I predict the Taliban will give red carpet treatment travel of American citizens to the airport

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And they have no upside in letting Afghanis join the exodus. And sadly many "American Firsters" wouldn't want them here, and frankly most of us weren't thrilled with the Vietnamese refugees either.

It is a human catastrophe, but one Trump was fine with too.
Wrong. You have no idea what Trump was fine with. You’re just trying anything to make Civilian Killing * Joe look better.
Don't be stupid.. 20 years ago they were hamfisted students trying to restore order to a lawless, broken Afghanistan.

The reality is that the taliban are the same. Murderers, rapists, terrorists. Worshipping some fictional imp, allah. Why won't the afghan men fight back?
No they didn't cut off access to the airport. The Taliban won't interfere with the evacuations.

Its a brand new day and you don't have a clue what is going on.
No, it's the same old crap, different day, and you're full of it,
The Taliban are currently beating the piss out of any Afghans trying to make it through their checkpoints to get to the airport.

There are confirmed reports of the Taliban going door-to-door searching for Afghan US-collaborators, public beatings, etc...

The Taliban have announced they are guaranteeing women's rights 'within the limits of Islam'
- Remember how they did that before the US invaded?

One of the first things they did is prowl from house to house looking for 10-12 year old girls to rape. The media won't report on the little boys being raped, since that would make faggots look bad.
Ya know, whether they allow Americans to pass unscathed through their ranks to the airport or not really doesn't matter....when it comes to Joe.

The military has publicly declared Biden ignored their warnings.

The CIA has publicly declared he ignored their warnings.

The WH has declared they have no plan to rescue Americans not at or near the airport

Biden has declared his 'plan' is to rely on the mercy of our terrorist enemies, that their protection relies on what our enemy chooses to do

Ummm, that's not a plan. That's a HOPE you have after your lack of a plan blows up in your face.

Even if the Taliban chauffeurs Americans from all over Afghanistan to the Kabul airport, it does not eliminate the fact that Biden ignored his advisors, suffered a humiliating, historic, epic failure, and by the Grace of God & 'mercy' of the Taliban it miraculously worked out....no thanks to Biden's epic clusterfu@k .

There is a reason both Democrats and Republicans reportedly have both called for him to resign.

There is a reason his - until now - faithful fake news liberal media has stuck with him but are now kicked his ass over this.
imo they operate logically, it's just that their goals differ from ours, at least part of the time. This being a prime example, who of us of any political stripe would want a Taliban governed society? No one.

We have no idea what the Taliban would govern like.
There was 20 years of fighting the Soviets, and decades fighting the Warlords, then a decade fighting the Northern Alliance.
With no police, prisons, or any government other than soldiers and warlords, it should not surprise anyone how Afghanistan had to be governed in the past.
The past is not how the Taliban likely want to govern, so no one knows how they want to govern.
Once things settle down, the Taliban will modify their strict position on Islam. The key now is to keep the warlords, Afghan mafia and Al Qaeda at bay.
I dunno. You are absolutely right though in pointing out the Taliban of today are totally different from post-Soviet forces of 2001. Perhaps if one knew what the Taliban groups in Pak were about, we'd have some idea. But I haven't seen anything about that in years, or a decade. Funny how these wars just go on an on .... unless someone says ... No, stand down.
We have no idea what the Taliban would govern like.
There was 20 years of fighting the Soviets, and decades fighting the Warlords, then a decade fighting the Northern Alliance.
With no police, prisons, or any government other than soldiers and warlords, it should not surprise anyone how Afghanistan had to be governed in the past.
The past is not how the Taliban likely want to govern, so no one knows how they want to govern.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
That is the beauty of leftist dolts. They are completely clueless when they were duped. Evacuation flights can come and go freely, and the Taliban will not interfere. There are over 8000 troops at the airport. Everyone with any brains at all will know better than to invade the airport now. In fact, the British embassy in Afghanistan has effectively "relocated" to the airport.

Taliban only needs to have multi-checkpoints at all the roads to the airport.

But the point is they are not preventing those with visas from leaving.
They are not holding any foreign nationals hostage.
Who they may be preventing from leaving are urgently needed professionals, like doctors who are Afghan nationals.
And do you blame them?
The Taliban are currently beating the piss out of any Afghans trying to make it through their checkpoints to get to the airport.

There are confirmed reports of the Taliban going door-to-door searching for Afghan US-collaborators, public beatings, etc...

The Taliban have announced they are guaranteeing women's rights 'within the limits of Islam'
- Remember how they did that before the US invaded?

I disagree.
The Taliban were strict on women before they were defeated because there were no police or criminal justice system.
They were trying to reduce kidnappings, rapes, murders, etc.
Ya know, whether they allow Americans to pass unscathed through their ranks to the airport or not really doesn't matter....when it comes to Joe.

The military has publicly declared Biden ignored their warnings.

The CIA has publicly declared he ignored their warnings.

The WH has declared they have no plan to rescue Americans not at or near the airport

Biden has declared his 'plan' is to rely on the mercy of our terrorist enemies, that their protection relies on what our enemy chooses to do

Ummm, that's not a plan. That's a HOPE you have after your lack of a plan blows up in your face.

Even if the Taliban chauffeurs Americans from all over Afghanistan to the Kabul airport, it does not eliminate the fact that Biden ignored his advisors, suffered a humiliating, historic, epic failure, and by the Grace of God & 'mercy' of the Taliban it miraculously worked out....no thanks to Biden's epic clusterfu@k .

There is a reason both Democrats and Republicans reportedly have both called for him to resign.

There is a reason his - until now - faithful fake news liberal media has stuck with him but are now kicked his ass over this.

I disagree.
The warnings of the idiots who created this mess, should be ignored.
There is absolutely no reason to call the Taliban "terrorists" or our "enemies".
It is those who attacked the Taliban who violated international and US law, and should be our enemies.
Seriously, STFU, you leftist propaganda-pushing troll! I just posted numerous links - some from your beloved fake news media - reporting how the Taliban have cut off access to the airport, the only way in being through Taliban checkpoints.

You follow up...AGAIN....by repeating the same f*ing LIE with only your debunked opinion to sup[port your claim.

You have ZERO credibility at this point. Again, just STFU!

You've got a helluva nerve calling ANYONE a propaganda pushing troll, as you post links to PJMedia, and Gateway Pundit.

You've never had any credibility on this board, so much so that we can assume that everything you're posting came directly from Russian and/or Chinese propaganda outlets.
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