I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

We see that here on the forum where some say gender has nothing to do with biological differences. To me, it's all and excuse to groom young children to become homosexual in order to have a new crop of homosexual sex toys.

But not on the side of white Americans. Your birth rates have declined as has your share of the American population so dont go throwing stones at gays Mr. Glass house. The largest growing demographic are mixed race babies and that's partly because when white people do decide to have children, often times it's with people of a different race. Between you morons deciding for yourselves to choose ignorance over education, being totally unappealing as mates and your codification of birth right citizenship as a Constitutionally law it seems the only thing a brother has to do to help take your country from you is show up on shore. 😆

That's right guy. You tell em. You don't need you no education. All you need is the Bible. 😄
1. You assume too much. I am not 100% "white". I'm 50/50 white/Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently.
2. I don't throw stones at homos, but I do tell the truth about them, that they are contrary-to-nature pervert lunatics.
3. Whites only very rarely have kids with those of other races,
4. Whites are more appealing as mates, than those of other races (better looking and more accomplished throughout history)
5. As long as screwballs like Biden is in power, foreigners WILL take this country by showing up here.
6. And the correct grammar is >> you don't need ANY education .... looks like YOU need some more education. Back to the 4th grade for you.
I won’t pretend to understand what a person with gender dysphoria goes through nor will I enter the fight on whether “man” or “woman” are definable as this is an exercise in futility.

However, I will say that to those on the “Gender and sex are not always black and white” side, this potentially opens up a whole new can of worms in the wider PC, social justice and wokeism debate landscape.

If gender is not biologically concrete and a person should be referred to as the gender they identify as then it stands to reason that Jackson’s race is not definite either; if gender cannot be biologically determined then neither can race.

That being the case, I can say I identify as anything other than white and thus, by current wokeist criteria, I can remove myself from any considerations regarding reparations, white fragility, microagressions and white systemic racism.

As for gender dysphoria itself, I’m afraid I can’t give special considerations to these people when I know that millions of people deal with some form of mental illness or social phobia every day.

My mother was a manic depressive and schizophrenic most of her adult life and I and my siblings all bear the emotional scars.
I suffer mild depression myself and spent most of my life feeling unloveable and incapable of measuring up until I finally got help a few years ago.

I have a niece who is bipolar and has her own difficulties. I’ve also noticed (it seems to me anyway) that more and more young people today suffer from anxiety. It seems we have an entire generation that is incapable of dealing with failure and disappointment.

The point of all this is that people with gender dysphoria do not have the market cornered on mental illness or its impacts and do not deserve special attention.
Furthermore, it's a baldfaced lie that you don't consider it your job to demand that people think, feel, and say what you want. In fact, you advocate for people being punished for not acceding to the demands of your agenda, which is actually what you just said: "I advocate for your lack of empathy to be returned in kind and that for racists and bigots to be shunned and ridiculed and pushed to the fringes of society where we can all watch you and culture go extinct." So if you if want to tell yourself you're not a nascent bully and tyrant because, "I don't want to force anyone to do anything. I just want to ruin their lives if they don't. That's not force, right?" you go right ahead and lie to yourself.
1. What's wrong with bullying racists and bigots? 😄 As long as we can paint your lot as racists and bigots the vast majority will be okay with you being treated like shit.

2. That isn't force nor is it a demand, it's a social negotiation. You can learn to act right or you and yours can be shamed, ridiculed and shunned by society at large until you and your culture go extinct.
No, my questions are not arguments. That's why they're called "questions".
I was just wondering if you were going to get around to making one.
The updates to the DSM-5 were released in December. They noticeably didn't feel the need to "rethink" gender dysphoria. Like it or not, but the DSM-5 is still the standard in medical and psychiatric practice. Trust the science, isn't that your mantra?
It being listed in the DSM-5 isn't evidence that it is a mental illness, just that it is listed on the DSM-5. For instance some Trans people argue for it remaining because it legitamizes gender dysphoria as a real condition which allows for them to receive treatment for it from their insurance. Also you'ew wrong, they did "rethink" it because it used to be listed as GID (gender identity disorder) and they switched it to gender dysphoria specifically changing the language from disorder.
Sorry, but "they have to take hormones" is YOUR straw man that you just made up to try to force on me. I don't care if they take hormones or not. MY point is, has been, and ever shall be that THEY AREN'T THE OPPOSITE SEX. I couldn't care less about "trying to prevent trans people from happening", except in the sense of not talking to little children about how they "might" be. THAT is over the line, and I won't apologize for saying so. And I won't apologize to YOU for anything.
I'm not asking for your apology. I'm actually happy to watch you clowns act like unrepentant bigots, it really pushes the rest of society to get off their asses and deal with you clowns. Also I've never said anyone had to take hormones, in don't even know where you think you got that from. Trans individuals should decide for themselves what level of transitioning they want to do or whether or not they want to transition at all.
I don't blame you for running away from your asinine insistence that the existence of intersex people invalidates the sexual binary of the human race. I can't believe you were dumb enough to say it in the first place. But you don't get to run away by trying to put words in my mouth. Neither I nor anyone else has EVER tried to say intersex people don't exist.

