I propose zip codes can only be declared a disaster area once for a type of disaster.

The Constitution doesn't mandate that if I recall and its one step harsher than I think is necessary..

The Constitution provides the full list of Congressional powers in ArtoI Section 8. Nothing in there gives them power to deal with storm or weather disasters.
The Constitution doesn't mandate that if I recall and its one step harsher than I think is necessary..

The Constitution provides the full list of Congressional powers in ArtoI Section 8. Nothing in there gives them power to deal with storm or weather disasters.

Ah, an article 8 person. That ship sailed a long time ago thanks to someone goofing and including the "general welfare" clause.

BTW, I believe Obamacare was unconstitutional but needed.

I believe the states did have the right to succeed from the union but it was best that Lincoln got them back and smashed slavery into the ground. (not to mention the benefits of a strong United States in the 20th Century wars.
Ah, an article 8 person. That ship sailed a long time ago thanks to someone goofing and including the "general welfare" clause.

If that's your arguement then you don't have sufficient reading comprehension to understand the Article and Section and there's no point in continuing this conversation,

My phone did that to a quote I made earlier.

Maybe, a lot of folks have used it as an excuse a lot of times though.

In general, think we can get ppl behind my idea? It would be a way of limiting the disaster funds given out even if it doesn't quite hit your goal it gets us closer?
1"]Maybe, a lot of folks have used it as an excuse a lot of times though.

In general, think we can get ppl behind my idea? It would be a way of limiting the disaster funds given out even if it doesn't quite hit your goal it gets us closer?

Article I, Section 8 is not an Excuse. It's the law of the land and has been since the latter days of the 18th Century. The Excuse is the "General Welfare" and "Common Defense" proponents who fail the basic logic test of understanding that the 18 items listed below that phrase DEFINE general welfare and common defense. So if it isn't in those 18 items, it's unconstitutional.

I don't believe we can. One side will claim we need to help everyone, every time it happens, the other side (tax payers) will tell you that we shouldn't be paying for it at all.
Being pro-small government, wanting to do things that make Americans more competitive and wanting to make ppl self sufficient I would like to make each zip code across the nation only eligible for disaster aid once for any one type of disaster.

If you get earthquaked and your home falls in Uncle Sam will buy it from you once. The second time, nope.

If your home floods once, great, we will keep this surprise from removing you from the middle class. Second time I might not even send a helicopter to save you. That's what your state's National Guard is for, go pay them.

This should slowly encourage folks to build homes which are appropriate for their environment or move someplace that is safe.

This should make small government folks happy for the obvious reasons. This should make the huggies happy because I'm removing folks from harm's way. This may anger some construction companies at first though.

Give me some criticism and constructive advice please.
I like the thrust of the idea. However, there are some other considerations. In tornado alley, some dome homes have survived F-5 tornadoes with little damage. But they are very expensive to build. And we already have a crisis nationwide concerning affordable housing. So, how do we handle that?

The sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate. That means there are areas in which we can no longer build homes. So, where do we build now? Where do we put these people?

I think you are on the right track, but we need a lot of wiggle room for individual areas, and some new thinking concerning how we can finance the building of structures that can withstand repetitious disasters at a price that the nation and the working people can afford. As for creating policy, I will leave that to the policy wonks, as it will take many brilliant minds to hammer out a policy that addresses this problem on a national basis.
Being pro-small government, wanting to do things that make Americans more competitive and wanting to make ppl self sufficient I would like to make each zip code across the nation only eligible for disaster aid once for any one type of disaster.

If you get earthquaked and your home falls in Uncle Sam will buy it from you once. The second time, nope.

If your home floods once, great, we will keep this surprise from removing you from the middle class. Second time I might not even send a helicopter to save you. That's what your state's National Guard is for, go pay them.

This should slowly encourage folks to build homes which are appropriate for their environment or move someplace that is safe.

This should make small government folks happy for the obvious reasons. This should make the huggies happy because I'm removing folks from harm's way. This may anger some construction companies at first though.

Give me some criticism and constructive advice please.

So where would 300 million people live???

Not a place safe on earth.
How does that address the problem that he is attempting to get input on? I have two homes that are over 100 years old, and neither have ever been severely damaged by a natural disaster. There are areas that have frequent natural disasters, and others that those are very rare. But the areas that have frequent natural disasters are also areas where people live, and produce items that we all need. So, address what the OP is talking about. Creating a way to avoid having to do major rebuilding every time that a disaster, like a hurricane or tornado, comes through.

You can’t live on the Gulf Coast or Southern Atlantic States.....Hurricanes
Can’t live in California.....Earthquakes and Wildfires
Can’t live in Prarie States......Tornadoes
Can’t live up north........Blizards
Can’t live in Texas, Louisiana, River Country....Floods

Who does that leave ??
Really, we need to consider ideas that create buildings that can easily survive those hazards. Toronado has a very good point. Why keep rebuilding things that will be destroyed the next time a repititious disaster strikes? We know how to build for them, it is a matter of making it affordable for our people.
1"]Maybe, a lot of folks have used it as an excuse a lot of times though.

In general, think we can get ppl behind my idea? It would be a way of limiting the disaster funds given out even if it doesn't quite hit your goal it gets us closer?

Article I, Section 8 is not an Excuse. It's the law of the land and has been since the latter days of the 18th Century. The Excuse is the "General Welfare" and "Common Defense" proponents who fail the basic logic test of understanding that the 18 items listed below that phrase DEFINE general welfare and common defense. So if it isn't in those 18 items, it's unconstitutional.

I don't believe we can. One side will claim we need to help everyone, every time it happens, the other side (tax payers) will tell you that we shouldn't be paying for it at all.

