I propose a new forum requirement.. sourcing!

its common courtesy/netiqueete. :eusa_eh: How many msg boards have you been on anyway sport? On the 5+ I've been on, its the Righties/Randians/lolibertarians that are the ones that consistently have NOT provided proof, to back up their statements, unless they are backed in the corner.

Figures you'd be hanging in the alleyways and darkly lit areas. Can see that from your avi.


Now that you've found USMB -- while you're here and not somewhere more important, you can start tomorrow to comply with all the advice you just gave. :cool:

...said the n00b. I've been sourcing since before you got here sport.

BTW- why aren't you on the Perry (R) thread?
its common courtesy/netiqueete. :eusa_eh: How many msg boards have you been on anyway sport? On the 5+ I've been on, its the Righties/Randians/lolibertarians that are the ones that consistently have NOT provided proof, to back up their statements, unless they are backed in the corner.

Figures you'd be hanging in the alleyways and darkly lit areas. Can see that from your avi.


Now that you've found USMB -- while you're here and not somewhere more important, you can start tomorrow to comply with all the advice you just gave. :cool:

...said the n00b. I've been sourcing since before you got here sport.

BTW- why aren't you on the Perry (R) thread?

Oooh, more dirt eh?? I'll be right over.. (maybe)

This is just too easy.

Exactly...if it was sourced, it would be easy to verify.

Plus, folks would discover what they thought they know wasn't so.

Here is the source.

Only 323 murders were committed by any rifle in 2011...plus previous years

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murders? Deaths?

Same thing?

I am two steps ahead of you. Quit while you are behind.

Weapon Used ---- HANDS ----- ===== 769... Now there's a relevent comparison..

Are you really ahead? The title of the table is HOMICIDE. That means roughly "dead people" whether it was an accident or on purpose.. Now I don't know if a Suicide is officially an FBI Homicide --- but they are HOMO -- CIDED at any rate in the English language....
It just seems so idiotic that this medium provides people to hyperbolic opinions, exaggerated claims, gross hysterical statements without any sourcing! I generally not all the time as in the case of this post have some sort of link to support my contention.

For example the FACTS that the MSM is biased and protects OBAMA is based on three separate sources:

1) There were 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. an average contribution of $880. By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

2) Now these same donors/news people of the stories about Romney in the 2012 campaign, 71% were NEGATIVE!!! 7 out of 10 stories presented a negative image of Romney.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

3) Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But that will never happen under Obama because this same editor's his response about Obama???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -
- Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas — Newsweek's Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, May 12, 1996.

Thomas' assertion of 85% reporters vote Democratic is backed up by:
"MSNBC.com identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics | NBC News

All sorts of sources to back up the FACTS there is a Mainstream Media liberal bias! So for all you people on this forum... don't you think the Moderators should require facts before opinions are so wrongly spouted based on NO FACTS?

Maybe the bias is based on intellect, maybe most conservatives aren't intelligent enough to qualify for a job as a journalist? Did that ever cross your mind? I've read too many of your posts to put you in the drawer as one of the sharpest people who post here often.

Hey I would never say "corpse-man" but that doesn't make me smarter then Obama! I unlike Obama know there are not 57 states but I'd never say I'm smarter but it appears that YOU like Obama have an aversion to understanding numbers!

For example.. "85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC or 1,160 (85%) contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

So obviously you don't seem to know 85% is bigger then 15% or it means the people that gave to Obama/Democrats just might not be as professional as you
naively think and when it comes time for a story positive about GOP... hmmm... no let's go with Obama shooting hoops!" Yea Americans enjoy that!

But remember the MSM and idiots like you really believe Obama is a God... proof ?

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
Just curious, but how do you source an opinion? :dunno:

OK ... a little primer for you...
I have an opinion that YOU don't know what sourcing means.. RIGHT?
Source for my opinion:
Just curious, but how do you source an opinion? :dunno:

I see. So, tell me how I would go about sourcing the following opinions I hold...

1) In my opinion, scotch whiskey tastes terrible.

2) In my opinion, my 2008 Lincoln MKZ rides nicer than the 2013 model I test drove.

3) In my opinion, this board's software runs faster when rdean and TM are away on vacation.

This is just too easy.

Exactly...if it was sourced, it would be easy to verify.

Plus, folks would discover what they thought they know wasn't so.

Here is the source.

Only 323 murders were committed by any rifle in 2011...plus previous years

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murders? Deaths?

Same thing?

I am two steps ahead of you. Quit while you are behind.

Go back to the OP, and reread.

Just curious, but how do you source an opinion? :dunno:

Not the opinion, but the supporting facts.


Opinion: I think assault weapons should be banned because millions of Americans are murdered by assault weapons!!!!! ( <----notice the five exclamation points, a sure sign of insanity)

Fact: 323 Americans total were killed by all rifles in 2011.

The fact REFERS to the validity of the opinion which specifically referenced murder.

You are in fact two steps behind.

Try some critical thinking exercises.

Consider twice, post once.
Are you really using Tucker Carlson's "Daily Caller" as a source?

That would be equivalent to someone on the left using either Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore or Karl Marx as a source.

Big media is owned by 10 or 12 mega-corporations. Those mega-corporations share one thing: they want lower taxes and fewer regulation; meaning: they hate the Left. They only "play ball" with the Left because they have to, especially on election years when they know the conservative candidate does not have a great chance of winning.

Here is a story about how the majority of columnists for daily newspapers are conservative.
Black and White and Re(a)d All Over:The Conservative Advantage in Syndicated Op-Ed Columns | Report | Media Matters for America | Media Matters for America

The problem with "sources" is that each party now spends billions a year inventing their own facts.