And since you DID actually say it, I CAN actually quote you.

". . . the body is a fairly complex organism that isn't as binary as you'd obviously prefer it to be. Along with people who have gender dysphoria there are people born intersexed who have biological sexual traits that don't conform to strict definitions of male or female."
A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year - post #137

"Really? Then post these thoughts of "biologists" on sex and gender because I don't they find either notions as binary as you stunted clowns present them."
I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman." - post #20

"What about a person with xy chromosomes, a vagina and testicles instead of ovaries? Again, real life isn't as binary as you frightened clowns desperately need to pretend it is."
I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman." -post #25

"You are conflating two separate issues, biology and sociology. On the biological question of what is a male and female the answer isn't binary. The biological fact that some people are born with any mixture of chromosomes and sex organs proves that point."
I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman." - post #57

"Those exceptions prove that it isn't binary and scientists certainly don't feel the pressure to make it so, you do."
I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman." - post #66

Do you need me to keep going?
Feel free too 😄 but all those quotes are me arguing correctly that in biology exists on a spectrum and that biological markers aren't definitive delineations between men and women. Which isn't to say that there are no men or women but that what is a man or a women isn't always clear and isn't as simple as what your chromosomes or sex organs indicate. The best explanation I've seen was to think of them as colors on a color wheel. We know red isn't the same as orange but where orange becomes red is a lot more subjective.
The 'scientific community'...Specifically the APA made a political decision in 1973 to remove homosexuality from it's mental disorder list. Therefore your reference to 'science' is based only on political bullshit. The medical profession offers expensive body-altering surgery as a solution to gender dysphoria instead of counseling to get to the bottom of the pain that people afflicted with gender dysphoria experience.
Maybe, just maybe, those college educated professionals know more about what they're doing than your uneducated ass does. 😄
What culture would that be?

The American Left has not only lost politically. You have lost your grip on the popular culture. I didn't think I would ever live to see it, but the combination of Woke Puritanism, Gender Weirdness and the Covid Cult absolutely did you in.

The zeitgeist is still taking shape and sinking in but make no mistake. The Left is BEYOND uncool now.
The American Left has not only lost politically. You have lost your grip on the popular culture. I didn't think I would ever live to see it, but the combination of Woke Puritanism, Gender Weirdlness and the Covid Cult absolutely did you in.

The zeitgeist is still taking shape and sinking in but make no mistake. The Left is BEYOND uncool now.
Where's your proof of that? Can you bend a giant corporation like Disney to your will and tell it to go fight someone on your behalf? Can you tear down statues of civil rights heroes like we can tear down statues of Confederate ones? We got NASCAR of all organizations to shit on their own customers by telling them to leave their piece of shit racist flag at home. Their own fucking customers. 🤣🤣🤣 Our music is the most popular, our movies our TV. We are the American culture.
Where's your proof of that? Can you bend a giant corporation like Disney to your will and tell it to go fight someone on your behalf? Can you tear down statues of civil rights heroes like we can tear down statues of Confederate ones? We got NASCAR of all organizations to shit on their own customers by telling them to leave their piece of shit racist flag at home. Their own fucking customers. 🤣🤣🤣 Our music is the most popular, our movies our TV. We are the American culture.

1. Disney has to hide what it's doing but note that a whistleblower outed the videos. Watch the whistleblowers. That's the direction of the culture.

