I really feel that prejudice and discrimination is not an important issue

Whatever level of importance that is assigned to prejudice and discrimination, the question is how to address it.

Should it be addressed at all? It is one of the things about living in a society that allows people to be free. Why can't we discriminate?
Whatever level of importance that is assigned to prejudice and discrimination, the question is how to address it.

Should it be addressed at all? It is one of the things about living in a society that allows people to be free. Why can't we discriminate?
America was founded on the (imperfectly expressed) ideal that all men are created equal. When Americans are allowed to discriminate against each other, it curtails that right for others. Our rights end at the end of our nose, not when they negatively affect others.
Whatever level of importance that is assigned to prejudice and discrimination, the question is how to address it.
Should it be addressed at all? It is one of the things about living in a society that allows people to be free. Why can't we discriminate?
Well, as with pretty much everything else, it depends, life exists on a continuum.

There is prejudice and discrimination that is more benign, such as somebody who is a, uh, dick. Whether I like them or not, I'll defend someone's right to be a dick, because dickery and being on the receiving end of dickery are essentially subjective in nature.

But then there is discrimination that is more punitive, specific and definable, such as not renting an apartment to a minority or not approving a loan for a minority.

So a society has to make decisions along that continuum. And then, the aggrieved party can decide whether they want to leverage the law or not in any given instance. They may just brush it off.
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It seems that the WH trying to enforce those standards is causing a great deal of opposition at the moment. At least according to legislation attempted and enacted by some states. And I don't believe the majority of opposition is being raised by people recently coming to the place.

You have the paradigm reversed, sweetie.

This Administration and a large number of States are among the individuals and organizations most thoroughly refusing to accept the proper Standards this nation was founded on. They are, in fact, on the side of those who have chosen not to assimilate and hate everything this nation was intended to be.

Now don't fret too much. The Men will fix the problem while you ladies go back to your embroidery and cooking.
America was founded on the (imperfectly expressed) ideal that all men are created equal. When Americans are allowed to discriminate against each other, it curtails that right for others. Our rights end at the end of our nose, not when they negatively affect others.

American Rights drop off sharply when you're not an American; and those who refuse to assimilate to American culture are not Americans in my mind.
Naw, prejudice and discrimination don't exist in this country anymore! LOL
America was founded on the (imperfectly expressed) ideal that all men are created equal. When Americans are allowed to discriminate against each other, it curtails that right for others. Our rights end at the end of our nose, not when they negatively affect others.

American Rights drop off sharply when you're not an American; and those who refuse to assimilate to American culture are not Americans in my mind.
Immigrants weren't what this thread was about. Immigrants and assimilation and what to do about it are a different kettle of fish. I'm more interested in what people have to say about where our rights end and others' begin when it comes to discrimination.
Immigrants weren't what this thread was about. Immigrants and assimilation and what to do about it are a different kettle of fish. I'm more interested in what people have to say about where our rights end and others' begin when it comes to discrimination.

Very simply, my right to discriminate against you ends when I do physical harm to you or do material damage to your personage. So long as you have alternative options to get or do something, my business and I should not be required to cater to you.
Whatever level of importance that is assigned to prejudice and discrimination, the question is how to address it.

Should it be addressed at all? It is one of the things about living in a society that allows people to be free. Why can't we discriminate?
I agree that prejudice is an ugly trait that is inherent in humans and that it will never completely go away. But I don't agree that those are valid reasons to abandon efforts to train humans to act with civility.

I think the root problem (judging others based on physical appearance) will never be appropriately addressed because it is my experience that most humans can't admit they are capable of being so shallow. They can accept the idea they might be racist, sexist, etc but they get visibly upset when it is suggested their behavior is driven by how tall or short someone is. Or the size of the woman's breasts, the muscles on the man, pimples, buck teeth, beautiful, ugly, fit, fat, etc.

But that's why we need to always strive for improvement. We will never stop rape or murder either, but that is no reason to just give up on the idea of a society with morals and ethics that support the concept of civil treatment towards all.
The first thing I am going to say is that discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, happens. I don't know how often but I know it does happen. It just isn't an important issue because no matter what laws we have in place it is always going to exist somewhere in this country. It is just inevitable that when you have so many different groups in this country that they will have some prejudice from time to time. I don't know why this is such an important issue or why it ever was in the first place.

It is vitally important....to the democrat party...it is the only way the keep minorities voting for them....without the race card the democrat party would never win elections.
I understand what you mean. As a white male I experience very little prejudice in my life. But when you're the one experiencing the prejudice I'm sure it's much different. I don't think it a race issue. I don't think it's an American issue. It's a human issue.

I have a friend who travels around Europe and Asia for business...he is amazed at the racism he sees in those countries...and it is just accepted as the norm........without any concern by the people he meets and he actually asks them about it.....they don't see it as a problem....

Only here did we take it on......and then the democrats use it to keep minorities under their thumb....
I understand what you mean. As a white male I experience very little prejudice in my life. But when you're the one experiencing the prejudice I'm sure it's much different. I don't think it a race issue. I don't think it's an American issue. It's a human issue.
You can't help how you were born as to race and gender. But what behaviors you engage in, you have to take responsibility for. And you can't expect a red carpet from everyone, especially if your behaviors are socially repugnant.
I understand what you mean. As a white male I experience very little prejudice in my life. But when you're the one experiencing the prejudice I'm sure it's much different. I don't think it a race issue. I don't think it's an American issue. It's a human issue.

I don't really know if that is true considering that more and more non-whites are being promoted into places with authority. You kind of assume you can't be discriminated against because you are white but how do you know for sure?

Well, we have an affirmative-action president, and look where that got us... If I had my way, all job applications would be blind, based completely on checking references and qualifications only. Then if you wanted to get ahead, you'd have to prove up on it....not just ride along like a dead ass on your skin color or gender.
I understand what you mean. As a white male I experience very little prejudice in my life. But when you're the one experiencing the prejudice I'm sure it's much different. I don't think it a race issue. I don't think it's an American issue. It's a human issue.

I have a friend who travels around Europe and Asia for business...he is amazed at the racism he sees in those countries...and it is just accepted as the norm........without any concern by the people he meets and he actually asks them about it.....they don't see it as a problem....

Only here did we take it on......and then the democrats use it to keep minorities under their thumb....
Yes, and where are the hotbeds of jihadi terrorism? Europe, where the accepted racism has alienated its Muslim immigrants for generations. Works good, hey? If you think it's so cool, Guy, by all means move there.
I think the root problem (judging others based on physical appearance) will never be appropriately addressed because it is my experience that most humans can't admit they are capable of being so shallow. They can accept the idea they might be racist, sexist, etc but they get visibly upset when it is suggested their behavior is driven by how tall or short someone is. Or the size of the woman's breasts, the muscles on the man, pimples, buck teeth, beautiful, ugly, fit, fat, etc....

As someone who has been discriminated against based on my appearance for my entire life (42 years); I find those who do it provide me with an insight into themselves that I have used numerous times to my benefit.
The first thing I am going to say is that discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, happens. I don't know how often but I know it does happen. It just isn't an important issue because no matter what laws we have in place it is always going to exist somewhere in this country. It is just inevitable that when you have so many different groups in this country that they will have some prejudice from time to time. I don't know why this is such an important issue or why it ever was in the first place.
Wait...didn't you just start another thread about being excluded and cried about it?

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