I predict the Taliban will give red carpet treatment travel of American citizens to the airport

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I disagree.
The Taliban were strict on women before they were defeated because there were no police or criminal justice system.
They were trying to reduce kidnappings, rapes, murders, etc.
'...trying to reduce kidnappings, rapes, murders, etc...'

WTF? So they are going to re-instate the criminal justice system, huh? Which is why reporters in Afghanistan have been reporting the last few days that the Taliban have shot/killed women for not wearing burkas....?!

Ummmm.....you DO realize, right that ISLAMIC LAW is the only real law they follow...right?
'...trying to reduce kidnappings, rapes, murders, etc...'

WTF? So they are going to re-instate the criminal justice system, huh? Which is why reporters in Afghanistan have been reporting the last few days that the Taliban have shot/killed women for not wearing burkas....?!

Ummmm.....you DO realize, right that ISLAMIC LAW is the only real law they follow...right?

Killing women is just murder in Islam, doofus.
Killing women is just murder in Islam, doofus.
Ummm.....killing women is 'just murder' almost everywhere, slick. In Islam, women are property. Child brides, genital mutilation, putting women to death for not wearing their coverings (burkas), etc... is 'legal'

Here's the Taliban's 'Justice System' being re-instated.
I don't like Trump, but why not get them to Camp David?
We don't celebrate with people with Army and Marine blood on their hands. We have blood on ours too. Stopping a war is one thing. Being buddies is another. Trump just wanted a photo op anyway. The military was not amused. Nor were some gop senators and congresspoeple ... I hope.
Ya know, whether they allow Americans to pass unscathed through their ranks to the airport or not really doesn't matter....when it comes to Joe.

The military has publicly declared Biden ignored their warnings.

The CIA has publicly declared he ignored their warnings.

The WH has declared they have no plan to rescue Americans not at or near the airport

Biden has declared his 'plan' is to rely on the mercy of our terrorist enemies, that their protection relies on what our enemy chooses to do

Ummm, that's not a plan. That's a HOPE you have after your lack of a plan blows up in your face.

Even if the Taliban chauffeurs Americans from all over Afghanistan to the Kabul airport, it does not eliminate the fact that Biden ignored his advisors, suffered a humiliating, historic, epic failure, and by the Grace of God & 'mercy' of the Taliban it miraculously worked out....no thanks to Biden's epic clusterfu@k .

There is a reason both Democrats and Republicans reportedly have both called for him to resign.

There is a reason his - until now - faithful fake news liberal media has stuck with him but are now kicked his ass over this.

Biden didn't "ignore their warnings". He was well aware what would happen. The military talked both Obama and Trump out of leaving and it was a mistake to stay after Bin Laden was killed.

I've been watching the news and the Americans pointing fingers and hand wringing over all of this but this was always going to be the outcome from day one. Every nation and every culture that Americans have attacked in the name of "democracy" has simply waited for you to leave and gone back to doing whatever it was they were doing before you got there.

In the meantime, more than 150,000 Afghans have died as a result of the war in the past 20 years, nearly 50,000 of them civilians. That's in addition to the more than 100,000 Iraqi's who were killed in that war.

These two wars have given new generations of jihadists fresh reasons to believe that America is the Great Satan, just as the 30 years of rule by the American backed Shah of Iran is the reason why Iranians chant "Death to America" in their streets.

Just stay the fuck at home. You're making things worse, not better.
I don't like Trump, but why not get them to Camp David?

It was a dog an pony show, meant to enhance Trump's re-election chances. He was inviting the Taliban, who helped Bin Laden with 9/11, to be guests of the American people, and celebrated at Camp David on 9/11. No.
Ummm.....killing women is 'just murder' almost everywhere, slick. In Islam, women are property. Child brides, genital mutilation, putting women to death for not wearing their coverings (burkas), etc... is 'legal'

Here's the Taliban's 'Justice System' being re-instated.

Yes, women in the Quiverfull Movement have so much freedom in life. Popping out babies until their uterus prolapses. Wearing long sleeves summer and winter, and skirts to the knee. Or Mennonites, with their heavy long sleeves garments and bonnets. Or the polygamus sects which forces the young girls into marriage with the church leaders the second they hit puberty - around age 13, and drives out the young males.

The Christian Taliban is just as bad in terms of their treatment of women.
Seriously, STFU, you leftist propaganda-pushing troll! I just posted numerous links - some from your beloved fake news media - reporting how the Taliban have cut off access to the airport, the only way in being through Taliban checkpoints.

You follow up...AGAIN....by repeating the same f*ing LIE with only your debunked opinion to sup[port your claim.

You have ZERO credibility at this point. Again, just STFU!

I'm not getting your point, since letting people through checkpoints is not cutting off the airport?
The reality is that the taliban are the same. Murderers, rapists, terrorists. Worshipping some fictional imp, allah. Why won't the afghan men fight back?

The last thing anyone could call the Taliban is rapists.
Their only problem is they were too honest and strict, and NOT that they were violent or corrupt.
They were the very least corrupt on all of Afghanistan, which is why they were the most popular.
Most Afghan men support them.
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