2. How many people do you think loved the tearing down of statues vs. how many thought it was stupid. Are YOU stupid?

3. You are citing Puritanical shaming as a win. That's rich. It's your biggest failing. It has done you in. You are the biggest pack of finger-pointing, tongue-clucking, "well I never" judgmental blowhards this nation has ever seen since the Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock. You know what that is? Uncool. The ultimate in uncool.

4. No one goes to the movies anymore

5. Watch what happens to music, and TV
Where's your proof of that? Can you bend a giant corporation like Disney to your will and tell it to go fight someone on your behalf? Can you tear down statues of civil rights heroes like we can tear down statues of Confederate ones? We got NASCAR of all organizations to shit on their own customers by telling them to leave their piece of shit racist flag at home. Their own fucking customers. 🤣🤣🤣 Our music is the most popular, our movies our TV. We are the American culture.

The modern American Left has absolutely no sense of humor and cannot meme. Look above at what you call humor. Multiple laughing emojis and what is not remotely funny. Just your malignant hatred seething out hahaha


The modern American Left has absolutely no sense of humor and cannot meme. Look above at what you call humor. Multiple laughing emojis and what is not remotely funny. Just your malignant hatred seething out hahaha


View attachment 623834
I can't help it if l you don't see the humor in Nascar telling their own customers that they belong to a shit culture and to not bring their racist flag to their events anymore. That's objectively funny. 😄
If gender is not biologically concrete and a person should be referred to as the gender they identify as then it stands to reason that Jackson’s race is not definite either; if gender cannot be biologically determined then neither can race.

Indeed, there is much less biological difference between a white woman and a black woman, than there is between a man and a woman.

If a person can claim to be the opposite of his biological sex/gender, and be granted any credibility at all after making such a claim, then there remains no basis to not at least equally allow someone to claim to be of a different race than what their biology defines.
I can't help it if l you don't see the humor in Nascar telling their own customers that they belong to a shit culture and to not bring their racist flag to their events anymore. That's objectively funny. 😄

Smart mockery is funny--something ironic or a new take. That's why the Babylon Bee is wildly popular. What you post is not "Funny" in the way Leftists are almost never funny. What you mean by "funny" is your perceived enemies got a set-down. That's funny to you because you're mean-spirited. But it's far from "objectively funny"
1. What's wrong with bullying racists and bigots? 😄 As long as we can paint your lot as racists and bigots the vast majority will be okay with you being treated like shit.

2. That isn't force nor is it a demand, it's a social negotiation. You can learn to act right or you and yours can be shamed, ridiculed and shunned by society at large until you and your culture go extinct.

I was just wondering if you were going to get around to making one.

It being listed in the DSM-5 isn't evidence that it is a mental illness, just that it is listed on the DSM-5. For instance some Trans people argue for it remaining because it legitamizes gender dysphoria as a real condition which allows for them to receive treatment for it from their insurance. Also you'ew wrong, they did "rethink" it because it used to be listed as GID (gender identity disorder) and they switched it to gender dysphoria specifically changing the language from disorder.

I'm not asking for your apology. I'm actually happy to watch you clowns act like unrepentant bigots, it really pushes the rest of society to get off their asses and deal with you clowns. Also I've never said anyone had to take hormones, in don't even know where you think you got that from. Trans individuals should decide for themselves what level of transitioning they want to do or whether or not they want to transition at all.

Feel free too 😄 but all those quotes are me arguing correctly that in biology exists on a spectrum and that biological markers aren't definitive delineations between men and women. Which isn't to say that there are no men or women but that what is a man or a women isn't always clear and isn't as simple as what your chromosomes or sex organs indicate. The best explanation I've seen was to think of them as colors on a color wheel. We know red isn't the same as orange but where orange becomes red is a lot more subjective.

"Look, I have labeled you, which means I can be a piece of shit and tell myself how good I am!"