Americans vote to help communities that suffer from a disaster

If you want to vote “screw em” ...you are free to do so
Better idea - Let’s go with the Constitutional option: No disaster relief at all.
Fuck you, you selfish old bastard. We are America, we do help each other when disaster strikes. The point is to make that help less needed. The areas hit by a natural disaster would still need aid in repairing infrastructure damage. But where the people live, in houses and apartments, can be made to withstand the known disasters. The problem, as always, is the cost. And that needs to be addressed. I believe that is what Toronado wants to see from the rest of us.
Americans vote to help communities that suffer from a disaster

If you want to vote “screw em” ...you are free to do so

Real Americans and their communities wouldn’t be begging the Federal Government for help.

I vote “Scree Them” all the time.
Better idea - Let’s go with the Constitutional option: No disaster relief at all.
Fuck you, you selfish old bastard. We are America, we do help each other when disaster strikes. The point is to make that help less needed. The areas hit by a natural disaster would still need aid in repairing infrastructure damage. But where the people live, in houses and apartments, can be made to withstand the known disasters. The problem, as always, is the cost. And that needs to be addressed. I believe that is what Toronado wants to see from the rest of us.
Nothing in the Constitution prohibits disaster relief
Being pro-small government, wanting to do things that make Americans more competitive and wanting to make ppl self sufficient I would like to make each zip code across the nation only eligible for disaster aid once for any one type of disaster.

If you get earthquaked and your home falls in Uncle Sam will buy it from you once. The second time, nope.

If your home floods once, great, we will keep this surprise from removing you from the middle class. Second time I might not even send a helicopter to save you. That's what your state's National Guard is for, go pay them.

This should slowly encourage folks to build homes which are appropriate for their environment or move someplace that is safe.

This should make small government folks happy for the obvious reasons. This should make the huggies happy because I'm removing folks from harm's way. This may anger some construction companies at first though.

Give me some criticism and constructive advice please.
I like the thrust of the idea. However, there are some other considerations. In tornado alley, some dome homes have survived F-5 tornadoes with little damage. But they are very expensive to build. And we already have a crisis nationwide concerning affordable housing. So, how do we handle that?

The sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate. That means there are areas in which we can no longer build homes. So, where do we build now? Where do we put these people?

I think you are on the right track, but we need a lot of wiggle room for individual areas, and some new thinking concerning how we can finance the building of structures that can withstand repetitious disasters at a price that the nation and the working people can afford. As for creating policy, I will leave that to the policy wonks, as it will take many brilliant minds to hammer out a policy that addresses this problem on a national basis.

Drive through Illinois or Missouri, there is no shortage of land in America despite what my neighbors who ask for state aid to build in the flood plain say.

Tornadoes are an interesting point and one I'm familiar with. Joplin MO proper got hit pretty hard by one several years back. Generally they come by and hit this or that house or neighborhood and are not community ruining events. They're terrifying if you get hit by one, I even had a little F0 kill some trees across the street from em then lift over my home only tearing some branches off a Bradford Pear and Box Elder. Still, I'm not saying we're not going to let Joplin get its disaster aid. We're just going to only give it to them once.

Is that too rough?
Being pro-small government, wanting to do things that make Americans more competitive and wanting to make ppl self sufficient I would like to make each zip code across the nation only eligible for disaster aid once for any one type of disaster.

If you get earthquaked and your home falls in Uncle Sam will buy it from you once. The second time, nope.

If your home floods once, great, we will keep this surprise from removing you from the middle class. Second time I might not even send a helicopter to save you. That's what your state's National Guard is for, go pay them.

This should slowly encourage folks to build homes which are appropriate for their environment or move someplace that is safe.

This should make small government folks happy for the obvious reasons. This should make the huggies happy because I'm removing folks from harm's way. This may anger some construction companies at first though.

Give me some criticism and constructive advice please.
I like the thrust of the idea. However, there are some other considerations. In tornado alley, some dome homes have survived F-5 tornadoes with little damage. But they are very expensive to build. And we already have a crisis nationwide concerning affordable housing. So, how do we handle that?

The sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate. That means there are areas in which we can no longer build homes. So, where do we build now? Where do we put these people?

I think you are on the right track, but we need a lot of wiggle room for individual areas, and some new thinking concerning how we can finance the building of structures that can withstand repetitious disasters at a price that the nation and the working people can afford. As for creating policy, I will leave that to the policy wonks, as it will take many brilliant minds to hammer out a policy that addresses this problem on a national basis.

Drive through Illinois or Missouri, there is no shortage of land in America despite what my neighbors who ask for state aid to build in the flood plain say.

Tornadoes are an interesting point and one I'm familiar with. Joplin MO proper got hit pretty hard by one several years back. Generally they come by and hit this or that house or neighborhood and are not community ruining events. They're terrifying if you get hit by one, I even had a little F0 kill some trees across the street from em then lift over my home only tearing some branches off a Bradford Pear and Box Elder. Still, I'm not saying we're not going to let Joplin get its disaster aid. We're just going to only give it to them once.

Is that too rough?
It is if we do not address the problem of building strong enough at an affordable rate so that people have homes. This is the problem as present. And a home in Illinois does nothing for the farmer that lost his home to flood near Houston. Again, this is more than one problem, and will not be solved by one simple solution.
Real Americans help those who need helping....even you

1. I don’t take charity, from anyone, under any circumstance.

2. Real Americans provide assistance through private charities not the Government. If you’re taking my tax dollars through Government assistance then don’t expect me to give you anything. You’ve already gotten from my wallet.

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