I own Russian stocks.......does this make me a criminal colluder?

No joke either............... So f---ing what

Sberbank of Russia - Individual Clients

Are you saying you interfered with a US election?
Did you openly speak to Russia from US stage, telling Russia you hoped they could hack into a US presidential candidate, making it sound like it's an ongoing conversation?
Did you hold a secret meeting with Russians, with no attempt at security?
Have you had a very long and lucrative relationship with Pooting? With Russia?
Did you lie about making trips to Russia?
Do you have family members and business associates who lied about making trips to Russia?
Did you lie about bringing money into the US from Russia?
Did you launder Russian money?
Do you finance your business with money from Russia?

There's more but you get the idea.


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Trump ask for the Russian hacked materials, this is not a crime as the Democrappic party could be hacked by any high school kid with an IQ over 140.....................AND WAS
Did Russia hack the party that opposed you when you ran for president?
Russia hacked every political party since computers could be hacked? This is a fact, idiots like you however can not grasp that hacking happened before CNN began babbling about it. The Russians gather information 365 days a year, since before the Czars were overthrown.

Trust me, I stayed at a Holiday Inn with your bitch last night

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