I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

My biology professor (who BTW decided he was bored with biology and taught us organic chemistry instead whittling the summer class from 35 down to 4 by the end) actually was never particularly concise about this answer. He would raise the question periodically. Some would say the gender that produced the offspring which apparently isn't always the case. Some would say the gender that was the smaller for the particular organism which apparently isn't always the case. Some would say chromosomes, which apparently isn't always the case. My only conclusion is that it must be done in some arbitrary way.

Either you're a moron, or your biology professor was criminally bad at his job and defrauded you of your class tuition.

Yes, there are species in the world that are different from humans, and don't reproduce the same way we do. This is irrelevant to human beings. The existence of earthworms (which are hermaphrodites) or sea horses (where the male births the offspring) or the red-tail hawk (in which the females are larger than the males) says nothing whatsoever about humans, nor does it blur in any way the realities about humans. We aren't worms, or fish, or birds, so what's true for them does not relate to us.
So am I, but mine are apparently too advanced for someone whose sum total of scientific "knowledge" consists of this week's talking points memo.
Are you? Because you suggested trans individuals were faking when brain scans clearly show something else going on there.
Are you suggesting trans individuals are pretending because the science there suggests their brain patterns are far more similar to the brain patterns of people in their chosen gender. Science isn't on your side dum dum.

I am, indeed, suggesting that they are pretending to be the opposite sex, on the simple basis that they are NOT the opposite sex. There is nothing you can say about "brain patterns", or hormones, or rare genetic defects, that will change that, because science isn't on YOUR side, dumbass.

You are what happens when people accept being someone else's minion and reject personal education and thought as being "above their station".
Are you? Because you suggested trans individuals were faking when brain scans clearly show something else going on there.

No, I said nothing whatsoever about brain scans, because sex is not determined by brain patterns, Chuckles. YOU started talking about brain patterns, because you're desperate to deflect away from the stone-cold fact that you are the sex your genes say you are, no matter what you think about it.

Bottom line: an effeminate man is still a man.
I am, indeed, suggesting that they are pretending to be the opposite sex, on the simple basis that they are NOT the opposite sex. There is nothing you can say about "brain patterns", or hormones, or rare genetic defects, that will change that, because science isn't on YOUR side, dumbass.
Why is the brain any less authority on gender? Is your brain not a part of your biology?
You are what happens when people accept being someone else's minion and reject personal education and thought as being "above their station".
Personal education? You personally educated yourself to ignore the brain as a function of human biology? That actually explains a lot. 😂
No, I said nothing whatsoever about brain scans, because sex is not determined by brain patterns, Chuckles. YOU started talking about brain patterns, because you're desperate to deflect away from the stone-cold fact that you are the sex your genes say you are, no matter what you think about it.

Bottom line: an effeminate man is still a man.
Gender, not sex is what is determined by the brain you dipshit, try and keep up.
You are conflating two separate issues, biology and sociology. On the biological question of what is a male and female the answer isn't binary. The biological fact that some people are born with any mixture of chromosomes and sex organs proves that point.

The sociological question deals with things like the idea of fairness or like the bathroom issue. Let me explain the difference. Biology makes no case for what bathroom someone can or can not use. Meaning a woman isn't biologically incapable of walking into the men's room bending over a urinal and doing about as decent a job of making it in the hole as any guy (as far as my anecdotal evidence is concerned). The question of whether or not she can use the men's room isn't a question of biological capability but whether or not society wants to allow her to.

The question of whether trans athletes should be allowed to compete and where isn't a biological question. Biology can't even make clear determinations on what is a male or female and it certainly doesn't care one way or another if men or women or any combination of them play sport together.

In that case they would be biologically incapable of running which is a key aspect of the vaulting. A better analogy and question would be what to do with someone who wanted to compete with artifical legs.

No, YOU are conflating them. You keep trying to say, "Brain scans prove that biological differences don't exist". That's when you aren't trying to rush past the science entirely and go right to, "I've decided biological males can be women, so let's talk about how society has to change to make me happy."
Why is the brain any less authority on gender? Is your brain not a part of your biology?

