I predict the Taliban will give red carpet treatment travel of American citizens to the airport

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Well, they did honor part of the agreement they made with Trump; they didn't kill any Americans like they promised. Doesn't mean they will keep honoring it now that one of their scumbag supporters is in office, though. We'll find out soon. They cut the airport access off yesterday.
Eh, Biden can't, "fart and chew gum at the same time" .. a total embarrassment

(this video pretty well says it all..)

Democrats/Big Tech./China/TDS news and the Washington Swamp stole an election for this..... :oops8:
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Every 2 bit thug in the world won't want this presidency to come to an end. Or threatened.
A tad incoherent. Care to clarify that statement?

Anyhow in a rational world it makes sense that the Taliban would want to facilitate the American exodus from afghanistan.

Unfortunately, muslims and most especially radical muslims do not conform to our sense of logic.

What is going to happen is up in the air. At this time I do not think even the taliban knows what they will do or who they will do it to.

They are issuing conflicting statements.
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Well, they did honor part of the agreement they made with Trump; they didn't kill any Americans like they promised. Doesn't mean they will keep honoring it now that one of their scumbag supporters is in office, though. We'll find out soon. They cut the airport access off yesterday.

No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Its a brand new day and you don't have a clue what is going on.
No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Its a brand new day and you donhttps://twitter.com/i/status/1427654645221056519't have a clue what is going on.
Does anyone? Too early to judge.

Anyhow it appears the taliban do have a sense of humor.

A tad incoherent. Care to clarify that statement?

Anyhow in a rational world it makes sense that the Taliban would want to facilitate the American exodus from afghanistan.

Unfortunately, muslims and most especially radical muslims do not conform to our sense of logic.

What is going to happen is up in the air. At this time I do not think even the taliban knows what they will do or who they will do it to.

They are issuing conflicting statements.
imo they operate logically, it's just that their goals differ from ours, at least part of the time. This being a prime example, who of us of any political stripe would want a Taliban governed society? No one.
No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Its a brand new day and you don't have a clue what is going on.
there's no reason they should. they got what they wanted. a very easy "victory" and us out of their country. that was their goal. anything else would run the risk of us trying some stupid move to save face and there would be no gain to their goal in that move.
there's no reason they should. they got what they wanted. a very easy "victory" and us out of their country. that was their goal. anything else would run the risk of us trying some stupid move to save face and there would be no gain to their goal in that move.

Its bigger than that .. The Taliban has basically crushed the warring factions of the Warlords, AQ, and the Haqqani mafia that were holding Afghanistan back.

Now they have a market for their natural resources and a way to get their natural resources to market.
No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Its a brand new day and you don't have a clue what is going on.
That is the beauty of leftist dolts. They are completely clueless when they were duped. Evacuation flights can come and go freely, and the Taliban will not interfere. There are over 8000 troops at the airport. Everyone with any brains at all will know better than to invade the airport now. In fact, the British embassy in Afghanistan has effectively "relocated" to the airport.

Taliban only needs to have multi-checkpoints at all the roads to the airport.
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Currently the Taliban have blocked off access to the airport in Kabul with checkpoints, and they are beating the piss out of any Afghans attempting to make it to the airport in hopes of getting on one of the flights out.

No reports about Americans trying to make it to the airport yet have been made.
- This is probably due to the Biden State Department sending out mixed messages - one saying shelter in-place until they are told differently, followed by another saying it is up to the stranded / abandoned Americans to get to the airport in Kabul on their own.

Then you have the reported thousands of Americans scattered all over Afghanistan .. who are supposed to make it to the Kabul airport on their own, no matter how far away it is:
- "About half of the Americans in the country on the State Department list are receiving calls to go to the evacuation point. They are getting instructions on how to go to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. However, the U.S. will not be helping with transportation."

'All you have to do is travel though heavily-armed Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, just a couple of hundred miles, on your own, pass through the Taliban checkpoints blocking access to the airport, and board one of the evacuation flights. Good LucK!' :rolleyes:

From the Biden administration:
"The U.S. has no plans to evacuate Americans in Afghanistan who are located outside Kabul"


From the Biden administration:
"We can NOT guarantee your safety."

TRANSLATION: "You're f*ed."

No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Seriously, STFU, you leftist propaganda-pushing troll! I just posted numerous links - some from your beloved fake news media - reporting how the Taliban have cut off access to the airport, the only way in being through Taliban checkpoints.

You follow up...AGAIN....by repeating the same f*ing LIE with only your debunked opinion to sup[port your claim.

You have ZERO credibility at this point. Again, just STFU!
Yes, the Taliban will show the world how they have changed.

So they will help Americans and other foreigners leave.

In fact, they may even put a woman in charge of the process!

The Taliban want to make a good impression on the world.

They may even let Afghans leave. Why keep a bunch of opponents around?
Its bigger than that .. The Taliban has basically crushed the warring factions of the Warlords, AQ, and the Haqqani mafia that were holding Afghanistan back.

Now they have a market for their natural resources and a way to get their natural resources to market.
So what you are saying is the endless massacres and uncivil ways of living for the last thousand years and more is just a national mistake of the nation? All they needed was access to their own natural resources in which they just never tried to cultivate because constant warring and terrorism was much easier. I see this nation like I see Haiti. We deserve better as much as the citizens of those nations do. And the realms of common sense does not register.
Its bigger than that .. The Taliban has basically crushed the warring factions of the Warlords, AQ, and the Haqqani mafia that were holding Afghanistan back.

Now they have a market for their natural resources and a way to get their natural resources to market.
And they have no upside in letting Afghanis join the exodus. And sadly many "American Firsters" wouldn't want them here, and frankly most of us weren't thrilled with the Vietnamese refugees either.

It is a human catastrophe, but one Trump was fine with too.
Seriously, STFU, you leftist propaganda-pushing troll! I just posted numerous links - some from your beloved fake news media - reporting how the Taliban have cut off access to the airport, the only way in being through Taliban checkpoints.

You follow up...AGAIN....by repeating the same f*ing LIE with only your debunked opinion to sup[port your claim.

You have ZERO credibility at this point. Again, just STFU!

The Taliban are keeping the roads safe for the evacuations.
Yes, the Taliban will show the world how they have changed.

So they will help Americans and other foreigners leave.

In fact, they may even put a woman in charge of the process!

The Taliban want to make a good impression on the world.

They may even let Afghans leave. Why keep a bunch of opponents around?
The Taliban may not want anti-Taliban Afghanis in exile.
Yes, the Taliban will show the world how they have changed.

So they will help Americans and other foreigners leave.

In fact, they may even put a woman in charge of the process!

The Taliban want to make a good impression on the world.

They may even let Afghans leave. Why keep a bunch of opponents around?
The Taliban are currently beating the piss out of any Afghans trying to make it through their checkpoints to get to the airport.

There are confirmed reports of the Taliban going door-to-door searching for Afghan US-collaborators, public beatings, etc...

The Taliban have announced they are guaranteeing women's rights 'within the limits of Islam'
- Remember how they did that before the US invaded?
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