Do you know how long it took for all the information to come out about Reagan's unprecedented spending or his selling weapons to terrorists? There are pockets of voters on the Right who still don't know the truth about any of this. Why? Because they are 100% trapped inside media "sources" that lie about things like who controls the media and who owns the government.
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The whole concept of sources has become a joke.

Rightwing sources claimed that ObamaCare would have forced individuals to appear in front of "Death Panels" which would determine if the individual was "worthy" of living. Indeed, when Palin made this claim, she cited Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 as proof. The entire rightwing machine picked up the story and reported it as true, yet nobody read the bill or cited language from the bill. These rightwing media outlets used an original source that was false, yet they reported it as fact - and then, people like the original poster cited these "facts" as well "sourced". It was a joke. It's still a joke.

Consequently, the Rightwing propaganda machine blanketed the nation with a false story about how the mentally disabled and old people would be marched in front of Nazi-like death panels. The result would be that children with down syndrome (like Sarah Palin's child) would be selected for slaughter because an Obama Bureaucrat decided that the handicapped were not worth saving.

This heavily "sourced" story turned out to be a pack of lies. The language in Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 says NOTHING about mandatory death panels. It stipulated that the individual be given an option for a counseling session on living wills, advance directives, health care proxies and end-of-life options. It gave the individual more control over his end of life care, and empowered him to decide things like whether or not to be kept alive by machine; and it gave him the option of deciding which family member to empower as a health care advocate in the event of an emergency. All of these things are voluntary and they were originally proposed by a Republican. They are completely benign. Meanwhile, the Rightwing propaganda machine lied about it, and the original poster repeated those lies. And now he wants to keep using the same sources.

God help us.
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The whole concept of sources has become a joke.

Rightwing sources claimed that ObamaCare would have forced individuals to appear in front of "Death Panels" which would determine if the individual was "worthy" of living. Indeed, when Palin made this claim, she cited Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 as proof. The entire rightwing machine picked up the story and reported it as true, yet nobody read the bill or cited language from the bill. These sources merely reported their distortions and misinterpretationss as facts - and then, people like the original poster cited these lies as a "source".

Consequently, the Rightwing propaganda machine blanketed the nation with a false story about how the mentally disabled and the old would be marched in front of Nazi-like death panels. The result would be that children with down syndrome (like Sarah Palin's child) would be selected for slaughter because an Obama Bureaucrat decided that the handicapped were not worth saving.

This heavily "sourced" story turned out to be a pack of lies. The language in Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 stipulated the mere option for counseling about living wills, advance directives, health care proxies and end-of-life options, e.g., the decision to be kept alive by machine; the decision on which family member to empower as one's health care advocate in the event of an emergency. All of it voluntary. Meanwhile, the Rightwing propaganda machine lied about it, and the original poster repeated those lies. And now he wants to keep using the same sources.

God help us.

Thing w/ righties is they take what is given to them by their media (Fox & am radio) as the gospel :eusa_pray: They consequently never bother to check it for accuracy.
Just curious, but how do you source an opinion? :dunno:

OK ... a little primer for you...
I have an opinion that YOU don't know what sourcing means.. RIGHT?
Source for my opinion:
Just curious, but how do you source an opinion? :dunno:

I see. So, tell me how I would go about sourcing the following opinions I hold...

1) In my opinion, scotch whiskey tastes terrible.

2) In my opinion, my 2008 Lincoln MKZ rides nicer than the 2013 model I test drove.

3) In my opinion, this board's software runs faster when rdean and TM are away on vacation.

Takes a lot of moxy to ask where people source their opinions on this board....chuckle
Takes a lot of moxy to ask where people source their opinions on this board....chuckle


Buttt, buttttt, several posters in this thread and some band members do it already.
They just claim their opinion is fact.

I see. So, tell me how I would go about sourcing the following opinions I hold...

1) In my opinion, scotch whiskey tastes terrible.

2) In my opinion, my 2008 Lincoln MKZ rides nicer than the 2013 model I test drove.

3) In my opinion, this board's software runs faster when rdean and TM are away on vacation.

1) link to a study
2) ^^^^
3) pfffttt, everyone already knows that one! :eusa_angel:
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Actually, this is a very good topic. {already sourced}

Whether the source be opinion or fact a source would in the very least provide us the mindset of the OP.
OK ... a little primer for you...
I have an opinion that YOU don't know what sourcing means.. RIGHT?
Source for my opinion:

I see. So, tell me how I would go about sourcing the following opinions I hold...

1) In my opinion, scotch whiskey tastes terrible.

2) In my opinion, my 2008 Lincoln MKZ rides nicer than the 2013 model I test drove.

3) In my opinion, this board's software runs faster when rdean and TM are away on vacation.

Takes a lot of moxy to ask where people source their opinions on this board....chuckle

Adding IMOpinion to an assertion could help. But if you make a broad sweeping assertion that "Obama is better than Bush on the Patriot Act" --- EVEN ADDING those little words wouldn't change the worthliness of that assertion.. Unless you back it up...

Because the obvious next step in the dance is for someone to say --- "why do you say that"?
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I see. So, tell me how I would go about sourcing the following opinions I hold...

1) In my opinion, scotch whiskey tastes terrible.

2) In my opinion, my 2008 Lincoln MKZ rides nicer than the 2013 model I test drove.

3) In my opinion, this board's software runs faster when rdean and TM are away on vacation.

Takes a lot of moxy to ask where people source their opinions on this board....chuckle

Adding IMOpinion to an assertion could help.

Or IMA, but people seldom type that.
Uh, I'm pretty sure the point of the OP is that when people make stupid claims (like abortion prevents child abuse) and present them as fact, they be asked to provide SOMETHING that shows they aren't just talking out their asses.

It would force the lefties to stop spouting ridiculous mob slogans and then saying "look it up yourself you know it's true" and suchlike.
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