I really feel that prejudice and discrimination is not an important issue

Maybe it's more important to the people who are discriminated against than those who aren't. One of the good things about humans is that they sometimes try to improve themselves and their society according to higher ideals, like equality and fairness. It isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, and it will never work 100% of the time, but without ideals, where would we be?

I've been discriminated many times because I happen to be extremely overweight. I'm talking Jabba the fucking hut and haven't-seen-my-penis-in-a-while type obesity. It is hard getting a good job because of that. Does anyone think that is an important issue in this society? I don't see anyone running to my defense but I suspect that is because no one has figured out how to create a feeling of class-consciousness between the obese and the thin. I'm sure someone will think of it one day and we will see obese blobs chanting 'no donuts, no peace'.
I need to ask...how do you know you've been discriminated against because of your weight?
The first thing I am going to say is that discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, happens. I don't know how often but I know it does happen. It just isn't an important issue because no matter what laws we have in place it is always going to exist somewhere in this country. It is just inevitable that when you have so many different groups in this country that they will have some prejudice from time to time. I don't know why this is such an important issue or why it ever was in the first place.

It is vitally important....to the democrat party...it is the only way the keep minorities voting for them....without the race card the democrat party would never win elections.
So is that why there are so many minorities in the white christian party ? Blacks , Jews, Latinos, Asians
I know you are the figment of some poster's imagination; I just don't know whose.

Nope. I'm as real as you are, honey. I know that scares you and the rest of your PC fanatics. You don't understand how the Old Ways can continue to exist under the assault you folks constantly muster against us. We will never go away. The Old Ways will never die.
I think the root problem (judging others based on physical appearance) will never be appropriately addressed because it is my experience that most humans can't admit they are capable of being so shallow. They can accept the idea they might be racist, sexist, etc but they get visibly upset when it is suggested their behavior is driven by how tall or short someone is. Or the size of the woman's breasts, the muscles on the man, pimples, buck teeth, beautiful, ugly, fit, fat, etc....

As someone who has been discriminated against based on my appearance for my entire life (42 years); I find those who do it provide me with an insight into themselves that I have used numerous times to my benefit.
I completely agree that people reveal a lot by their treatment of others. I also use that incite to my advantage but I can't say it has been an enjoyable life.

I find it disappointing and disturbing just how many people will treat others badly simply because of the way they were born. Many are judged long before there is an opportunity to reveal thoughts or exhibit behaviors. It is equally disturbing to see humans grasp at labelling people they can't see but whose thoughts and opinions are known. The wonders of the web.
I know you are the figment of some poster's imagination; I just don't know whose.

Nope. I'm as real as you are, honey. I know that scares you and the rest of your PC fanatics. You don't understand how the Old Ways can continue to exist under the assault you folks constantly muster against us. We will never go away. The Old Ways will never die.
Sorry. Not buyin' it. Good try, though.
I completely agree that people reveal a lot by their treatment of others. I also use that incite to my advantage but I can't say it has been an enjoyable life.

Life was never intended to be enjoyed. It's a test of the Soul, not a vacation.
"I really feel that prejudice and discrimination is not an important issue"

The first thing I am going to say is that discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, happens. I don't know how often but I know it does happen. It just isn't an important issue because no matter what laws we have in place it is always going to exist somewhere in this country. It is just inevitable that when you have so many different groups in this country that they will have some prejudice from time to time. I don't know why this is such an important issue or why it ever was in the first place.
Prejudice and discrimination happen as a consequence of fear and ignorance, and the unwarranted believe that a given minority exists as some sort of ‘threat.’

And the issue isn’t about laws put into place to combat prejudice and discrimination, but laws put into place that seek to disadvantage minorities for no other reason than who they are, such as North Carolina’s measure intended to discriminate against transgender Americans.

It’s an important issue because prejudice and discrimination run counter to who we are as a people, both conflict with the fundamental tenets of our Nation, and when government facilitates prejudice and discrimination through force of law, it does so in violation of the Constitution and rule of law.

Of course bigotry, racism, fear, hate, and ignorance will always be with us, there will always be fearful, ignorant racists and bigots expressing their ignorance and hate as they have every right to do.

But that doesn’t ‘justify’ codifying that bigotry, racism, and hate as a matter of law, nor does it absolve citizens of good faith of the responsibility to denounce and oppose prejudice and discrimination in the context of private society as they likewise have every right to do.
I completely agree that people reveal a lot by their treatment of others. I also use that incite to my advantage but I can't say it has been an enjoyable life.

Life was never intended to be enjoyed. It's a test of the Soul, not a vacation.
Oh horse shit......If you have not enjoyed any part of your life it's because you don't want to....
Oh horse shit......If you have not enjoyed any part of your life it's because you don't want to....

I never said life was without enjoyment. I said the point of life has never been enjoyment. There's a major difference between the two concepts.
"I really feel that prejudice and discrimination is not an important issue"

The first thing I am going to say is that discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, happens. I don't know how often but I know it does happen. It just isn't an important issue because no matter what laws we have in place it is always going to exist somewhere in this country. It is just inevitable that when you have so many different groups in this country that they will have some prejudice from time to time. I don't know why this is such an important issue or why it ever was in the first place.
Prejudice and discrimination happen as a consequence of fear and ignorance, and the unwarranted believe that a given minority exists as some sort of ‘threat.’

And the issue isn’t about laws put into place to combat prejudice and discrimination, but laws put into place that seek to disadvantage minorities for no other reason than who they are, such as North Carolina’s measure intended to discriminate against transgender Americans.

It’s an important issue because prejudice and discrimination run counter to who we are as a people, both conflict with the fundamental tenets of our Nation, and when government facilitates prejudice and discrimination through force of law, it does so in violation of the Constitution and rule of law.

Of course bigotry, racism, fear, hate, and ignorance will always be with us, there will always be fearful, ignorant racists and bigots expressing their ignorance and hate as they have every right to do.

But that doesn’t ‘justify’ codifying that bigotry, racism, and hate as a matter of law, nor does it absolve citizens of good faith of the responsibility to denounce and oppose prejudice and discrimination in the context of private society as they likewise have every right to do.

C_Clayton_Jones got it right!

The whole reason it's a big topic in America is because we, as a society, don't feel that unbridled prejudice is acceptable in our society.

It exists everywhere and some find it acceptable to outwardly exhibit prejudice. I don't deny these things but I do wonder if that is what we want in America. The level of debate in this country would seem to indicate most of us don't believe that openly prejudicial behavior is socially acceptable.

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