And then I didn't waste my time reading anything else you had to say. You've never been intelligent enough to be worth my time, but now you're too boring to even bother ridiculing. Try harder, little jester.
1. Disney has to hide what it's doing but note that a whistleblower outed the videos. Watch the whistleblowers. That's the direction of the culture.
Are you a moron? In the video she calls it her "not so secret agenda". The fact that you clowns even think some whistle has been blown is fucking hilarious. Fucking deepthroat over here going deep under cover to reveal not so secret agendas. 😂
2. How many people do you think loved the tearing down of statues vs. how many thought it was stupid. Are YOU stupid?
I think plenty of people were good with it which is why local governments are currently removing them themselves. Monument Ave was dismantled legally. I guess our arguments are more convincing to the population at large because what's wrong with tearing down statues to piece of shit slavers?
3. You are citing Puritanical shaming as a win. That's rich. It's your biggest failing. It has done you in. You are the biggest pack of finger-pointing, tongue-clucking, "well I never" judgmental blowhards this nation has ever seen since the Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock. You know what that is? Uncool. The ultimate in uncool.
What is is is good strategy. Public shame and ridicule work wonders for shaping public opinion. Peer pressure helps shape what is seen as acceptable and unacceptable. Propaganda is a wonderfully useful tool. For instance up above I asked you what's wrong with tearing down statues to piece of shit slavers. Sure it's a question but it's also a wonderful bit of peer pressure and propaganda. For one, they were slavers. You can't really argue they weren't. But more importantly I framed them as pieces of shit. If you can't argue they weren't slavers are you going to argue that people who engage in slavery aren't pieces of shit? Or are you going to argue that we should keep venerating pieces of shit? There's very little space there for people to argue on behalf of piece of shit slavers and then the next thing you know statues are coming down and the culture built around celebrating them is being questioned and looked at as deeply racist and deplorable.
4. No one goes to the movies anymore
That's not the same thing as saying no one watches movies anymore. And the movies they do go out to watch tend to be the Pixar and Marvel movies, Disney properties.
5. Watch what happens to music, and TV
I have. I watched Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B clown on Republicans and cucks like Ben Shapiro who are frightened and confused by Wet Ass Pussy. 😄
"Look, I have labeled you, which means I can be a piece of shit and tell myself how good I am!"

And then I didn't waste my time reading anything else you had to say. You've never been intelligent enough to be worth my time, but now you're too boring to even bother ridiculing. Try harder, little jester.
No. I'm okay with running away without ever having the balls to make an argument.
No. I'm okay with running away without ever having the balls to make an argument.

If you weren't so fucked-up as to be confused about the distinction between men and women, then you would realize that the person with whom you are arguing, being a woman, isn't supposed to have balls. If she had balls, she'd be a man.
If you weren't so fucked-up as to be confused about the distinction between men and women, then you would realize that the person with whom you are arguing, being a woman, isn't supposed to have balls. If she had balls, she'd be a man.
Some women do have balls. You should read a book every now and then.
Are you a moron? In the video she calls it her "not so secret agenda". The fact that you clowns even think some whistle has been blown is fucking hilarious. Fucking deepthroat over here going deep under cover to reveal not so secret agendas. 😂

I think plenty of people were good with it which is why local governments are currently removing them themselves. Monument Ave was dismantled legally. I guess our arguments are more convincing to the population at large because what's wrong with tearing down statues to piece of shit slavers?

What is is is good strategy. Public shame and ridicule work wonders for shaping public opinion. Peer pressure helps shape what is seen as acceptable and unacceptable. Propaganda is a wonderfully useful tool. For instance up above I asked you what's wrong with tearing down statues to piece of shit slavers. Sure it's a question but it's also a wonderful bit of peer pressure and propaganda. For one, they were slavers. You can't really argue they weren't. But more importantly I framed them as pieces of shit. If you can't argue they weren't slavers are you going to argue that people who engage in slavery aren't pieces of shit? Or are you going to argue that we should keep venerating pieces of shit? There's very little space their for people to argue on behalf of piece of shit slavers and then the next thing you know statues are coming down and the culture built around celebrating them is being questioned and looked at as deeply racist and deplorable.

That's not the same thing as saying no one watches movies anymore. And the movies they do go out to watch tend to be the Pixar and Marvel movies, Disney properties.

I have. I watched Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B clown on Republicans and cucks like Ben Shapiro who are frightened and confused by Wet Ass Pussy. 😄

Honey a bunch of people in San Francisco got recalled because they wanted to change the names of building because of "slavers".


That's how badly you're losing. Really really bad.

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