I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

Jackson perceived that the question was political, so she gave a political answer. Pretty smart actually.
She thought, 'Those idiot Democrats who I counted on the affirmative action my ass all the way to the supreme court sure don't make it easy with their asinine claim that gender is fluid. But, hey! I've been doing great at stalling every questioner with rambling answers, so this will all be over soon. Clarence will rule the day I came in to straighten his happy ass out!'
What about a person with xy chromosomes, a vagina and testicles instead of ovaries? Again, real life isn't as binary as you frightened clowns desperately need to pretend it is.
Obviously, they are an anomaly. They may not be able to fairly compete in either Women's or Men's athletics. Huh. Another example that life isn't fair. Special Olympians who use wheelchairs can't participate in pole vaulting, either. That's much more common than that XY chromosomes with testicles and penises scenario you are stressing out about.
She doesn't have to because there is NO discrimination based on sex. Which part do you not understand?

are you admitting she's female? then you must know the definition. Certainly Fuller does and so does the coach......and the media.
Yes, just like men's sports are open to women there is a female kicker on a college football team. I don't hear you town criers crying over her playing on a men's sports team.
Sarah Fuller

Senior student-athlete Sarah Fuller became the first woman to play in a football game in the Southeastern Conference and for a Power Five program when she kicked off at the start of the second half against the University of Missouri on Nov. 28.Feb 18, 2021

Kicking Down Barriers: Sarah Fuller makes history as kicker ...

https://news.vanderbilt.edu › 2021/02/18 › kicking-down-...
Awesome. The Junior High that I teach at had two females on its football team a few years ago. One was an offensive "lineman" and one was a running back. First string, no shit. Clearly, you and I have proven, with those few examples, that Football at all levels is a completely co-ed sport, open to anyone and, not at all a "men's" sport.

So, you advocate ending the categorization of sports in to "Men's" and "Women's?" This is my local "Women's" pro football team, the Houston Energy, with their coach:


I would love to be on that team. I was QB in Junior High and I had excellent timing for my passes. But in high school, all of the boys had grown a head taller than I and I could no longer see over their heads to pass downfield. I wound up on the bench all my Freshman year and off the team the next year.

But I could easily play with those athletes. If I sue to get on the team, will you support that lawsuit? There would be no downside to them not discriminating period, amirite?
Awesome. The Junior High that I teach at had two females on its football team a few years ago. Clearly, you and I have proven, with those few examples, that Football at all levels is a co-ed sport, not a "men's" sport.

So, you advocate ending the categorization of sports in to "Men's" and "Women's?" This is my local "Women's" pro football team, the Houston Energy, with their coach:

View attachment 621521

I would love to be on that team. I was QB in Junior High and I had excellent timing for my passes. But in high school, all of the boys had grown a head taller than I and I could no longer see over their heads to pass downfield. I wound up on the bench all my Freshman year and off the team the next year.

But I could easily play with those athletes. If I sue to get on the team, will you support that lawsuit? There would be no downside to them not discriminating period, amirite?
Athletic ability is not sex.
Of course not.

So do you advocate ending the practice of categorizing sports into "Men's" and "Women's"

Yes, or no, then explain all you like.
I really couldn't care if they stopped playing sports tomorrow. Amazing how the world still managed to exist without massive amounts of sporting events in the first millions of years of humans.
I really couldn't care if they stopped playing sports tomorrow. Amazing how the world still managed to exist without massive amounts of sporting events in the first millions of years of humans.
Dodging the question. They won't stop playing sports tomorrow. Because they will play sports tomorrow, people will have rights when it comes to sports, whether moonglow is a sports fan or not. Or maybe you think they don't have rights, because Moonglow doesn't care about sports?

Do you advocate that sports end the practice of categorizing teams into "Men's" and "Women's," or not?

BTW, your supposed misunderstanding of how beneficial sports can be to young people, especially young women, displays profound ignorance. I say "supposed," because I think you actually are smart enough to understand that, you just ran into an uncomfortable question, so you want to run away from it.
Obviously, they are an anomaly. They may not be able to fairly compete in either Women's or Men's athletics. Huh.
You are conflating two separate issues, biology and sociology. On the biological question of what is a male and female the answer isn't binary. The biological fact that some people are born with any mixture of chromosomes and sex organs proves that point.

The sociological question deals with things like the idea of fairness or like the bathroom issue. Let me explain the difference. Biology makes no case for what bathroom someone can or can not use. Meaning a woman isn't biologically incapable of walking into the men's room bending over a urinal and doing about as decent a job of making it in the hole as any guy (as far as my anecdotal evidence is concerned). The question of whether or not she can use the men's room isn't a question of biological capability but whether or not society wants to allow her to.

The question of whether trans athletes should be allowed to compete and where isn't a biological question. Biology can't even make clear determinations on what is a male or female and it certainly doesn't care one way or another if men or women or any combination of them play sport together.
Another example that life isn't fair. Special Olympians who use wheelchairs can't participate in pole vaulting, either. That's much more common than that XY chromosomes with testicles and penises scenario you are stressing out about.
In that case they would be biologically incapable of running which is a key aspect of the vaulting. A better analogy and question would be what to do with someone who wanted to compete with artifical legs.
I wonder how Ms. Jackson would have answered if she was asked if 'she' was a woman. :biggrin:

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