Personal education? You personally educated yourself to ignore the brain as a function of human biology? That actually explains a lot. 😂

You actually don't know the answer to this question? I thought you were so sure that biologists don't support our position, but it seems like you've never actually consulted one. I guess that coincides with your voluminous repeated posts about what biologists tell us that don't actually contain any quotes from biologists.

The brain has a function in human biology, because it's part of human biology. There are also many functions it doesn't have, and among them would be sex determination. This would be why, when doctors want to determine an unborn child's sex, they run a DNA test rather than a brain scan.

You've definitely explained to us that you never bothered to educate yourself in any way at all.
Gender, not sex is what is determined by the brain you dipshit, try and keep up.

Ah, so now we're into "gender is sex, until I need it to be stereotypes; I'll just use it to mean whatever I need at the moment" portion of your sad display of America's failing educational system.

Sorry, but I don't allow fools to set the parameters of debate, and I sure as hell don't allow them to change them every other sentence to suit themselves. Stick to the topic, or admit that you lost.
No, YOU are conflating them. You keep trying to say, "Brain scans prove that biological differences don't exist". That's when you aren't trying to rush past the science entirely and go right to, "I've decided biological males can be women, so let's talk about how society has to change to make me happy."
That's not what I'm saying you idiot. You'd have to go back to the start of my conversation to see that my comments about biology were in response to a poster saying men were born with penises and women vaginas. The context of that argument was to point out its entirely possible for a person to be born with xy chromosomes, a vagina and testies instead of ovaries. That's a separate issue from that of gender you fucking moron.
You are conflating two separate issues, biology and sociology. On the biological question of what is a male and female the answer isn't binary. The biological fact that some people are born with any mixture of chromosomes and sex organs proves that point.

The sociological question deals with things like the idea of fairness or like the bathroom issue. Let me explain the difference. Biology makes no case for what bathroom someone can or can not use. Meaning a woman isn't biologically incapable of walking into the men's room bending over a urinal and doing about as decent a job of making it in the hole as any guy (as far as my anecdotal evidence is concerned). The question of whether or not she can use the men's room isn't a question of biological capability but whether or not society wants to allow her to.

The question of whether trans athletes should be allowed to compete and where isn't a biological question. Biology can't even make clear determinations on what is a male or female and it certainly doesn't care one way or another if men or women or any combination of them play sport together.

In that case they would be biologically incapable of running which is a key aspect of the vaulting. A better analogy and question would be what to do with someone who wanted to compete with artifical legs.

Birth defects and blind evolutionary alleys don't make your arguement.

Of all the people in all of history that have had that particular birth defect, how many does it add up to? 10,000? How many today? 10?

On a planet that is over 7 billion, you want to force the majority into accepting a birth defect for a political point. So much for the left's claim of 'democracy'.
She was being questioned about the English language, moron. There is no "context" in which the answer changes.
She was asked a politicized question and gave a political answer. What's the problem?
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What about a person with xy chromosomes, a vagina and testicles instead of ovaries? Again, real life isn't as binary as you frightened clowns desperately need to pretend it is.
Ah, so it seems we have come across your issue. So you must be one of the .03% of those deformities.

Birth defects and blind evolutionary alleys don't make your arguement.

Of all the people in all of history that have had that particular birth defect, how many does it add up to? 10,000? How many today? 10?

On a planet that is over 7 billion, you want to force the majority into accepting a birth defect for a political point. So much for the left's claim of 'democracy'.
When you act like referring to a trans person by their preferred gender is some giant imposition, to me its the equivalent of someone insisting they get to call a person born with one leg, Gimpy. In that case you can see why the rest of us decent folk would see you as a mutant and a moron, no?
I am, indeed, suggesting that they are pretending to be the opposite sex, on the simple basis that they are NOT the opposite sex. There is nothing you can say about "brain patterns", or hormones, or rare genetic defects, that will change that, because science isn't on YOUR side, dumbass.

You are what happens when people accept being someone else's minion and reject personal education and thought as being "above their station".
Of course they`re pretending. Kids like getting their asses kicked in school. :rolleyes:
Male and female brains may look similar, but their minds operate differently. A man uses a hammer to build a wall. A woman uses it to hang a picture on that wall.

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