to rape and even will speak well of me. I will even assume the same for you. Neither is his support universal. Is Brett Kavanaughā€™s High School Ditching Him? Nearly 100 Alumni Sign Petition Against the Supreme Court Nominee.
-As to my analogy. It would also be just an instance of a victim speaking up, ONLY to deny this fictitious coach a position so why is it a bad analogy?
-As to the background check. Do you think the FBI speaks to everybody you have ever met when they perform a background check, or seven in this case? I sure as hell don't.

People like you pick and choose based on what you "feel". Sorry but that isn't how things work. I don't make decisions based on feeling, only facts. 7 background checks and nothing but that isn't convenient so you discount it.
Emotions and feelings are the stuff of the weak in these matters, sorry.
People make decisions on feelings all the time. You felt that Trump would be a better President then Clinton. You feel that Ford is lying. Maybe you even feel that God exist. Point is in a lot of decisions in life feeling is often the only thing to go by.
My decisions aren't based on feelings. They are based on facts. I didn't feel Trump would be a better president than the corrupt criminal Hillary. I knew it based on the facts I know about each of them. I also know that Ford is lying.

What you *SHOULD* know by now is that you can't prove that negative. You've been busted on it before.

Nevertheless, here you come again selling the same shit, oblivious to the fact that you'll just get called on it again. Then you'll lick your wounds wondering what happened because you never learn.
Here we have the never truthers preaching truth. You cant make this up.
Prove her allegations.
Prove he isn't "impartial".
He isn't beyond "reproach" only because you bought accusations you can't prove and you choose to believe her.
You'll demand recusal over allegations unproven. You are quite the partisan kid.
As to proving her allegations, I don't have to. My standard of proof to not want him on the Supreme court is that the accusations are credible or not. If you would suggest to put him in jail that standard would be beyond reasonable doubt. It's an important distinction.
How can an accusation be credible when thereā€™s nothing to back it up and even her own witnesses, including a friend, donā€™t corroborate any part of her story?
Her friend actually issued a statement she believed Ford. She simply stated she couldn't remember the incident. As to why it is credible. You have to look at her testimony, asses if she comes over as believable. Hear Kavanaugh speak and do the same. At that point you have to see who you believe. Not for nothing, EVERYBODY including Trump said she was credible.
Her friend said she was pressurised into adding to her original statement which was that she has no recollection of any such party or incident and had never met Kav.

Frauds testimony was not in the least believable.

Politicians saying she is credible is politicians being diplomatic.
They would be torn limb from limb by the screeching banshees otherwise.
Baseless accusations do not get to destroy a manā€™s rep and future.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Itā€™s really simple and I believe you are pretending not to get it, unless you are stupid or so partisan you canā€™t think straight.

Maybe it will happen to you one day and then youā€™ll get a clearer understanding of why presumption of innocence is so important, particularly when your accuser provides so few details you have no hope of providing an alibi, and you canā€™t prove a negative.
I'm not pretending I don't get innocent until proven guilty. I'm saying it's a concept that does NOT apply when doing a job interview. Furthermore I know you guys get that since you need no actual conclusive evidence to call her a fraud. To you she is GUILTY of lying. You have just as little bases to make that assessment as I do.

It does apply, however, when you're put under oath with the possibility of jail time for saying something wrong. You don't get that in a simple job interview.

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